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Taser C2


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True. I carry a solid ball point own into flights. I figure if need be I'll ramming it down someone's throat at the utterance of the word Allah ....


Through the eye docket into the brain will work too.

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I have a leatherman on my belt and nobody has ever said anything about that. The only places I couldn't take that were on a plane and into a courthouse.

The plane thing was when I had been dropped off at the airport to fly to DC and was putting all my metal in the basked for the security screening and I remembered I had it. The TSa dude grinned and shook his head like; "I know it was a mistake, but it ain't coming through". I stepped out of line and went to a mini post office at the airport and mailed it to my house. Problem solved.

At both the Franklin courthouse and Delaware Courthouse I've just had the security desk keep it for me. I hand it to them, get a receipt, continue through the metal detector etc. On my way out I turn in the receipt and get the leatherman back.

Having said that, I would consider courts and police stations off-limits to the taser - I'd just leave it in the car.

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