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#OccupyCleveland can blow me.


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Oh I'm not opposed to anyone using their right to free speech. However when someone is using that right to advocate for a system like socialism that would ultimately take that right away.............. when they step over the line and actually break the law........ bust them hard. So many are too young to remember the news decades ago showing the scenes of socialism across the world. The poverty, the oppression, the food lines, people waiting in line for days, afraid to leave even though no food was being handed out, they didnt want to lose their place in line just in case they started passing out food again. It seems that as soon a new generation comes along, they always want to try socialism. These people simply dont understand economics....... and they want something for nothing.

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Where is it stated that socialism and government control of everything is the objective of the occupy movement?

Have you listened to any of the news interviews with the occupy folks? Their battle cry is "Social Justice" defined as redistribution of wealth by the government. The movement is supported by socialists around the globe and even partially financed by the likes of George Soros through his many organizations.

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Have you listened to any of the news interviews with the occupy folks? Their battle cry is "Social Justice" defined as redistribution of wealth by the government. The movement is supported by socialists around the globe and even partially financed by the likes of George Soros through his many organizations.

Its true that the president has some of his clowns trying to take a "leadership" role... but like I said the media is only showing the most extreme cases IMO.

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have you listened to any of the news interviews with the occupy folks? Their battle cry is "social justice" defined as redistribution of wealth by the government. The movement is supported by socialists around the globe and even partially financed by the likes of george soros through his many organizations.

faux news fail!

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It's true that Soros is financing the occupy movement which is unfortunate because I can't stand George Soros. However the orginal goal of the occupy movement was stated as eliminating corporate greed on Wall St and political corruption. While I think these are both good ideas I doubt that either is an attainable goal given the state of this movement and I fail to see where socialism fits into those two goals. Like others have said, the media always interviews the extremists in any given situation and that is what people have begun to identify the occupy movement with. They really have no clear leadership and their goals aren't exactly easy to find (I googled them and pulled from occupywallst.org) so I'm kind of hoping this whole thing fizzles out and someone comes up with an actual plan of action to effect change in regard to income inequality and money in politics. And btw, when I say effect change in regards to income inequality I don't mean welfare; I mean actually increasing wages to keep up with the cost of living instead of keeping them flat for 30+ years.

Edited by CleaveTheGreat
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i wont comment on the movement's goals or directives (or the seemingly lack thereof) but i do appreciate the movement for its value as an indicator that the zombies will surely rise within our life time.

that, and the fact that the collective psyche of those on the other side of the socio-economic curve have reached a point where mass movement is possible. it needs just a few more pointed pushes and we might see an honest to goodness revolution.

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However the orginal goal of the occupy movement was stated as eliminating corporate greed on Wall St and political corruption.............an actual plan of action to effect change in regard to income inequality and money in politics. And btw, when I say effect change in regards to income inequality I don't mean welfare; I mean actually increasing wages to keep up with the cost of living instead of keeping them flat for 30+ years.

This is the fundamental difference between liberals and conservatives.

The liberal approach to an income gap is to tax those at the top and subsidize those at the bottom and if the gap grows, do it again. Repeat as often as necessary.

The conservative approach recognizes that although we may have once been the only place suitable for manufacturing and didnt have to compete with other countries for business, times have changed. Other countries have seen that capitalism works and the less restrained it is by socialistic taxes and regulation the better it works. These countries have decided to compete with us. They lowered their corporate tax rates, leaving ours as the highest in the world. They have streamlined their regulation into easy to understand pamphlet size documents. They changed their regulating agencies from something that punishes with a stick to ones that help business comply with a carrot. Some even subsidize wages during startup. Conservatives believe that just like you shop for the cheapest place to buy groceries, businessmen shop for the cheapest, friendliest country to manufacture in and if we want jobs, we have to change what we are doing. They believe that the income gap has grown because the wealthy can always invest anywhere in the world and make money but when our taxes and regulation send business overseas, those jobs and opportunity to advance go over seas also. We are left with no jobs and no tax payers.

On a side note. We once had huge labor unions but since the rest of the world has been competing for manufacturing, the unions have been supporting the democrats who in turn insist on keeping high taxes in place, regulation that requires several law firms to figure out and their own high wage and benefit packages. Well the manufacturing is gone and the labor unions (in the private sector) are a shell of what they used to be. Yet they still to this day insist on supporting the democrats who have nearly killed them off.

Is it better to hold out till the rest of the world decides to stop competing or is it better to lower our corporate tax rate, streamline our regulation, shift our agencies from the stick to the carrot approach and accept the fact that a slightly lower paying job is better than no job at all?

Once you have more jobs than workers, workers value goes up. right now we have way more workers than jobs so people are cheap.......... think about it....

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Oh I'm not opposed to anyone using their right to free speech. However when someone is using that right to advocate for a system like socialism that would ultimately take that right away.............. when they step over the line and actually break the law........ bust them hard. So many are too young to remember the news decades ago showing the scenes of socialism across the world. The poverty, the oppression, the food lines, people waiting in line for days, afraid to leave even though no food was being handed out, they didnt want to lose their place in line just in case they started passing out food again. It seems that as soon a new generation comes along, they always want to try socialism. These people simply dont understand economics....... and they want something for nothing.

3/10. Marginally better, but needs more frothy vitriol.

For someone who's complaining that other people don't understand economics, you have not the slightest inkling as to what the definition of a modern socialist government is. Here's a hint: It's not the USSR. Just because the Soviets' had Socialist in their country's name, doesn't make it a socialist state just the same as the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is neither democratic nor a republic. You're using the term socialism as an expletive, and in the process demonstrating to everyone how much of a complete fucking idiot socialist you are.

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The conservative approach recognizes that although we may have once been the only place suitable for manufacturing and didnt have to compete with other countries for business, times have changed. Other countries have seen that capitalism works and the less restrained it is by socialistic taxes and regulation the better it works. These countries have decided to compete with us. They lowered their corporate tax rates, leaving ours as the highest in the world. They have streamlined their regulation into easy to understand pamphlet size documents. They changed their regulating agencies from something that punishes with a stick to ones that help business comply with a carrot. Some even subsidize wages during startup.

That place sounds like a Conservative paradise, why don't you move there?

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3/10. Marginally better, but needs more frothy vitriol.

For someone who's complaining that other people don't understand economics, you have not the slightest inkling as to what the definition of a modern socialist government is. Here's a hint: It's not the USSR. Just because the Soviets' had Socialist in their country's name, doesn't make it a socialist state just the same as the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is neither democratic nor a republic. You're using the term socialism as an expletive, and in the process demonstrating to everyone how much of a complete fucking idiot socialist you are.

Well if you read a little history, Vladimir Lenin specifically, you'll see where socialism comes in to play with Russia.

As for the last part of your post..... I've always liked this quote:

"A weak minds inability to deal with or process facts that dispute that persons flawed core belief system, usually results in insults, cursing or violence."

Edited by Rod38um
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If it makes rod feel better I plan on throwing cheech in the pond if he actually shows up for the camping weekend. It will be like a liberal exorcism.

I'll have to remember to bring my socialist floatees.

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If it makes rod feel better I plan on throwing cheech in the pond if he actually shows up for the camping weekend. It will be like a liberal exorcism.

LOL, it would make me feel better! Can you get it on video so I can watch? :D

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You're already WAY over his head.

My head? I know!

Actually socialism and communism aren't quite the same, but damn close enough! There also multiple variations of each also.

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Socialism =/= communism

We already have socialism, with a sprinkle of capitalism tossed in for good measure...

I think thats the first thing you ever said that I didnt immediately want to argue with you about.....lol :lol:

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