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For some reason my bike is sneaky and only squeaks/squeals when im not around my mechanic to reproduce the noise. When he hops on it sounds just fine, but cannot confirm what the noise is without hearing it himself. It sounds kind of like something is rubbing, but that doesnt seem to be the case. Anyone have ideas to what this might be? I went riding with another guy from here last week and he said he could hear it as we were riding down the road. We were doing about 50 or so and I was about 4sec behind him. I even had someone check it out at the place we went to and I couldnt get the noise reproduces.

Im just wondering if its an issue or not? The bikes performance seems uneffected weather its squealing or not. And if anyone has a possible answer to what could be causing this noise. The bike only has bout 800ish miles and had its 600mi checkup already. The noise didnt start till about 720ish miles.

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You need more details.

When does this happen? Hitting the brakes? Turning left?

Where does it sound like it is coming from? Front? Back?

its a constant squeal regardless of speed/breaks. It sounds like its comming from the front of the bike but not 100% sure on that. Nothing is rubbing though, so im wondering if it could be the engine. it sounds kind of like a shopping cart wheel or wagon wheel squeak if I had to compair it to something. The bikes never been droped or abused(althouhh my dad does grab a shitton of front break when he comes to a stop)

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if it is a constant sounds, I would check the front wheel bearing and the brake caliper. If the caliper is malfunctioning and holding the pad against the rotor slightly instead of releasing, it will make a noise. Is this technician bigger or smaller than you? Because weight could have something to do with it if it is a bearing. Does the noise get louder or softer based on speed?

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if it is a constant sounds, I would check the front wheel bearing and the brake caliper. If the caliper is malfunctioning and holding the pad against the rotor slightly instead of releasing, it will make a noise. Is this technician bigger or smaller than you? Because weight could have something to do with it if it is a bearing. Does the noise get louder or softer based on speed?

Ive had 2 guys get on it, 1 bout 10lb lighter and the other bout 30lb heavir. The noise seems to be bout the same regardless of speed, which is pretty loud and noticable. But it doesnt do it all the time. Both guys just did a qucik overlook of the bike and a quick ride. One rode it around the parking lot and the other rode it up the street. You can deff hear it even if your off the bike and none of us heard it when theh rode it.

one guy just suggested riding it to break it in more and the other suggested it could be caused by water/liquid, although I havent had anything drip anyplace as I dont soak my bike when I clean it so there Is no excess cleaner dripping on anything.

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Next time you hear it pull in the clutch to see if its related to engine speed. If it still squeeks kill the motor and that will def tell you if its motor or chassis.

I still hear it clutch in(I usually coast to stops...) Ill try killing the motor next time I ride it when its safe to do so.

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Issue. Probably not gonna smoke a wheel bearing in the first thousand miles, I would.guess brakes. Pull the pads out and put some brake grease behind them.

Could.this have been caused.by someome slamming the breaks.frequently at.stops like my dad does?

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I am going to come out of left field and put my money on the radiator fan. Anything to do with the front wheel (rotors, pads, axel, spacers, bearings etc) should be speed dependent. If you were getting it checked at a shop then they might not have ridden it long enough/slow enough to get the fan to kick on. Does the noise occur at a stop as well as riding (just to be 100% about not being speed dependent)?

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I am going to come out of left field and put my money on the radiator fan. Anything to do with the front wheel (rotors, pads, axel, spacers, bearings etc) should be speed dependent. If you were getting it checked at a shop then they might not have ridden it long enough/slow enough to get the fan to kick on. Does the noise occur at a stop as well as riding (just to be 100% about not being speed dependent)?

No noise when stoped, could be depending on speed but its harder to tell cuz of.the.wind and the helmet.so it all sounds the same noise lvl to me. I know for a fact its not the fan/radiator cuz ive killed the bike and still had it running for like 30sec after the bike was shut off.

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