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Scumbag Teachers


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I read the article yesterday and it made me sick. I've been blessed with two wonderful sons. If any teacher/aide/principal did this to my kid I'd be sitting in jail for assult.

Just wait and watch, the teachers and aides in this story will sue for invasion of privacy or something like that for him secretly putting a wire on his son.

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Not speaking poorly on all teachers but there has to be a breaking point where some just turn and do not have enough self respect to get out of the job and start taking it out on the children. I'm not saying that the children are angles by any means but still you figure you are sending your children to school to be safe and learn an education. I have a son who is add and adhd so i understand a little not as much as a autism parent but they can be a hand full. non the less. It still pisses me off.

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As much as I hate teachers and their communist agenda this is what more kids desperately need. We have been raising a bunch of spoiled self-absorbed brats who think they deserve a trophy for last place for far too long. It's time to stop coddling them. This is what you should expect when you take the Pledge out of schools.

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As much as I hate teachers and their communist agenda this is what more kids desperately need. We have been raising a bunch of spoiled self-absorbed brats who think they deserve a trophy for last place for far too long. It's time to stop coddling them. This is what you should expect when you take the Pledge out of schools.

Not sure what the pledge, which im assuming you mean pledge of allegiance, has to do with kids being spoiled brats. But on a side note I agree that parents are getting well to soft and giving their kids everything. But on the other side with the threat of Social Services and all kind of other shit breathing down your back for giving you child a spanking for doing something mega wrong what else is there to do. Just my 0.02$ not trying to start a debate or pick any fights. Ill punish my kids for doing wrong and if they want something they need to work for it like i did. I don't hide this fact.

Back to topic of the thread it was just plain wrong for what the teachers did.

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Not sure what the pledge, which im assuming you mean pledge of allegiance, has to do with kids being spoiled brats. But on a side note I agree that parents are getting well to soft and giving their kids everything. But on the other side with the threat of Social Services and all kind of other shit breathing down your back for giving you child a spanking for doing something mega wrong what else is there to do. Just my 0.02$ not trying to start a debate or pick any fights. Ill punish my kids for doing wrong and if they want something they need to work for it like i did. I don't hide this fact.

Back to topic of the thread it was just plain wrong for what the teachers did.

He's trolling. Don't feed it.

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This is why my kids go to a private school. The public system has failed. My son has some issues with ADHD. I'm afraid to think what it would be like if he had to go to a school like this. As said above, I would likely be in jail.

This is just another example of our society failing. The problem is not just the teachers. The schools are full of kids from mixed or broken families, often with no stability or security. Nobody believes in discipline. How are the kids going to learn to behave if there is nobody at home that cares to teach them?

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This is why my kids go to a private school. The public system has failed. My son has some issues with ADHD. I'm afraid to think what it would be like if he had to go to a school like this. As said above, I would likely be in jail.

This is just another example of our society failing. The problem is not just the teachers. The schools are full of kids from mixed or broken families, often with no stability or security. Nobody believes in discipline. How are the kids going to learn to behave if there is nobody at home that cares to teach them?


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I plan on private schooling for my kids,

It helped me going through one for 9 years then moving and going to a public school for high school... needless to say it was a walk in the park compared to my old schools curriculum. The shit the taught us in 6th grade was being covered in my freshman class as new material :wtf: and I was in the normal classes in private school not the advance :lol:

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