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Who invests?


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If you have a 401K, contribute AT LEAST as much as what your company will match - it's free money. If you can max it out, do it.

If you get a raise, invest all of it - you were doing ok on what you earned before, right?

As to where you should put your inve$tment moniez, it depends upon your age, the amount you have saved now, your current income and spending levels, your debt level, what expenditures you have coming up (e.g. college for kids), and a host of other things.

My advice: See a financial planner, try to find one that works on a percentage of the assets under advisement, typically 1% - 1.5%.

Avoid insurance salesmen. They're looking to sell you something from which they'll earn a commission.

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Socking money away isn't the issue. I have my 401k maxed out to the federal limit. Aside from a garage full of motorcycle crap, I live within my means.

I was using a big name potfolio advisory service (dropped them) to manage one of my accounts, but it was doing much worse than another account I manage myself. And I and really don't know what I'm doing. That's why I was asking for specific funds to look at.

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I have been buying XLU for the last year ( utilities sector ETF) and monday I am putting in a limit order for 2,300 shares of DUK (duke energy corp) I will also sell covered calls and use the proceeds to buy more of the same stock

I am not chasing huge returns just looking for the income from higher dividend stocks.

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