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Tim Thomas (Boston Bruins) refused to visit the White House


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I believe the Federal government has grown out of control, threatening the Rights, Liberties, and Property of the People.

This is being done at the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial level. This is in direct opposition to the Constitution and the Founding Fathers vision for the Federal government.

Because I believe this, today I exercised my right as a Free Citizen, and did not visit the White House. This was not about politics or party, as in my opinion both parties are responsible for the situation we are in as a country. This was about a choice I had to make as an INDIVIDUAL.

This is the only public statement I will be making on this topic. TT

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Timmy Thomas is the man!

EDIT: I saw an article that was ragging on Thomas for not going, saying it was disrespectful of him to skip out.


How is what he did disrespectful?

Edited by Radio Flyer
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Timmy Thomas is the man!

EDIT: I saw an article that was ragging on Thomas for not going, saying it was disrespectful of him to skip out.


How is what he did disrespectful?

And I like how they compared it to skating for Team USA in the Olympics. Competing in the Olympics is about your country which Thomas seems to be very proud of not about the current government which he has an issue with.

Why do some people have so much trouble separating opinion of a government from that of a country? "You don't like the current government so you must hate your country" :nono:


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disrespectful, yes... but you're free to be disrespectful to that which has not earned your respect. He feels this government in it's current form is not worthy of respect...that's his opinion, and it's his liberty to express that by declining invitations from government officials.

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Don't really care what any athlete/singer/actor/public figure thinks about anything.

/have my own mind, use it every now and then.

"All right, brain. You don't like me and I don't like you, but let's just do this and I can get back to killing you with beer."

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disrespectful, yes... but you're free to be disrespectful to that which has not earned your respect. He feels this government in it's current form is not worthy of respect...that's his opinion, and it's his liberty to express that by declining invitations from government officials.

The article said it was disrespectful of his teammates.


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disrespectful....... disrespectful is not acknowledging the great country you are running..... not recognizing the loss of 9/11 (hes never been to ground zero that I know of)...... refusing to wear a american flag lapel pin ( a bit picky but seriously... hes the president of the us) the list can go on and on with the disrespect obama has shown since hes been in office...... I know Im opening a can of worms... but what the hell

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He exercised his American right of freedom to do as his pleases within the confines of the law. That should be all that matters and personally anyone that thinks anything more than this doesn't get it. I don't care what his politics are in either direction or what his opinions are

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disrespectful....... disrespectful is not acknowledging the great country you are running..... not recognizing the loss of 9/11 (hes never been to ground zero that I know of)...... refusing to wear a american flag lapel pin ( a bit picky but seriously... hes the president of the us) the list can go on and on with the disrespect obama has shown since hes been in office...... I know Im opening a can of worms... but what the hell

Let's see:

Been to ground zero: YES have you?

Wore a flag pin: YES and continues to do so.

Your assumptions: WRONG!!

Damn this is ridiculous.

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Let's see:

Been to ground zero: YES have you?

Wore a flag pin: YES and continues to do so.

Your assumptions: WRONG!!

Damn this is ridiculous.

Don't go throwing facts at the anti-obama league... they hate facts. They are just as happy with their own fabricated misconceptions that get recycled on fox news and conservopediaesque "information sites"

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first... he wore a flag pin then quit.... for a reason that makes no sense.

he is the president of the united states.... second...I missed spoke. he only visited ground zero during his campaign and once last year.... both mere photo ops. not to show respect for those lost on the anniversary as bush did. (and no im not a fan of bush) the visit last year was trying to make himself look good after taking out bin laden.... which he didnt make the call on. he was over ridden by others cause he was more worried about it making him look bad than removing this pos from the face of the earth. AND YES... FOR YOUR INFORMATION i HAVE BEEN TO GROUND ZERO AND TO SHANKSVILLE........ cant see how others can defend this president for all his issues. Yes... bush started this down fall with compromising with democrats and others on things that were poor decisions for the country. then we get obama and instead of trying to fix things he puts his foot on the eccelerator. You cant deny he has spent like crazy since in office......... taxes are up. cost are up..... fuel prices havent came down.... really. Im talking deisel....... its killing the life blood of this nation which is the trucking industry which is why everything else cost more....... the excuses was bush was in the pockets of the oil industry..... . whats obamas? and dont say the republicans.... they have only just gotten back in last year. truthfully... all goverment is out of control and power mad. hence the second ammendment..... :)

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Your misspellings aside, how exactly do you blame the current president for gas prices? It's oil speculation, and Opec that set the prices.

You claim the president has never visited a site, then when proven wrong you simply brush it off and question his motives.

How exactly is a president overriden on a military issue? He is commander in chief, the unquestioned head of the military. He can only be overriden by congress. He HAD to make the call or the mission would have been aborted, so quit claiming that he got overriden.

Who's taxes are up? My taxes aren't up, my taxes are as low as they've ever been, and I would bet dollars to pesos your taxes are lower than they've ever been as well.

As to the second Amendment comment, do you really think your little pistol and rifle will save you if the military drives a stryker down your street, or a full tactical team decides you are a threat, and raids your house seal team 6 style? Get real...

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  • 2 weeks later...
first... he wore a flag pin then quit.... for a reason that makes no sense.

he is the president of the united states.... second...I missed spoke. he only visited ground zero during his campaign and once last year.... both mere photo ops. not to show respect for those lost on the anniversary as bush did. (and no im not a fan of bush) the visit last year was trying to make himself look good after taking out bin laden.... which he didnt make the call on. he was over ridden by others cause he was more worried about it making him look bad than removing this pos from the face of the earth. AND YES... FOR YOUR INFORMATION i HAVE BEEN TO GROUND ZERO AND TO SHANKSVILLE........ cant see how others can defend this president for all his issues. Yes... bush started this down fall with compromising with democrats and others on things that were poor decisions for the country. then we get obama and instead of trying to fix things he puts his foot on the eccelerator. You cant deny he has spent like crazy since in office......... taxes are up. cost are up..... fuel prices havent came down.... really. Im talking deisel....... its killing the life blood of this nation which is the trucking industry which is why everything else cost more....... the excuses was bush was in the pockets of the oil industry..... . whats obamas? and dont say the republicans.... they have only just gotten back in last year. truthfully... all goverment is out of control and power mad. hence the second ammendment..... :)

Holy crap what an explosion of bullshit. Casper may let you post this shit but none of it is factual. Get some help before you hurt yourself. If I was not an atheist I might pray for you, but if god does exist he could not count you as on of his "smart" ones.. Seriously... read a book and learn to spell..

Seriously... wow...

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Your misspellings aside, how exactly do you blame the current president for gas prices? It's oil speculation, and Opec that set the prices. When the gas prices went up TEMPORARILY under Bush, you libs started screaming about how he was in with "Big Oil" and his family was profiting from it. Not a peep of any of that toward Obama, even though fuel is almost DOUBLE what it was when he took office. And has been for what, well over a year? And lets not talk about him wanting to shut down the coal industry. Or crushing the pipeline plan two weeks ago.

You claim the president has never visited a site, then when proven wrong you simply brush it off and question his motives. He visits Hawaii a couple of times a year. He visits the golf course weekly. He visits Disneyland.

How exactly is a president overriden (sic) on a military issue? He is commander in chief, the unquestioned head of the military. He can only be overriden (sic) by congress. He HAD to make the call or the mission would have been aborted, so quit claiming that he got overriden (sic). Thats not what he said. Essentially, he said that Obama was pressured into it.

Who's taxes are up? My taxes aren't up, my taxes are as low as they've ever been, and I would bet dollars to pesos your taxes are lower than they've ever been as well. Mine are up. My property values were lowered 12%, but my taxes went up 10%. How does that work? Unions. It takes a crew of three people up to two hours to loosen the two bolts to swap out a street sign.

For all of you that got happy when your county lowered your property values, check your taxes.

As to the second Amendment comment, do you really think your little pistol and rifle will save you if the military drives a stryker down your street, or a full tactical team decides you are a threat, and raids your house seal team 6 style? Get real...

Tanks? No. They're not large enough of a team to do that to all of us. But my "little pistol" will keep you liberals the hell off of my property.

Besides, I don't think most cops and military would "participate" in such a thing. Most military love this country, its freedom, and what it provides (even though we don't provide nearly enough for them).

I have no idea how anyone can think that Obama is pro-America, or has the best interest of this country at heart. Raised by communists (fact), and suddenly appeared out of nowhere after a VERY short stint in Congress, where he voted "present" more than anything else (i.e. no decision making, afraid to take a stand). There's much more here than meets the eye. And we may never know the truth because the liberals in the media give him a free pass on everyyyything. The lies he told to get elected (I have yet to have him make my mortgage payment), AND his spending AND....

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Your misspellings aside, how exactly do you blame the current president for gas prices? It's oil speculation, and Opec that set the prices.

When the gas prices went up TEMPORARILY under Bush, you libs started screaming about how he was in with "Big Oil" and his family was profiting from it. Not a peep of any of that toward Obama, even though fuel is almost DOUBLE what it was when he took office. And has been for what, well over a year? And lets not talk about him wanting to shut down the coal industry. Or crushing the pipeline plan two weeks ago.

You libs? you have no idea what my political position is...

So basically your argument is "I can baselessly blame the current president for gas prices because some poorly educated people baselessly blamed the last president for gas prices"? pretty poor argument if you ask me... whatever.

You claim the president has never visited a site, then when proven wrong you simply brush it off and question his motives.
He visits Hawaii a couple of times a year. He visits the golf course weekly. He visits Disneyland.

Again, what does this prove? He also visits the toilet... he is free to go where he pleases as a free human being living in these, the united states of our america.

How exactly is a president overriden (sic) on a military issue? He is commander in chief, the unquestioned head of the military. He can only be overriden (sic) by congress. He HAD to make the call or the mission would have been aborted, so quit claiming that he got overriden (sic).
Thats not what he said. Essentially, he said that Obama was pressured into it.

Actually, that is EXACTLY what he said...

which he didnt make the call on. he was over ridden by others cause he was more worried about it making him look bad than removing this pos from the face of the earth.
Who's taxes are up? My taxes aren't up, my taxes are as low as they've ever been, and I would bet dollars to pesos your taxes are lower than they've ever been as well.
Mine are up. My property values were lowered 12%, but my taxes went up 10%. How does that work? Unions. It takes a crew of three people up to two hours to loosen the two bolts to swap out a street sign.

For all of you that got happy when your county lowered your property values, check your taxes.

Wait wait wait wait, you're blaming the president for your property taxes? :facepalm: please see your republican governor for STATE taxes.

As to the second Amendment comment, do you really think your little pistol and rifle will save you if the military drives a stryker down your street, or a full tactical team decides you are a threat, and raids your house seal team 6 style? Get real...

Tanks? No. They're not large enough of a team to do that to all of us. But my "little pistol" will keep you liberals the hell off of my property.

Besides, I don't think most cops and military would "participate" in such a thing. Most military love this country, its freedom, and what it provides (even though we don't provide nearly enough for them).

Again with the "you liberals"... I'm an individual, not a liberal or a conservative, I tend to vote conservative when it come to money, and I tend to vote liberal when it comes to freedoms, choices, and liberties. I'm registered as a republican, but by my best approximation, I'd say I'm closest to a libertarian. Now for the rest of this paragraph...

I have been to your property exactly zero times, and I plan to keep it that way no matter how many weapons you may or may not have...

But I'm curious how you plan to use your gun to protect yourself from the government. Do you think that the president himself will come to your house and try to take your gun from you? I'm a little lost in your thinking apparently.

Who in the government exactly do you think you will defend yourself from with your mediocre civilian firearm?

Edited by magley64
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