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prisoners can run for presidency?


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I'm not making any comment on the news article but you don't want someone running for office that has been wrongfully imprisoned and would want to reform the system; someone who was remorseful of what they did and were one of the few who were rehabilitated; someone that made a mistake and have changed their life for the better because of it? You are insensitive and unintelligent to make a judgement based solely on 1 event in someone's life. I have never been to jail but those that have, have served their time and are square with the house. Repeat offenders are a different story, but I can't let your ignorance run amok this time.

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17.5 year sentence... he has what 3.5 left to serve? Maybe more, I'm not to interested in finding out the exact year, but he is there for a crime he committed in 99...

He could be the first president of the 'big house'...

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And a crook in washington would be different from the last 50 years, how?

Nothing too different, but lets pretend this guy actually wins(not gunna happen, but lets roll with it) the difference is he will be running our country from the big house, instead of the Whitehouse :)

Our government is already a joke, but seriously...

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I think "the people" are making a pretty powerful statement.

Obviously... I know they are voting for him just out of spite for the most part, but still...

I'm too lazy to look for the exact quote, but one of them were along the lines of "I just voted for Keith because I do not like Obama" seriously? Thats like saying I only snort coke because I don't like needles or smoke...

Edited by Exarch
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