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Vid of knee dragging.


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So thats why u posted that... you wanted to make a joke about hhow every thread turns into a track thread. Ur funny

Nope. It was a dude draggin knee on a crappy cruiser and thought it was cool. Today though, while sitting here in front of the computer, it just came to me to make the track comment. No SOUP FOR YOU!:p

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I seriously just had Tomato soup and Grilled Cheese because of this thread.

It was YUMMY.... :)

Um...................you're welcome!:badgerrock:

I will have to eat some this Saturday while stuck in the house because of the snow storm. Then top it off with some Vodka all weekend long.

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do they serve soup at the track?:flag::beathorse:

Only to cool people. Squids are reduced to cold bread and cheese samwitches and a bowl of broth...:D:D

Seriously, though... Applebees has some badass grilled cheese and a Southwest tomato basil soup that will knock your socks off...

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Only to cool people. Squids are reduced to cold bread and cheese samwitches and a bowl of broth...:D:D

Seriously, though... Applebees has some badass grilled cheese and a Southwest tomato basil soup that will knock your socks off...

Plain old Tomato soup and Grilled cheese works for me.. no need for that fancy smancy shit.... :coffee:

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