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Sweet, losing my job...


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The only class they have is at 1:30. The class takes at least an hour. They are not overly flexible because you were scheduled for the training twice before. I know that's not what you wanted to hear, but we're stuck with it.

There is no other NERC training other than this Friday 5/11/12 at 1:30pm. If you can't attend at that time, XXXXXXXX will not be able to schedule you until you complete the training. It could be a few weeks before they have another one.

^^^^ actual text messages...

This is awesome... And I got chewed out for saying screw my boss from alot of people here? Well looks like he screwed me pretty good here, what do you have to say to that?

I'm a pretty damn good employee, I get all my shit done, im always here 1/2 an hour early and stay late when needed. I only take 2 5 minute breaks, were aloud 2 15min and 1 30 minute break... I do EVERYTHING by the book and go above and beyond to get an issue resolved...

Oh yes, I was indeed scheduled twice for NERC, both times were during my other jobs schedule with VERY LITTLE notice... They know I work another job, it was on my application even.

I'm so pissed, I'm just ready to walk out on my shift and say fuck it.

The guy who texted me is my supervisor, he is a good guy, but there is not much he can do. He said he will try and get someone to work with my schedule, but I doubt that will go well.

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The only class they have is at 1:30. The class takes at least an hour. They are not overly flexible because you were scheduled for the training twice before. I know that's not what you wanted to hear, but we're stuck with it.

There is no other NERC training other than this Friday 5/11/12 at 1:30pm. If you can't attend at that time, XXXXXXXX will not be able to schedule you until you complete the training. It could be a few weeks before they have another one.

^^^^ actual text messages...

This is awesome... And I got chewed out for saying screw my boss from alot of people here? Well looks like he screwed me pretty good here, what do you have to say to that?

I'm a pretty damn good employee, I get all my shit done, im always here 1/2 an hour early and stay late when needed. I only take 2 5 minute breaks, were aloud 2 15min and 1 30 minute break... I do EVERYTHING by the book and go above and beyond to get an issue resolved...

Oh yes, I was indeed scheduled twice for NERC, both times were during my other jobs schedule with VERY LITTLE notice... They know I work another job, it was on my application even.

I'm so pissed, I'm just ready to walk out on my shift and say fuck it.

The guy who texted me is my supervisor, he is a good guy, but there is not much he can do. He said he will try and get someone to work with my schedule, but I doubt that will go well.

I'd stick 'em with every single second I could soak that timeclock for. Dont walk out, stay an extra 3 hours sittin' on the shitter until your legs turn white.

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I'd stick 'em with every single second I could soak that timeclock for. Dont walk out, stay an extra 3 hours sittin' on the shitter until your legs turn white.

We don't have time clocks here, it is set pay. When I do stay over because someone is late I could call the office and get them in trouble and tell them I refuse to stay unless they pay me OT, but that's not how I was raised, I try my best to look out for other people, even if they make a bad habit of it.

The only time I'm forced to rat someone out is if I get a phone call and they are looking for the guy that is supposed to be working, but other than that I just keep my mouth shut and deal with it.

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Employers need to work around their employees' schedules. After all, the whole point of commerce is to provide work, right?

Yes, when the employee has made it 100% clear, since before he was hired that he could only work said hours. I listed ALL available hours on my application and again during the interview and again when I was scheduled out of place the first time and again the second time. It's not my fault someone doesn't get it...

Hell, I even bring my work schedule in when I turn in my pay slips every other week... I don't see whats not to get?

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I'm sorry to hear you lost your job. While I dont think anyone would've wished it on you, it is probably not terribly surprising to some (considering how you yourself said you conducted yourself with superior professionalism). The good news is, you said you had another opportunity that pays better with better hours, right? In any case, hope it works out to the better for you.

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I'm sorry to hear you lost your job. While I dont think anyone would've wished it on you, it is probably not terribly surprising to some (considering how you yourself said you conducted yourself with superior professionalism). The good news is, you said you had another opportunity that pays better with better hours, right? In any case, hope it works out to the better for you.

I have another job, so not a total loss, just a huge hit to my savings + my wife just started working last week, but only 3 days a week. I have not lost my job yet, but I'm pretty sure I will, unless my supervisor can pull something out of his ass.

As far as the other job I have/had lined up, if I lose my job here that opportunity will go down the drain aswell... I am a contractor for DP&L, I will/would of been hired by DP&L once the contract expires, but not if I'm not already working here.

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I'll preface this by saying I didn't read all of the "pissed at my boss" thread so forgive me if this was covered there. If this job is so important to you why the fuck wouldn't you take a half day of vacation at your primary job to do this training?

Additional thoughts after reading your last post, why the fuck is it up to your boss to pull something out of his ass to make this situation work for you? You are responsible for your own earning potential and family responsibilities. Grow the fuck up and act like a man. This is a prime example of what is wrong with people, you need to make it work for me instead of trying to work together. If I was your manager I would have sent your ass packing when you went off the first time. Don't feel bad one bit for you losing a job that you could keep if you really wanted to.

Edited by cmh_sprint
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^^^ Precisely how I see it and if you're done with your pity party, woe is me bullshit you need to stop acting like a victim and figure out a compromise. This is NOT your supervisors fault and if the training is required, you damn well better figure out a way to make it happen if you want to keep the job.

Step up, man up, and do the right thing by your EMPLOYER, not your pride.

Edited by baptizo
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I'll preface this by saying I didn't read all of the "pissed at my boss" thread so forgive me if this was covered there. If this job is so important to you why the fuck wouldn't you take a half day of vacation at your primary job to do this training?

Additional thoughts after reading your last post, why the fuck is it up to your boss to pull something out of his ass to make this situation work for you? You are responsible for your own earning potential and family responsibilities. Grow the fuck up and act like a man. This is a prime example of what is wrong with people, you need to make it work for me instead of trying to work together. If I was your manager I would have sent your ass packing when you went off the first time. Don't feel bad one bit for you losing a job that you could keep if you really wanted to.

I hope you realize most jobs require 2-3 Weeks notice, if I had 3 Weeks notice this wouldn't be a problem... I have had 2 1day notices and 1 3day notice... He has had a notice about my work schedule since I started the job. Hell my other job has messed up the scheduling before, but they are quick to fix it and do not threaten to lay me off over it...

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^^^ Precisely how I see it and if you're done with your pity party, woe is me bullshit you need to stop acting like a victim and figure out a compromise. This is NOT your supervisors fault and if the training is required, you damn well better figure out a way to make it happen if you want to keep the job.

Step up, man up, and do the right thing by your EMPLOYER, not your pride.

U know how long they dicked me around with this training? I was off my other job for 3 Weeks during shut down, I tried to get it in then(this was back in January) and they are just getting back to me now... 4 months later...

I'm not asking for a pity party or for anyone to feel bad for me, but I am certainly am entitled to bitch about it, am I not? I ALWAYS drop what I am doing to come into work when I am called at any job, but not coming in because I'm not willing to risk getting fired from another job? I have to do right by both jobs, I don't intend to screw either one over, but I'm being put between a rock and a hard place here.

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3 week notice? Shit.. this is how it rolls at my job:

My phone rings..."Hey' date=' Pauly... you didn't come to work today."

My response... "You got me. See you tomorrow."[/quote']

I have NEVER called off work, ever, that's not how I roll... I have never even called in sick before, I work as I am scheduled regardless and if I need a day off I give plenty of notice.

THE ONLY time I have EVER called off(which I could not be fired for, legally) was when I did extra duty for the military and I brought in the proper paperwork.

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The only class they have is at 1:30. The class takes at least an hour. They are not overly flexible because you were scheduled for the training twice before. I know that's not what you wanted to hear, but we're stuck with it.

There is no other NERC training other than this Friday 5/11/12 at 1:30pm. If you can't attend at that time, XXXXXXXX will not be able to schedule you until you complete the training. It could be a few weeks before they have another one.

^^^^ actual text messages...

This is awesome... And I got chewed out for saying screw my boss from alot of people here? Well looks like he screwed me pretty good here, what do you have to say to that?

I'm a pretty damn good employee, I get all my shit done, im always here 1/2 an hour early and stay late when needed. I only take 2 5 minute breaks, were aloud 2 15min and 1 30 minute break... I do EVERYTHING by the book and go above and beyond to get an issue resolved...

Oh yes, I was indeed scheduled twice for NERC, both times were during my other jobs schedule with VERY LITTLE notice... They know I work another job, it was on my application even.

I'm so pissed, I'm just ready to walk out on my shift and say fuck it.

The guy who texted me is my supervisor, he is a good guy, but there is not much he can do. He said he will try and get someone to work with my schedule, but I doubt that will go well.

Maybe he read your posts here saying "screw my boss" ? :dunno:

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I'm sorry to hear you lost your job. While I dont think anyone would've wished it on you, it is probably not terribly surprising to some (considering how you yourself said you conducted yourself with superior professionalism). The good news is, you said you had another opportunity that pays better with better hours, right? In any case, hope it works out to the better for you.

Well said, that more or less sums it up.

I'm not your fucking therapist.

Hit the lights people, we're done here.

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