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D.C. just be a victim solution

kawi kid

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That spurred Mr. Portman to attend a community meeting on the increased violence, which was held last week by D.C. Council member Mary M. Cheh, Ward 3 Democrat. Mr. Portman asked officials why the city makes it so difficult for law-abiding residents to register guns and refuses to allow them to carry weapons outside of the home

And the answer.....

Mr. Quander thinks victimhood is preferable to self-defense. “The problem is, if you are armed, it escalates the situation,” Mr. Quander told residents. “It is much better, in my opinion, to be scared, to be frightened, and even if you have to be, to be injured, but to walk away and survive. You’ll heal, and you can replace whatever was taken away.”
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Unreal. I hope he gets robbed at gunpoint so he can see how fun it is to be a victim

Mr. Quander is D.C.'s Deputy Mayor. He (presumably) has bodyguards. His bodyguards are (presumably) armed.

It's easy to be a hypocrite.

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I think he is right, why would you want to escalate a situation. I intend to help him with his cause and will make it over to D.C. as soon as he disarms the police department. Escalating a situation is no way to handle a violent criminal and until the police learn that people will continue to get hurt.

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He may have body guards but I bet his whole family doesn't. Let one of them "just be the victim" and see what his thoughts are. How do you walk away with your life if the perp has every intention of leaving no witness?

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WOW, just wow!! I think the other solution would be to relax the rules and encourage everyone to arm themselves.A few year ago, I think it was the Jefferson , Ohio police cheif that said due to budget cuts, they would be losing police. The cheif encouraged people to get training and get a gun to protect themselves.

But then this brings up the questions of what kinda of training, how much is enough, who sets the standards?

Oh look the light is on the DVR, must be Walking Dead is on now.

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Train often is what I say. I have taken at least one class a year since I got my concealed carry. I have a few planned for this year aleady also.

Good training is expensive .... but instead of going out and getting another gun how about you learn how to use the one you have?

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on my way to dc to rob some people.


I wonder how many really smart thieves pick specific places in heavily communist run cities to run their operations in? There are some places like Mass. that a home invasion team could have field days in because of their complete disregard for the plebes protecting themselves.

The founding fathers are all rolling in their graves, and the absolute pussification of this country is completely frightening.

I think we have a winner here.

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