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I'm gonna guess that we've already paid for this once...


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stay off the street you like to drive on you tax payer burden....

I saw something recently where a guy that worked for one of the scooterchair companies was talking about the fraud. How the users get one every year (for "free"), and he often went into houses where there were two or three of them not being used, and some that had never been used.

If the "stay off the street..." comment is directed at me, I'll be happy to talk to you about it away from the board. Good timing, as just this morning I was adding up all the taxes and fees that I pay, and about 40% of my money gets taken away from me.

Edited by YSR_Racer_99
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I saw something recently where a guy that worked for one of the scooterchair companies was talking about the fraud. How the users get one every year (for "free"), and he often went into houses where there were two or three of them not being used, and some that had never been used.

If the "stay off the street..." comment is directed at me, I'll be happy to talk to you about it away from the board. Good timing, as just this morning I was adding up all the taxes and fees that I pay, and about 40% of my money gets taken away from me.

I was just shitting with ya. don't take offence to it.

anyway, they're no different than real insurance companies then. my insurance paid $400 for a air cast for my broken leg when you can go to air cast's website (at the time) and buy the same exact one for $99. and all the idiot guy did was walk out of a fucking office down to my room and put it on my leg and pump it up. made me sign a form guaranteeing a payment from someone of over $400. I said woah buddy I'm not signing that and he said oh don't worry your insurance is covering it. I should have said no anyway.

honestly that's the shit that makes your insurance so damn expensive. and the exact kind of stuff that needs to be realed in. some frigging nothing of a company at the hospital made $300+ on a $99 aircast.

Edited by serpentracer
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