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You mean like this? I also had my eye on a nice Z1000 so we'll see how that goes.

@Swingset, thanks. Maybe this was a bit childish but again I felt the need to vent and the FS thread was closed rather quickly.

Everyone will have their own opinion, that's cool, I can roll with it. BTW guys, I'm not a native Cincinnatian so you can't hold it against me too much :D

Welcome to the madness!

^^^^ cant say j didnt give you a fair warning :) but seriously, this post was uncalled for. And having said that expect this to happen any time you buy a bike or whatever from someome you.dont.know.

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Well, he really cant expect.someone to.hold a bike for.him cuz people always flake out. both other bikes I was interested in got.sold.b4 I got.a.chance to purchase em. I just thanked the guys for their time and went bout my business. Was mad? Sure, especially cuz I had the cash on me, but wanted to have my bro.check out the.bikes first and was a serious buyer. But hey first come first serve is how it goes. Now if this was.a.friend of.his that would be a douchebag move, but calling out a stranger in a public forum? Especially a new member... That is totally uncalled for and shit like that gets under my skin. I dont know why this guy seems to.think he deserves.some special treatment, but thats not.the way.things work.

I know.i play around quite a bit on here, but I can honestly.say I for real dont like this.guy in the least bit already, he is a rude.selfish prick. And I know im gunna get hated on for bashing this guy, but he has no right to.bash.someone else over some petty ass shit like this... This kind of shit is whats wrong with the world.

What was wrong with your fingers here? Half of this doesn't make sense. :)

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I'd have to say that we need to hear the other side of the story. It is a bit shitty to come on here and bitch about it when you understand - or, at least you stated you understand. BUT, it is even shittier to sell it to someone else IF told that they were out of town and will get back with them when they return...

I understand a dealership if maybe it was a trade in. That may have been the case and if so, that isn't shitty. Reason being is that he gets it sorted and handled easily, gets the tax break, gets the notory issue handled and everything is a done deal and he got what he wanted. I too would have done the same thing...

Again, if he sold it after telling you he'd be back - no matter to whom - it was a douche move. But, we need his side of the story. For everyone jumping down his throat due to him being new... WTF? This isn't a new guy issue. This is a guy that no matter if part of the old boy's club or not got possibly screwed on a deal. Now, I say possibly and maybe it was a different story and why a lot of you are jumping his back, but I think newness, where he is from and anything related means nothing...

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i was certainly interested in the bike, i was working on approving a loan yesterday when King pm'ed me and told me it was sold. No hard feelings here though since i was still working on funding for it. I saw there is another B-King in cubs for sale but certainly not for 6500 and not as nice as Kings. Just wait a few days and check Ind. Moto for the Kings bike. You'll be paying 9,000 for it now though...

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Get back to work.

Don't make me come down there.

What? Lol

I don't work on Fridays unless I want to. Mon-Thur here.

I have been working at an aerospace company as a machinist for the past 8 months man and love it.

Edited by NinjaNick
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WTH? Has someone hijacked KTM Brians account???


I'd have to say that we need to hear the other side of the story. It is a bit shitty to come on here and bitch about it when you understand - or, at least you stated you understand. BUT, it is even shittier to sell it to someone else IF told that they were out of town and will get back with them when they return...

I understand a dealership if maybe it was a trade in. That may have been the case and if so, that isn't shitty. Reason being is that he gets it sorted and handled easily, gets the tax break, gets the notory issue handled and everything is a done deal and he got what he wanted. I too would have done the same thing...

Again, if he sold it after telling you he'd be back - no matter to whom - it was a douche move. But, we need his side of the story. For everyone jumping down his throat due to him being new... WTF? This isn't a new guy issue. This is a guy that no matter if part of the old boy's club or not got possibly screwed on a deal. Now, I say possibly and maybe it was a different story and why a lot of you are jumping his back, but I think newness, where he is from and anything related means nothing...

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I see no wrong on sellers side of it. He's been trying to give the fucking thing away for a loooooooooooong time now. Money talks.

Agreed. However, no matter how long he has had it trying, if he told a guy that stated he was ready to buy and told that guy to wait until he got back into town and then sells it under him, that's kinda BS.

Again, need the other side, but if it is as mentioned, I don't care if he had it for years. Guy has money in hand and you tell him to wait until you get back and when you do, you go right for a dealer, that's crap.

If money talks, the OP had money and was wanting the bike. He was put on hold and then finds out that it got sold after he contacts the dude when he was due back...

For the OP, what I might suggest is next time, offer a PayPal deposit that can be sent. Obviously, if it were not what you were told or advertised, you get that back. But, it would secure it...

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I am waiting to see the other side of the story. Being out of town and telling a person to wait is ok. If the seller was out of town but arranged a deal over the phone to the dealer, the cool thing do would have been to caller the person that was told to wait and indicate some like" hey i know we had a deal in the works, but the dealer offerred me XX amount, do you still want the bike for this amount when i return?"

Maybe the other side of the story will fill in the blanks?

I have lost out on a few items on here but no hard feelings. I sucks when it happens to you, but I won't get upset over a transaction. A verbal contract is worth the paper it is written on.

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Im pretty sure he sold it to one of the sponsors of this site. So it wasnt like he went down to a dealership to.sell it. If I remember correctly it was Indy motors. They approached him, not vice versa. Let me pull up the post.

Heres the link http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=75067&page=4

The guy posting you can see obviously wasn't dicking him around or playing games and he knew it would be a guaranteed sell where as Steve is a new.guy here(even if he wasnt he is a stranger, and strangers are flaky 70% of the time on sales)

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Sometimes you have to go with Fate. Some call it Destiny, Luck, Opportunity... etc.

Meaning it's a chance to find something even better. Just do it.

Besides, who hasn't been too late on something for sale.

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the bike in question was listed on here for over a year. Independent moto postedsatisfying they were very interested and *poof* bike is sold. I would think that after having something for sale for a year you are going to take the first cash in hand offer.

That's how I bought my bike from Muska was for sale for a year nd he held it for me for a month so I could get the funds in order. Even offered some up front cash to hold a month later got my new baby. Just my .02 cents

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That's how I bought my bike from Muska was for sale for a year nd he held it for me for a month so I could get the funds in order. Even offered some up front cash to hold a month later got my new baby. Just my .02 cents

Im assuming you and him wernt total strangers.:dunno:

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