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Grandparents Scheme....?


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Has anyone heard of this or experienced it? Yesterday at about 10 am my grandma received a call from a person pretending to be me and saying the were in philledelphia and had went to a hockey game the night before and got drunk and arrested and needed $2200 to get out of jail. Thankfully my grandma knew it was not me and said it did not sound like me and hung up. But they have called back 2x's since then. You cant call them back because it shows up as your number on the caller ID, and cops said theres not much they can do

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You cant call them back because it shows up as your number on the caller ID.

Hmmm, maybe you mean it shows up as PRIVATE or blocked. The scammer

would have to know your grandparents number, your name and your number to

pull it off like you are describing.

I don't think that's how it works.

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holy shit $20,000??? that makes me mad just thinking about it

Yes, very sad!! NBC 4 did a big story on this last week. Not much one can do if they have been scammed because chances are its from another country. About all we can do is try and educate the elderly that this is happening so they do not fall for it. I would hope my Grandparents would call me or my parents before sending any money but these scammers do this shit for a living and are very convincing.

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My grandma said she checked the caller ID and it showed up as her house phone number. They also knew her and my grandpas name along with mine. When she told them it didnt sound like me they claimed to be sick/ have a sore throat.

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There are those apps on smartphones now where you can dial a number and have it show up as someone else number. I don't know how it would appear on the bill as an incoming number. I'm sure you could get a print out from your wireless/ telephone company and find out where it's coming from, I'm sure nothing would be done about it though.

I'd be a little worried about how they know as much information about you as they do.

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Yea its definitely not a good feeling knowing that info is out there. My grandpa is a retired state trooper and fraud investigator though, so hes talking to some old co workers to see what can/needs to be done. At least they didnt send any money, but the 3 calls in 24 hours is a bit excessive

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it's pretty popular... but any scam that works will get popular...

luckily my only surviving grandparent lives 2 miles from my parents so they can figure out where i am in short order... also she knows better than to wire money to anyone, if anything i'd ask her to deposit money in my account...

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My grandma said she checked the caller ID and it showed up as her house phone number.

Ok, that makes a little more sense.

There are those apps on smartphones now where you can dial a number and have it show up as someone else number.

^^ This.

I'd be a little worried about how they know as much information about you as they do.
Yea its definitely not a good feeling knowing that info is out there.

Oh you'd be surprised how much info is out there in public databases about you and your loved ones.

Check yourself out here and be amazed... http://www.zabasearch.com/

Look yourself up, then click on MORE INFO and watch it pull up your relatives names!


Edited by SWing'R
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