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Stunter sighting...


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Got one moved into the neighborhood. I hate to tell him this, but local popo might take the bike if he rides that way on public roads and/or in residential 25mph zones. Won't get it back either, it will stay impounded longer than what it's worth to get it out.

I can hear him a good mile away. Full bore wheelies. He even did one right up to the back bumper of my Jeep the other day. I don't think he's had the bike very long.

Thought about finding and talking about it, but no. It is what it is. Fate, that is. (Enough rope... etc.) Some people have to learn the hard way. Wondering how long it will be before he's off the road or chased out of town.

I'm going to have to take a better look and see what type of bike it is, and who the rider is. Sounds like a 600 to me. I better hurry before the engine burns up from oil starvation....

edit: changed it to Stunter sighting, not squid sighting. Really not sure what gear is worn. My mistake.

Edited by ReconRat
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I had one pull up along side me as I was coming back from SEO on 77 last weekend.

I was going through Akron and a guy on a GSXR1k pulls up next to me. Helmet dangling from the passenger seat as is customary in Akron. He slows down then wheelies past me, then slows down to...I guess give me a chance to congratulate him on being a dumbass.

I wasn't sure if I was supposed to start clapping or if it was my turn to be a dumbass, so I just shook my head. I must of taken too long to decide because he started to do some stand on the seat maneuver, then changed his mind, sat down and got off on the exit ramp.

Why is it always a GSXR and why is it always Akron?

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hmmm, he/she was out every day, but not lately. Maybe too late.

Conversely, early in the morning when cages mess with me...

I'm really tempted to pop one off...

So I guess I can understand the feeling.

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