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Cloaked Craft Off Mercury

hue jass

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How would the existence of aliens shoot big holes in any religion? I'm somewhat of a religious person, and the idea of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe would have little to no impact on my belief in God.
We thought the same thing when the world was found to not be the center of the solar system, when atoms were discovered, when we first saw the glow left by the big bang and will also be tested when we find the secret to animating organics or silicates to make new life forms. Knowing we have neighbors that have existed long before we could talk seems like an small issue for religion to overcome. :rolleyes:

I was speaking in generalities, there are the more reasonable followers of all religions. I am not saying all people will flip out about finding ET. I do think that many of the more "extreme" followers will flip out and will convince and convert many of the more moderate followers. There will be more heated debates as to if Angles were really the aliens or if the aliens are really daemons from satan. I honestly don't think it will turn out well. We already have people of the same religions blowing each other up over how to best follow the dogma of the same religion.

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How would the existence of aliens shoot big holes in any religion? I'm somewhat of a religious person, and the idea of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe would have little to no impact on my belief in God.

Because God said that we are the ones made in his image...so if aliens do exist, it is very UNLIKELY they look just like us which kind of shoots a hole in our whole "unique" theory when we find out that we are not special. Think about how all of the pagan tribal people reacted when the Christians rode into their village and said that their Gods were bullshit and everything they knew was wrong. If the aliens make it here, then they are obviously superior beings to humans so we would be the lesser species. I believe in a creator, but organized religion is just a tool to control the masses by tying unavoidable consequences to inappropriate actions.

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It is nothing like we think it will be. There are so many levels of reality out there, and we are just within a small stretch of time, that allows us to be here.

With now the estimated 14.2 Billion yrs the Universe has been here, we have had the opportunity to do this, interact with, and be a part of all this more times then we can count.

So keep looking up, then sit back and enjoy. :bow:

Ride safe all, and ATGATT please.


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That we aren't the only intelligent life in all of the universe? Really?

We are intelligent?:wtf: I am a believer for sure, to not think there could be/is life out there other than here......just take a nice long look up there on a clear night. See all those shiny sparkly things, those are planets and suns "and they go on infinitely" as far as we know.

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I was speaking in generalities, there are the more reasonable followers of all religions. I am not saying all people will flip out about finding ET. I do think that many of the more "extreme" followers will flip out and will convince and convert many of the more moderate followers. There will be more heated debates as to if Angles were really the aliens or if the aliens are really daemons from satan. I honestly don't think it will turn out well. We already have people of the same religions blowing each other up over how to best follow the dogma of the same religion.

Don't be obtuse. There's a perfectly good way to destroy Satan's daemons, and that's the holy "kill -9". It says so right in the holy Books of O'Reilly, maybe you should RTFM next time.


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To believe that we are the only intelligent life is absolutely egocentric, how can we be?? For all that we can guess, space is infinite with system after countless system containing EVERY possibility to sustain life. I believe there are trillions and trillions of other species that do not exist here, just because we haven't caught them on film doesn't mean they aren't living elsewhere.

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space is so big, we're just stuck in the corner. We've been visited before, and likely are still... and will be again. I'm with Steven Hawking... He's against looking for others, since it's likely they'll be far more technologically advanced than us, and won't have much reason to let us live.

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space is so big, we're just stuck in the corner. We've been visited before, and likely are still... and will be again. I'm with Steven Hawking... He's against looking for others, since it's likely they'll be far more technologically advanced than us, and won't have much reason to let us live.

An interesting point.

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It is nothing like we think it will be. There are so many levels of reality out there, and we are just within a small stretch of time, that allows us to be here.

With now the estimated 14.2 Billion yrs the Universe has been here, we have had the opportunity to do this, interact with, and be a part of all this more times then we can count.

So keep looking up, then sit back and enjoy. :bow:

Ride safe all, and ATGATT please.


someone told me it was 6,000 years. time to hit conservapedia to do some research...

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An interesting point.

Did you read what Stephen Hawking said about aliens?


He suggests that aliens might simply raid Earth for its resources and then move on: "We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. I imagine they might exist in massive ships, having used up all the resources from their home planet. Such advanced aliens would perhaps become nomads, looking to conquer and colonise whatever planets they can reach."

He concludes that trying to make contact with alien races is "a little too risky". He said: "If aliens ever visit us, I think the outcome would be much as when Christopher Columbus first landed in America, which didn't turn out very well for the Native Americans."

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When the smartest man in the world is afraid of aliens, I'm afraid of aliens.

You flatter me. But if you consider there in more intelligent life in the Universe, then you must also consider there to be "law" enforced by some of them. Hitch Hikers Beware!


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You flatter me. But if you consider there in more intelligent life in the Universe, then you must also consider there to be "law" enforced by some of them. Hitch Hikers Beware!

I will consider that there must be "law" enforced if you will consider that there may NOT be. Do we really wanna chance it?

How can something with a beginning, and is expanding be infinite? infinity +1... sort of like dividing by 0.

I did some reading, and turns out infinity + 1 is larger than infinity. It's weird math, but it exists :)

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