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The real reason Megaupload was taken down?


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you must be a very enjoyable individual. 99% of anything I've ever seen posted or said in person from Jbot is for entertainment and comedy purposes. Lighten up man :rolleyes:

Agreed I've only been here for a year and anything Jbot posts usually involves curb stomping puppies or some other obscure meme or social taboo :lol:

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I can't believe that everyone has let mattm distract them from the point of this thread....


Disclaimer: I have no real proof of this but it makes for a good story. So leave jbot out of this and lets have a good clean fight.

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Wrong jbot, but at least you are entertaining and quite an obvious douchebag.

Casper posts a link to some bullshit story and then says "If this is true, wow..." and within minutes the entire story is debunked. Even jbot must see how stupid that is. Casper believes this crap and actively engages in pushing what is tantamount to a disinformation campaign on the users of this site. I find that unfortunate and I also am unwilling to accept that bullshit just because it came from Casper himself.

Get off my nuts and have a nice day. :D

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Ok. It's starting to make a little bit of sense. I didn't follow this thread. The Godzilla saga never really interested me. If I want to see dubbed-over Asian actors, it better be Enter the Dragon or Enter the Vagina.

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Wrong jbot, but at least you are entertaining and quite an obvious douchebag.

Casper posts a link to some bullshit story and then says "If this is true, wow..." and within minutes the entire story is debunked. Even jbot must see how stupid that is. Casper believes this crap and actively engages in pushing what is tantamount to a disinformation campaign on the users of this site. I find that unfortunate and I also am unwilling to accept that bullshit just because it came from Casper himself.

heyyyy now... i like to think i'm capable of subtleties.

anyway, don't let my obvious douchebaggery dissuade you. continue your jihad on internet speculation and misinformation. you will surely win this war, friend. you do the internets a valuable service by spending your waking hours tsk-tsk-tsking at rampant conspiracy theories.

even someone as brilliant and totally not-captain-obvious as you, must be able to see how fruitful your efforts are. now, can you tell us a bit about how we really DID go to the moon? pleeeaaase?

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I can't believe that everyone has let mattm distract them from the point of this thread....


Disclaimer: I have no real proof of this but it makes for a good story. So leave jbot out of this and lets have a good clean fight.


Now we're getting somewhere!

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Mattm~I was given the right to do the following.... if I don't believe something is correct in a posting I can either find the correct info and post it, or I can ignore the post and go on with life. I also know what not to do and that is bash anyone on the forum for there opinions or view its rude and you will get your ass handed to you by the other members, who are very skilled and are very knowledgeable in many areas of life!

Sorry if I offened anyone...just my thoughts

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I have to ask Casper why he automatically believes every such bullshit story that is on the internet.

Casper, do you spend hours in line at the grocery reading the tabloids? You do realize that every story you post is equivalent to the batboy story in the tabloids as your links never include any substantiation of the claim, just a thin veneer of bullshit. Why do all of your links not pass the smell/idiot test? That means that the story smells so bad that even an idiot knows not to latch onto it.

Wrong jbot, but at least you are entertaining and quite an obvious douchebag.

Casper posts a link to some bullshit story and then says "If this is true, wow..." and within minutes the entire story is debunked. Even jbot must see how stupid that is. Casper believes this crap and actively engages in pushing what is tantamount to a disinformation campaign on the users of this site. I find that unfortunate and I also am unwilling to accept that bullshit just because it came from Casper himself.

"If this is true, wow."

"a hell of a coincidence"

Pull off the tinfoil hat and stop worrying about the black helicopters. I know this doesn't match the narrative you actively try to promote on this site but the ideas your are trying to espouse are completely wrong. Everytime you post crap like this you are proven wrong yet you still do it because nobody asks that you go back and retract your bullshit statements.

Some of us will not accept that. Some of us will reveal your sensationalism and will require that you support your arguments with facts not innuendo. This is not the 3rd grade Casper. You do have to show your work and not just copy the work of others as you consistently do on this site.

Look man, whats with the vendetta against Casper? Who the fuck shit in your cereal? This place and it's contents are comparable to a radio......if you're offended by what your reading, change the channel jackhole......its that fuckin' simple - nobody likes a cryin' ass tearbag dripping all over their topics of discussion.......unless you got a couple pennies worth of on-topic input, zip your shit chute :D ( oh, and I meant NO disrespect....at all....really.....burning truthfully or not, surely you'll take it as bs;))

As for my input here, I wish the world was free to pirate as much media as humanly possible......my bands need all the free exposure we can get :lol:

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If each track sold for $.35 and a movie could be downloaded for $2(to keep forever), there would be almost no piracy. iTunes already busted the music industry for billions. Legally, with no conspiracy necessary. (Wait - didn't the iPod intro and Steve Jobs cancer happen about the same time? Coincidence? I think not!)

my $.02

Otherwise - another fun OR thread. L'dMAO. Now I'm off to get a paper towel to clean the spittle off the monitor.

Edited by DAC
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Wrong jbot, but at least you are entertaining and quite an obvious douchebag.

Casper posts a link to some bullshit story and then says "If this is true, wow..." and within minutes the entire story is debunked. Even jbot must see how stupid that is. Casper believes this crap and actively engages in pushing what is tantamount to a disinformation campaign on the users of this site. I find that unfortunate and I also am unwilling to accept that bullshit just because it came from Casper himself.

"If this is true, wow."

"a hell of a coincidence"

Pull off the tinfoil hat and stop worrying about the black helicopters. I know this doesn't match the narrative you actively try to promote on this site but the ideas your are trying to espouse are completely wrong. Everytime you post crap like this you are proven wrong yet you still do it because nobody asks that you go back and retract your bullshit statements.

Some of us will not accept that. Some of us will reveal your sensationalism and will require that you support your arguments with facts not innuendo. This is not the 3rd grade Casper. You do have to show your work and not just copy the work of others as you consistently do on this site.

Man you're such a loser. Get the stick out of your ass and get over it.

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A copy of the lawsuit Megaupload filed against Universal Music Group.

This was about 6 weeks before the big news of Kim Dotcom's arrest and takedown.


Also, there was a lawsuit against Megaupload back in 2009, that failed.

Expect the agencies involved to be sued by various parties for an illegal takedown and seizure .

Edited by ReconRat
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