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Cell phones and cages

Photos by Marty

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That's why they're rules not laws. If people followed these basic rules how much better and safer the roads would be. YOU should have it tattooed inside your ass, that way you can read it more comfortably without trying to pull your head out. :lol:

common sense isn't his forte

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That's why they're rules not laws. If people followed these basic rules how much better and safer the roads would be. YOU should have it tattooed inside your ass, that way you can read it more comfortably without trying to pull your head out. :lol:

I was just sayin.

I didnt disagree with ya, infact I posted something similar in a different forum. Im too lazy to search for it though. People are gunna continue to drive like tards though and ima continue to chase em down :)

Similar to the rules thing, this is about laws though.


I pretty much state that anything that can distract a person while driving should be illegal.

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I'll say one thing about the passing lane and speed limits. If someone is pacing me in a car or truck I'm getting around them and away from them. If I exceed the speed limit so be it. I will explain to the cops later why I refuse to stay in the persons blind spot.

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I'll say one thing about the passing lane and speed limits. If someone is pacing me in a car or truck I'm getting around them and away from them. If I exceed the speed limit so be it. I will explain to the cops later why I refuse to stay in the persons blind spot.

He will just say you should of slowed down instead of speed up. Guessing you never took drivers Ed :dunno:

I cant take the highway anyhow now, as of today they blocked 35 east to 75... I was pissed when they blocked off my exit home forcing me to take the backways home, now im forced to take the backways to work... Eta 9mo... If its anything like their last 9mo project it will take 3years to get it 1/2assed done...

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I cant take the highway anyhow now, as of today they blocked 35 east to 75... I was pissed when they blocked off my exit home forcing me to take the backways home, now im forced to take the backways to work... Eta 9mo... If its anything like their last 9mo project it will take 3years to get it 1/2assed done...


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He will just say you should of slowed down instead of speed up. Guessing you never took drivers Ed :dunno:

I cant take the highway anyhow now, as of today they blocked 35 east to 75... I was pissed when they blocked off my exit home forcing me to take the backways home, now im forced to take the backways to work... Eta 9mo... If its anything like their last 9mo project it will take 3years to get it 1/2assed done...

I'm guessing When I took drivers ed you were just a twinkle in your moms eye.

I never said the cops would agree with me. If someone in a cage is pacing you there's the option to either slow down or pass. If youre on a road that has a passing lane slowing down may not be your best option.

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He will just say you should of slowed down instead of speed up. Guessing you never took drivers Ed :dunno:

In a situation like that you do what makes sense. If you can safely accelerate away from someone like that, do it. If you need to slow down and force them to move on, you do that.

I am not big on lane splitting, but I'll be damed If I'm going to sit boxed in by idiots who all want to jockey for position till they run into each other or ME. I am also not against doing 55 mph in the right lane to force them to go left and pass me.

These situations would not exist if they followed the 5 simple rules.;)

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In a situation like that you do what makes sense. If you can safely accelerate away from someone like that, do it. If you need to slow down and force them to move on, you do that.

I am not big on lane splitting, but I'll be damed If I'm going to sit boxed in by idiots who all want to jockey for position till they run into each other or ME. I am also not against doing 55 mph in the right lane to force them to go left and pass me.

These situations would not exist if they followed the 5 simple rules.;)

What he said.

a motorcycle has better brakes, more speed, more maneuverability than any cage . It's up to the rider to know which to use in a situation.

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I would pass em up, but I also break the law every time I hit the roads... Except on my bike(for now atleast)

I was talking bout the legal/right way to do it. Not the logical/law breaking way to do it....

1mph over.the speed limit is still breaking the law, some areas have speed traps. I usually blow by cops at 10mph over in the left lane without so much as a glance. All my tickets are 20mph+ over the limit.

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I would pass em up, but I also break the law every time I hit the roads... Except on my bike(for now atleast)

I was talking bout the legal/right way to do it. Not the logical/law breaking way to do it....

1mph over.the speed limit is still breaking the law, some areas have speed traps. I usually blow by cops at 10mph over in the left lane without so much as a glance. All my tickets are 20mph+ over the limit.

I see your profile says you're down in Dayton. That makes me happy.

Ride smart, be safe, take care of yourself brother.

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pretty sure you cant get a ticket foe less than 5 over

yes, you most certainly can... usually they will not stick, but if the officer really wants to write it, he/she absolutely can.

Oh yeah? So you have a bunch of reckless ops but still have a license?

a few of mine were 79 in 55,(i believe they have all fallen off by now) don't think it's considered reckless automatically until you get to double speed limit (when posted under 30) or 30 over

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35mph and over or double the speed limit, whichever is the lesser is what usually lands you a wreckless op.

Although wreckless op doesnt have to pertain to just speed....

Btw my last speeding ticket was 3-4 years ago. I must be doing something right :dunno: and im sure no one ever does 20+ over the speed limit besides me :dunno: and im sure everyone slows down to the exact speed limit when they see a cop :rolleyes:

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I slow down to 5 over :dunno:

"5 your fine 10 your mine"

And I figured they can give you one but you won't have to pay it if you actually show up. The flow of traffic on 75 is normally a constant 15-20+

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After yesterday's commute home, I am convinced that there needs to be a ban on cell phone usage while driving.

Heading down 90 West in the Lakewood / Rocky River area I just about became road kill.

Lady driving some sort of Toyota sedan chatting away on her phone. I'm on my nice bright red Kaw, Yoshi race exhaust (honest it was on the bike when I bought it :D), 140 Db airhorn and bright red Joe Rocket jacket. I see her start to come over and lay on the horn. She moves back and then immediately comes right over! Mind you my exhaust is right at her driver side window.

Lay on the horn as she puts me onto the shoulder and just about into the median wall.:eek:

Get on the brakes and avoid hitting anythng and get in right behind her. Start flashing my high beams on and off to get her attention and she's oblivious. She finally moves over and I pull up next to her while laying on the horn. I shoot her the bird and give her one of those shoulder shrugs to say "WTF?" She takes her free hand off the wheel, continues to talk and looks at me with a shrug to say "what's your problem?"

I was half tempted to get behind her and follow her until she got off the freeway so that I could start cussing her out. Fortunately, I had other places to be and opted to take the high road.

Next time, I won't be so nice!

You can add all the laws to the books that you want, but none do a bit of good without real enforcement. I agree with you tho. With all the electronic wizardry thats out there now they should have a way to cut a car off if the cell phone is on, or build a breathalizer into the starting circuit, if they really wanted to make a positive change. But I recently read where statistics are saying that the #1 cause of cages crashing is......improper turn signals usage. Most people just plain do not use them. But try counting how many drivers are on their cells sometimes.....hell its easier to count the number that aren't...lol

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You can add all the laws to the books that you want, but none do a bit of good without real enforcement.

That's the real crux of the issue. Enforcement will be paltry at best and it further burdens law enforcement.

So now, in addition to ensuring you are obeying traffic laws, and not driving under the influence, and wearing your seatbelt, they have to see if you are playing with your phone. Meanwhile, the asshat next to them is "driving" while eating a burger and fries while smoking a cig (and then flicking the butt out the window for good measure :mad:). All completely legal (except for the littering thing) and no less dangerous.

More laws = less freedom.

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i'd rather not derail this thread, but do you realize the number of teen pregnancies that will occur if paulyboy gets his way? the guy's a retard.

lulz As if its not already a major problem?

blame MTV

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that's the real crux of the issue. Enforcement will be paltry at best and it further burdens law enforcement.

So now, in addition to ensuring you are obeying traffic laws, and not driving under the influence, and wearing your seatbelt, they have to see if you are playing with your phone. Meanwhile, the asshat next to them is "driving" while eating a burger and fries while smoking a cig (and then flicking the butt out the window for good measure :mad:). All completely legal (except for the littering thing) and no less dangerous.

More laws = safer roads .


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Riding home today, I got behind a guy who was talking on the phone AND looking through paperwork. I was like, who's steering??? I got around and past him real quick.

Now, tell me more about these air horns???

Here you go:


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