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This is why I love Fox News.

The first article could have been called "Obama Given Option For Historically Low Debt Ceiling Increase," or "Obama's 8% Debt Ceiling Increase Much Lower Than George W Bush's 100% Debt Ceiling Increase and Ronald Reagan's 300% Debt Ceiling Increase" and would have been just as accurate.

The second headline is neat, because it's clearly meant to bring doom and gloom, even though "Unemployment Continues to Decline, Despite Week Of Increased Claims After Christmas Seasonal Work Has Ended" and would have also been accurate.

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Well yea...... if you want to warp it with percentages after obama has already increased our debt by nearly 6 trillion. To put that in a bit of perspective, the largest debt ceiling increase that Bush ever asked for was 984 billion which, dont missunderstand me, was 984 billion too much. the point is that debt is accumulating at more than twice the rate under Obama than it was under bush. We are talking $49,000 of debt per second!!!

I think Fox was being too kind to Obama in the article.

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so who do you think is going to stop spending money?

Obama - Clearly not, as per his record thus far

Romney - Clearly not, actually wants to spend much more (military spending and tax cuts for the rich)

Gingrich - Clearly not, Wants to spend more on a moon base

Santorum - Clearly not, romney JR plus theocracy...

Paul - The only candidate SERIOUS about cutting the budget, the only congressman that gives back the bulk of his office budget to pay down the debt.

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Well, Paul doesnt have a chance, neither does Santorum. Gingrich has a chance as he's done it before but I dont believe he will get the nomination. As you say Obama and Romney wont stop it. The way I see it is one of two ways. Either thru the Tea Party candidates elected to the congress and senate who have a proven track record thus far for standing up for responsible spending. Or...... thru a total economic collapse and rebuild which if that happens under Obama, I dont believe the opportunity of capitalism will remain....... he seems to lean toward the Fidel Castro model of equal poverty for all.

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He would if people would get their head out of the GOP's ass, and stand up for someone who stands up for the constitution.:nono:


but, people are too lazy and really dont mind being spoon fed and electability is just a bullshit idea from the MSM to get people to doubt themselves and follow the herd. its pathetic.

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Anybody who has ever paid even a little bit of attention to economics and politics knows that Paul is at least 90% right on the money in his thinking. The liberal press has for decades laughed at him and made him out to be a joke. Add all that to the fact the most people dont know shit about politics or economics and wind up voting for someone because of looks or personality or God forbid, their promises to give them free stuff. Lets face it...... Paul is not going to win a looks, personality or stuff for free contest.

Therefore, I will vote for whoever the GOP puts forward as a token leader and I will put election dollars behind Tea party candidates for congress and Senate. Legislation goes thru them first, its where the real power is and where the real change must come from. No matter what you may think about the Tea Party, their core objective is smaller government and responsible spending. They are the only group dedicated to those objectives.

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