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More DTM Props!


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So I pull a last minute call to Brian to see if I can get in to see him this past Sunday. We decided to play it by ear since he's typically only working on 3 hours of sleep a day. :wtf: I show up at his shop and he's dealing with a bit of a mess but I hang around since he thinks he can get me fixed up. Well, they find the problem with the car on the dyno and it pretty much ends the tuning for it. I let him get a breather and what not and then he gets to his work on the SS. I throw him the info on it, he works up a tune and we're off. Right away I could honestly tell a difference in how it's running. So we head off to make a few runs down some back roads since he's so lazy and doesn't want to upgrade to an AWD dyno. :D A few stops to do some tweaks, a few more runs down some more roads and in the end he's able to to soften up the firmness on my newly built trans under light loads yet keep it firm and quick shifting when it's hammer time. It's like getting a new truck! I picked up a few MPG on the trip back up north to top it all off also!

Once again, Brian has come through and although he was tired as hell he still showed me the attention that he does for all of us OR guys.

IF ANYONE on here goes some place else for tuning, they're a retard....period.

Support those that support this place.

Thanks again B!

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