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The Nuge, Dayton


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New to the forums, figured ide introduce myself. My name is Tom, but everyone just calls me Nuge I own a 250r, had it for about a month or so now. I will be getting my endorsements on the 20th(hopefully, should be easy as long as I can do the cone swerve which ive never attempted)

I would like to meet up with other riders on the weekends that live in the Dayton area/beavercreek/Huber/Kettering and anything inbetween.

I am Currently looking for someone to powder coat my rims and/or do some light airbrushing to my bike(message me if you can do this or know someone that can along with a price please)

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The cones shouldnt be problem on that bike. I took my test on a 250 Ninja i borrowed from my wifes cousin. The only deduction i got was from the braking portion of the test. I think that was only because the first time i had ever rode it was the 10 minutes before the test. :D

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Troy/piqua is a lil out of the way for me unfortunately, im only familer with Greene/Montgomery county.

I hear you cant fail on the cones alone, so even if I were to bomb that section im still confident ill pass, although I still plan on taking motorcycle safety and basic rider after I get my endorsements for insurance purposes, althouh im not willing to take off both my jobs in a single day to do it, so I dunno when ill have the time, maybe next year.

Hey snot, ya I just found this site yesterday so I figured ide be part of a local forum to find riders and the other forum to talk about ninjas :-)

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Troy/piqua is a lil out of the way for me unfortunately, im only familer with Greene/Montgomery county.

I hear you cant fail on the cones alone, so even if I were to bomb that section im still confident ill pass, although I still plan on taking motorcycle safety and basic rider after I get my endorsements for insurance purposes, althouh im not willing to take off both my jobs in a single day to do it, so I dunno when ill have the time, maybe next year.

Hey snot, ya I just found this site yesterday so I figured ide be part of a local forum to find riders and the other forum to talk about ninjas :-)

I work in huber so I am around. I took the course at honda in troy over a weekend, sign up early usually there is a long wait till you get in.

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I wish I could do split week training. I work mon-fri 3-11pm at one job(dpl) and tues-sat Xam till 2pm and sometimes 10am-10pm on Sundays at my other job(Ncr) so its tough trying to get any day of the eeek in, now if the classes started earlier on the weekdays or started later on the weekends and I could take it over a 2 week period, or if the classes were shorter ide have no prob doing it. But 2 8hour classes and then another 2 6hour classes is very very tough to fit in my schedule. And ontop of that trying to find time to ride(other than to/from work) and spend with my 2 babies and wify lol. Days should be longer than 24hours...

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Nah, that was my dad riding my bike. He works at lowes and he eats at waffle house everyday lol. He is gunna be sad when I get my endorsements cuz he is gunna lose bike riding privileges :) I told him he needs to get his own bike cuz its been like 20 years since has owned his own.

He has CP though, so im always afraid he is gunna drop my bike(which he almost did Saturday, but luckily I caught it b4 it hit the asphalt)

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Im sure u saw him drag his foot across my seat with his dismoumt, I told him if he rips it he is buying me a new corbine seat. You should of seen him riding his friends brand new busa a couple of years ago, he bout wrecked the bike grabbing too much throttle, and comming back down wasnt very pretty either lol.

Ide be down to ride one of these weekends(even this weekend) if you dont mind driving with a noob. I havent taken my bike over 50mph(45 cornering) yet, as im still learning my limits. Also your 600 would prob leave me in the dust lol.

Feel free to hit me up @ 732-1155 text prefers cuz im always at work. Although I never answer the phone at my 1st job, my 2nd job is boring and I pretty much do whatever I feel like(browse the Web all day long on my phone)

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