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Ron Paul: The 45th President Of The United States


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idk, his ideas are just too radical, he's not a good speaker, he hates minorities and everyone knows he's unelectable. :p

He is a constitutionalist, he wants states rights, he wants to reign in big govt, and let me tell you, he speaks the plain truth, and can speak volumes of common sense. So yes, according to some of this, he might be considered unelectable.....to those who want slick talking presidents like Barry or to those who want their handouts, or to those who do not believe in our living constitution.

Ron Paul hates minorities....hmmm, have never heard that one before. I do know he is against illegal aliens, is against all that goes with them, wants to secure our borders. If you consider that hating minorities, well I guess you are right.

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He is a constitutionalist, he wants states rights, he wants to reign in big govt, and let me tell you, he speaks the plain truth, and can speak volumes of common sense. So yes, according to some of this, he might be considered unelectable.....to those who want slick talking presidents like Barry or to those who want their handouts, or to those who do not believe in our living constitution.

Ron Paul hates minorities....hmmm, have never heard that one before. I do know he is against illegal aliens, is against all that goes with them, wants to secure our borders. If you consider that hating minorities, well I guess you are right.

i was just being sarcastic. i'm a huge fan of the good doctor.

i just thought i would post that stuff before the people who know he is undeniable as the best politician for the people, but just refuse to admit it, posted it. :)

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i was just being sarcastic. i'm a huge fan of the good doctor.

i just thought i would post that stuff before the people who know he is undeniable as the best politician for the people, but just refuse to admit it, posted it. :)

Cool ;)

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I've always been registered as a repub, I'm voting for Ron int the primary, and if he gets the nomination, then he will get my vote for president. If any of those other morons get nominated, then I guess I'll have to vote for Obama this time.

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Ohio doesnt require us to be registered one way or another to cast a vote for Paul for the Republican nomination correct?

Yes, they do, however you can change affiliated parties when you go to vote on the primary.

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For the record, I read through all of this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_positions_of_Ron_Paul.

His economic positions are a joke. Gold and silver backed currency? Really? At the end of the day, it still comes down to people determining the value of things, whether they be the dollar in a fiat state or a hunk of shiny metal. I'd argue that in order to ensure currency stability, he'd have to outlaw speculation and market manipulation in the gold/silver commodities markets to make sure you don't have some errant trader somewhere who tanks the market on purpose just as a bevy of other traders have before. But that's ZOMGREGULATION!, and clearly that's bad.

No income tax? Or was it a 10% income tax? I especially like how he's going to fund the federal government on excise taxes (on what goods, specifically?) and tariffs (which surely won't spark retaliatory tariffs on our exported goods, oh no!) I especially like the bootstrappy, you can opt-out of all government involvement with a 10% income tax. Earmarks, of course, are bad unless, you know, he does them: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,292334,00.html.

The guy is consistent, I'll give him that. I'll also accept that he's got a lot of good points in there (at least auditing the Fed, if not outright destroying it, his stances on the judicial process, war on drugs, stem cell research), but the bad, and his unwavering belief that the "market will sort itself out", especially after the financial crisis, is way too overpowering.

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For the record, I read through all of this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_positions_of_Ron_Paul.

His economic positions are a joke. Gold and silver backed currency? Really? At the end of the day, it still comes down to people determining the value of things, whether they be the dollar in a fiat state or a hunk of shiny metal. I'd argue that in order to ensure currency stability, he'd have to outlaw speculation and market manipulation in the gold/silver commodities markets to make sure you don't have some errant trader somewhere who tanks the market on purpose just as a bevy of other traders have before. But that's ZOMGREGULATION!, and clearly that's bad.

No income tax? Or was it a 10% income tax? I especially like how he's going to fund the federal government on excise taxes (on what goods, specifically?) and tariffs (which surely won't spark retaliatory tariffs on our exported goods, oh no!) I especially like the bootstrappy, you can opt-out of all government involvement with a 10% income tax. Earmarks, of course, are bad unless, you know, he does them: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,292334,00.html.

The guy is consistent, I'll give him that. I'll also accept that he's got a lot of good points in there (at least auditing the Fed, if not outright destroying it, his stances on the judicial process, war on drugs, stem cell research), but the bad, and his unwavering belief that the "market will sort itself out", especially after the financial crisis, is way too overpowering.

Ron Paul on earmarks: http://www.ronpaul.com/2009-03-11/ron-paul-on-earmarks/

Can you honestly say you believe that a free market wouldn't prevail when corporations are removed entirely from politics? What do you think caused the financial crisis? Wasn't it government regulation that encouraged banks to take on higher risk mortgages so more people could buy homes? Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac? Government outsourcing of securities risk assessment? FDIC allowing banks to take larger risks (since the Fed insured the money)? Artificially low/negative Fed fund rates? A free market didn't cause this collapse. Political intervention didn't cause it either, but it surely didn't help.

Can you honestly say there's a better candidate for the US Presidency out there? Obama? :lol:

I don't have time to write more, but I will try to later. But you sound like Glenn Beck.

PS: You really shouldn't quote Fox News for anything.

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Ron Paul on earmarks: http://www.ronpaul.com/2009-03-11/ron-paul-on-earmarks/

Can you honestly say you believe that a free market wouldn't prevail when corporations are removed entirely from politics?

If you are suggesting that Paul would remove corporations (and their associated money) from politics, then I would have to ask for a citation since I don't see it in the Wiki article. As long as corporate personhood is intact, and Citizens United is in force, you aren't removing corporations from anything political anytime soon. I would need to see his positions on that to form a opinion about his stance.

What do you think caused the financial crisis? Wasn't it government regulation that encouraged banks to take on higher risk mortgages so more people could buy homes? Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac? Government outsourcing of securities risk assessment? FDIC allowing banks to take larger risks (since the Fed insured the money)? Artificially low/negative Fed fund rates? A free market didn't cause this collapse. Political intervention didn't cause it either, but it surely didn't help.

So much to process...

Government didn't create credit default swaps. Government didn't create CDO's. Government didn't lump subprime mortgages into complex derivatives that they sold to rubes (with AAA ratings from private ratings firms, government didn't do that either) then started betting against them. Government didn't... you see where I'm going with this.

Government, however, did repeal Glass-Steagall, which was one of the major pieces of regulation to come from the Great Depression. It greatly reduced the separation between commercial and investment banks. There's also this: "In 2004, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission relaxed the net capital rule, which enabled investment banks to substantially increase the level of debt they were taking on, fueling the growth in mortgage-backed securities supporting subprime mortgages. The SEC has conceded that self-regulation of investment banks contributed to the crisis."

In short, a completely-free-of-regulation market is not feasible as long as humans are running it, especially humans in large groups, and ESPECIALLY the types of people that usually get into this line of business. I hate to use a movie reference to make a point, but Boiler Room/Wall Street may have been caricatures of Wall Street traders, but but they weren't far off the mark. People need boundaries, institutions run by people need even bigger boundaries, and institutions that are as integral to the economy as the stock market need army of people to make sure that things are running as they should.

Can you honestly say there's a better candidate for the US Presidency out there? Obama? :lol:

I'll be the first one to admit that Obama hasn't lived up to the hype. I'll also be the first one to point out that the Republicans have behaved like whiny little babies for his entire term. I recall seeing a news article about one of the new Tea Party congressman whining about how his new, lifetime, taxpayer funded health coverage didn't take effect immediately, here it is Or how Republicans seem to come up with distraction after distraction. Family values, mentioning God in addresses, homosexual agenda, gay marriage, gays in the military, abortion (forcing debate on unconstitutional laws in defiance of accepted precedent)

Don't misunderstand me here, I am well aware that Democrats have more than their fair share of failings.

I don't have time to write more, but I will try to later. But you sound like Glenn Beck.

PS: You really shouldn't quote Fox News for anything.

Glenn Beck? Dude, that seriously hurts. Besides, I though Fox News was a respected journalistic outlet amongst the Republican base?

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Ron Paul won't be the next President. I just want him to win in the primary so Obama is forced to debate with him. I want to see Ron Paul hold the President's feet to the coals. Obama needs to have his ass handed to him in a debate' date=' and voting for Ron Paul is really the only thing that will make that happen. None of the other candidates have the stones, or credibility, to stand up to Obama.

Obama should be forced to explain himself for his ineptitude as President, thus far.[/quote']

if Ron Paul goes head-to-head with Obama, I think he's got a damn good shot at winning.

I think you underestimate the number of people who simply vote "R" because they don't know anything about politics, let alone the candidates.

The same is true for a large contingent of democrat supporters, but they've had 4 years to get pissed off at Obama.

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