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A cool xmas story......


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My father at our family get together for christmas decided to share something that happened to him when at a local store on Saturday.

(i think it was saturday.... maybe friday) Mom had sent him out to groceries for the holidays.... as usual he wore his Korean Veteran hat.

while in line at the checkout a young gentleman, 25 i believe, first payed for my dads stuff then shook his hand thanking him for his sevice. though my father wanted to share all this with us he didnt get a few words in and lost it. He was so moved by what this man had done....... Its so cool too know there are still good people in this world that recognize what others have done for our freedom. I cant express how proud I am of my father and what he did .... and had done as for the last so many years since retirement by going with another vet to schools doing talks on the korean war.

as a side note, there is very little I know of what he seen or went through in korea. as many vets, he keeps it to himself. my one brother did run into another korean vet somewhere in penn. and he told him some of the places dad had fought and was told by this vet that we should be thankful because for all the men that walked onto those hills only a select few walked off. cant imagine...... to any vets, currently in theater and those who have made it back state side. THANK YOU...... thank you

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Where is your dad at? I have done this for more than one vet before. Bought an entire meal and sent a vet ice cream at Tom's ice cream bowl one vetrans day. Completely threw him off when he went to pay for it. They told him the guy in the VTAC shirt that just walked out paid for it. He chased me down in the street and tried to pay me back. :D Then wanted to pay for mine. :D

on a side note. My dad spent two tours in veitnam. I finally got him to open up one day and he has been better off since. The more he talks about it and gets it out the better he feels. Now, he did some pretty rough stuff over there (things I promised I would not repeat and for reasons he is ashamed of... kids grenades bombs you should get the point) and with the right amount of whiskey you get him to talk about the bad... and brother there is some bad. He still has his knife and I am scared of some of the stuff that thing has seen and done.

It's not for everyone and I understand that. But, it seemed to really lift my dad out of a dark place knowing that I did want to know about it and what happened. Plus reassuring him that you hold no grudge for anything that he had to do and that it was a job will help him out as well.

My dad is 5'4" and in the military was a whopping 120-140lbs. Guess what work he had to do. He was a pit monkey. Every time they came to a pit, a tunnel a cave anything. It was hey green get your stuff off your going in.

Edited by Beegreenstrings
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Excellent gesture on both guys' part -- I'd also like to thank your father for his service, and anyone else that's served and reads this!! I do love my freedom and appreciate everyday of it thanks to all who serve

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