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SoCal Pepper spray at Wally World


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And this is why I don't go out.

Joseph Poulose, who said he was hit with the spray near the DVD and video games display, criticized the store for failing to control the crowds.

And this is one thing wrong with our country. It couldn't be the shoppers' fault...blame the store because a bunch of jack asses couldn't control themselves. If your wife is pregnant, going out on BF probably isn't a good idea, idiot. :nono:

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And this is why I don't go out.

And this is one thing wrong with our country. It couldn't be the shoppers' fault...blame the store because a bunch of jack asses couldn't control themselves. If your wife is pregnant, going out on BF probably isn't a good idea, idiot. :nono:

Yea, Wally wally world has has a horrible time controlling the people on bf. I'm in Cincinnati right now and the crowds were out at 9 on Thursday :nono:. Too cold for me really to wait in that mess. Hell I went their to get some ammo today and they still had a decent number of people there.

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this one was fucked up

Newman's wife and other witnesses say that he was just trying to help his young grandson after the boy was trampled by shoppers, and only put a video game in his waistband to free his hands to help the boy.

he also had $600 worth of merchandise in his shopping cart ...



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Didn't 2 people shot and kill each other at walmart last year on BF?

Edit: here is the shooting last year


And here is what I just found for this year


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And this is all over Christmas shopping... this is just a slight example of what a societal breakdown would look light. Just think if this was over food and water or other resources needed to survive.

Oh boy mass chaos would ensue if it was for daily resources. Much worse that bf shopping.

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And this is all over Christmas shopping... this is just a slight example of what a societal breakdown would look light. Just think if this was over food and water or other resources needed to survive.

And imagine how many people wouldn't be able to survive...

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People in general are fucking selfish disgusting pieces of worthless shit. Very rarely do you hear a story about someone helping a stranger in need, but there are millions of videos of people being beaten unmercifully while nobody intervenes, especially not the.coward holding the camera. Our society has deevolved into such a mass of greedy selfish shit that most people wouldn't know how to save their own souls if it involved something as easy as opening the door for someone else.

I may not be perfect or even good by some standards but I still know its wrong to trample your fellow man to get a fucking toy 30% off. There should be grave consequences for discarding your humanity in the name of deep discount prices. Those sad fucks should get what's coming to them.

Merry fucking Xmas

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BF is a disgrace. Never been bargain hunting on BF, never will. Not gonna deal with that crap for $50 off a PS3.

New law: Any time a store should reasonably expect a crowd to form in anticipation of a shopping event, the store is responsible fro the safety of the shoppers and staff. They must conduct their business in a safe manner.

How about 30 minutes before opening time they walk down the line and hand out those plastic bracelets they put on hospital patients - must be cut off, can't be removed intact. These bracelets are numbered. All deeply discounted items will have an appropriate per-person limit (the first person in can't buy them all). Then shoppers are let in 20 at a time based upon bracelet number. If you show up at the register without a bracelet or your bracelet number is higher than the current batch of shoppers then you are escorted out. The store should hire some off-duty officers to keep the peace at the door. Stores that have two rows of doors would operate on an "airlock" basis... Let the next batch of shoppers in through the outer doors, but leave the inner doors locked. Once that batch of shoppers is inside the outer doors and closed and the inner doors are opened.

Yes, this is too much. But so is allowing hundreds of people to stampede each other to death for a f*cking waffle iron.

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If Grandpa really loved his Grandson' date=' he'd take him to the farm and spend the morning plinking cans off the fence[/quote']

After writing that message about BF I grabbed my son and went outside - we just spent the last 30 mins plinking beer cans in the back yard. Came back in and read this. We apparently think alike (in some respects). :cool:

You know what, we don't need any new laws - the existing civil precedents will take care of it. If Wally World (is that named after their founder, or their clientele?) wants to line up hundreds of people and then funnel them into a stampede like that then let them - the lawsuits that follow will be paid off quietly with no admission of liability and we'll never hear about them. Apparently they're not big enough lawsuits because they're still pulling this crap every year.

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BF is a disgrace. Never been bargain hunting on BF, never will. Not gonna deal with that crap for $50 off a PS3.

New law: Any time a store should reasonably expect a crowd to form in anticipation of a shopping event, the store is responsible fro the safety of the shoppers and staff. They must conduct their business in a safe manner.

How about 30 minutes before opening time they walk down the line and hand out those plastic bracelets they put on hospital patients - must be cut off, can't be removed intact. These bracelets are numbered. All deeply discounted items will have an appropriate per-person limit (the first person in can't buy them all). Then shoppers are let in 20 at a time based upon bracelet number. If you show up at the register without a bracelet or your bracelet number is higher than the current batch of shoppers then you are escorted out. The store should hire some off-duty officers to keep the peace at the door. Stores that have two rows of doors would operate on an "airlock" basis... Let the next batch of shoppers in through the outer doors, but leave the inner doors locked. Once that batch of shoppers is inside the outer doors and closed and the inner doors are opened.

Yes, this is too much. But so is allowing hundreds of people to stampede each other to death for a f*cking waffle iron.

Microcenter down near me has employes walk outside down the line of waiting customers and ask what they are there for and gives them a voucher for what item they want, 1 per person, then after all the vouchers or the line of ppl are taken care of they go back inside and wait for opening time worked out great when I went there a couple years ago

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  • 2 weeks later...
LOS ANGELES — A Los Angeles woman accused of attacking at least 20 Black Friday shoppers at a Walmart store with pepper spray won't face felony charges, prosecutors said Thursday.

The case of Elizabeth Macias, 32, was referred to city attorneys after county prosecutors didn't find evidence of a felony, said Sandi Gibbons, a spokeswoman for the Los Angeles County district attorney's office.

Macias could still face misdemeanor prosecution, Gibbons said.


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And this is all over Christmas shopping... this is just a slight example of what a societal breakdown would look light. Just think if this was over food and water or other resources needed to survive.

And that, sir, is why I'm armed.

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