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Doomsday Preppers


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I have started watching "Doomsday Preppers" on National Geographic. I'm not interested in new ideas on how to hoard food or weapons. Instead, I'm creating my own map of where all the poorly defended food will be stored by these goofy people.

Oh, and anyone who buries money in their back yard then announces it on national TV is asking for uninvited company.

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within watching the first 20 minutes of the first episode it makes me realize how lucky I am to have my company/office where it is with the equipment I have. The only problem is getting here takes 45 mins by highway :(

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within watching the first 20 minutes of the first episode it makes me realize how lucky I am to have my company/office where it is with the equipment I have. The only problem is getting here takes 45 mins by highway :(

What makes you think they would let you in? Thats 1 more mouth to feed. Although you would make good target practice ;)

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And your employees would care why :confused: if they make it there first your SOL

well there are only 12 that could access the building, it'd be extremely difficult to break in. Of those 12, 4 are family members that know this will be my compound and will probably depend on me. 4 more are aware of my plans and posess some important skills that I do not. The remaining 4 you ask? 3 Wives and 1 son of the 4 with skills. I think I'll be ok ;)

Having access to a fleet of construction equipment, a water tower, an oil well and gas station sized tanks also helps

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Having access to a fleet of construction equipment, a water tower, an oil well and gas station sized tanks also helps

I'm going to need GPS coordinates or at least a zip code so I can add you to my map :D

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I got it made....so long as I can get here :D

sometimes I get bored during the day and I look around to see what I can do to really fortify this place if needed

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well there are only 12 that could access the building, it'd be extremely difficult to break in. Of those 12, 4 are family members that know this will be my compound and will probably depend on me. 4 more are aware of my plans and posess some important skills that I do not. The remaining 4 you ask? 3 Wives and 1 son of the 4 with skills. I think I'll be ok ;)

Having access to a fleet of construction equipment, a water tower, an oil well and gas station sized tanks also helps

Well, youll be doing alot of walking to get there, I would assume there would be alot of abandoned cars blocking the roads. If you can manage to somehow avoid all the zombies you will surely encounter on your journey, how will you rush past the hordes of zombies trying to enter your compound? also how will you convince your family that you are worth the risk of opening the doors which may lead to a possible zombie infestation? All it takes is a little bit of zombie blood or a scratch and they could turn aswell. Also how would you prove you are not infected with the zombie virus?

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Well, youll be doing alot of walking to get there, I would assume there would be alot of abandoned cars blocking the roads. If you can manage to somehow avoid all the zombies you will surely encounter on your journey, how will you rush past the hordes of zombies trying to enter your compound? also how will you convince your family that you are worth the risk of opening the doors which may lead to a possible zombie infestation? All it takes is a little bit of zombie blood or a scratch and they could turn aswell. Also how would you prove you are not infected with the zombie virus?

because I'm the man and they know to listen to me. When they don't listen to me is when they encounter problems. Our entire property is fenced in and there are several ways to get to the property off the beaten path. I have a truck so offroading isn't an issue. What else you got?

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because I'm the man and they know to listen to me. When they don't listen to me is when they encounter problems. Our entire property is fenced in and there are several ways to get to the property off the beaten path. I have a truck so offroading isn't an issue. What else you got?

What if you get distracted by the stripper zombies holding 7 layer burritos?


Edited by Exarch
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What if you get distracted by the stripper zombies holding 7 layer burritos?

run over by the truck for trying to insult me with their inferior burrito. How dare they!

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