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potus and vpotus support gay marriage...


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Yes, you're welcome...

Well documented in over 500 species, observed in three times that many, and obviously occurs when we aren't observing, so is far more prevalent than you think...



It's on the internet so it must be true, right?

Are you stating this as fact or just repeating someone else's opinion?

I've seen male dogs try to 'hump' each other. It doesn't mean they are gay. It means that they are trying to establish dominance and their rank within a pack.

Male dogs will also urinate on each other. It's to establish social rank, and does not mean they are into S&M :nono:

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Clearly, I am not a zoologist, nor am I an animal behavior specialist. Therefore I have no reasonable course than to trust the pronouncements of those dilligent men and women who actually go out and do the work, spend countless hours studying and documenting the behavior of our planet's diverse lifeforms.

Are you a zoologist? Biologist? Animal behavior specialist?

Bruce Bagemihl is a biologist, and patiently researched a large number of peer reviewed studies done by a number of other biologists...

It is not necessarily "true" because it's on the internet... but the evidence supports it because those peer reviewed studies were supported by other peer reviewed studies.....

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It's on the internet so it must be true, right?

Are you stating this as fact or just repeating someone else's opinion?

I've seen male dogs try to 'hump' each other. It doesn't mean they are gay. It means that they are trying to establish dominance and their rank within a pack.

Male dogs will also urinate on each other. It's to establish social rank, and does not mean they are into S&M :nono:

I don't see your point, dogs will hump anything :dunno:

If you believe in evolution or Darwinism, homosexuality serves no purpose. It doesn't provide any advantage to natural selection or the survivial of a species. If any species adapted/evolved to be homosexual it would be extinct, right?

That is not a pro or anti gay statement, more a comment on the Nature vs Nurture debate (I tend to believe nurture, but who knows), which has been going on for hundreds of years and isn't going to stop anytime soon.

well, let the non gays produce then... I'm more than sure that alot of straight people don't want their kids, guess they should of wore a hat. oh yes, speaking of Jimmy hats, I guess that would fit into the same homosexual category you are speaking of ;)

I don't care what the legal term is as long as the rights are all the same...

unfortunately the state has already used the term "marriage"...

I'm all for the individual churches having the right to deny marriage to anyone they want based on whatever dogma they have(as they do now.. I can't be married in a catholic church, as an atheist), but the state has no right to discriminate.

Also as I've posted already, churches have already done gay marriages in the past, and there are several progressive churches that would do it today, let those churches have control over what marriages they do or don't want to perform.


I'm going to move to a state that allows gay marriage and marry a sheep. It's the next logical step in progression.

:sheepfucker: :lol: just move to WV for that :lol:

I'm with you equal rights, but why does the government have to make it so? If you stop allowing governmentto decide who can marry then you still have equal rights. Or am I missing something? If government gets out of the business of telling us who cam marry then we are equal. The government allowing gay marriage is government siding with athiest. How is that equal?

Why do you want more government power. I'm for true freedom which is the maximium abcense of government control.

I'm not one that believes gay marriage will devalue my marriage. I'm not really against gay marriage I am however against how they are going about it. You also don't have the right to force me to teach my future children that gay is normal. If gays want to marry I dont care they can miserable like the rest of us. You refuse to see getting government out of it. Why do you want government to give gays permission to marry? Is that true freedom.

Now let's talk equal rights. Is it equal rights when we have hate crime laws? Aren't we all equal? Shouldn't a crime just be a crime?

It's obvious we won't agree on the orgin of marriage either.

I just don't see why people like government controlling everything.

this is by far the dumbest thing I have ever heard...

I also believe you do not know the difference between atheist and anarchism...

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Gheys could form a LLC of their estate together. Same difference.

If they ever figure out the gay gene, I better not hear about people requesting gay eggs by choice. If its actually genetic, the genetic bug should almost go extinct. Unless someone lets them breed.:D

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^ my point earlier

Christians should not be concerned with this "sin" as it is on equal footing with bacon, lobster, shaving and tatoos. If those are fine, then this is fine as well...

Jews may continue to gripe about it if they are orthodox.

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Weasely white house guy... "hey, I heard Mitt beat up a might-be gay kid 100 years ago"..

Obama.... "hmmm, good time to flip-flop on the gay marriage thing"..

The issue itself?... personally, the government should stay out of people's private business. Who does it hurt?

Politically? Anyone who doesn't see what this lying fucking fake is doing is a blind lemming. That being said, who among them aren't lying fucking fakes? The story of Mitt chasing down the blond long-hair actually had an effect on me, so mission accomplished. It doesn't have to be true, it only has to be put our there. I hate election years.

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Weasely white house guy... "hey, I heard Mitt beat up a might-be gay kid 100 years ago"..

Obama.... "hmmm, good time to flip-flop on the gay marriage thing"..

The issue itself?... personally, the government should stay out of people's private business. Who does it hurt?

Politically? Anyone who doesn't see what this lying fucking fake is doing is a blind lemming. That being said, who among them aren't lying fucking fakes? The story of Mitt chasing down the blond long-hair actually had an effect on me, so mission accomplished. It doesn't have to be true, it only has to be put our there. I hate election years.

I like it when you get pissed lol

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I heard the ghey marriage topic was just a Democratic tactic to take attention off the enemployment rate since presidents never get re-elected when the rates up. According to John Gibson, o'reilly, Neil Cavuto, and the Wall Street Journal.

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I heard the ghey marriage topic was just a Democratic tactic to take attention off the enemployment rate since presidents never get re-elected when the rates up. According to John Gibson, o'reilly, and the Wall Street Journal.

Yep, that sounds like rupert murdoch...

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You post in every fucking thread dumb fuck.

I suppose you think every bald white male is a Neo-nazi too huh?

Obviously you don't know what a joke is and your a fanboy who reads every little word I type, so u obviously know my mom and her ENTIRE side of the family is Catholic.

If your Catholic you can expect a little boy joke from me, no exceptions. It's not my fault it keeps happening...

Nah, I don't post in every thread, infact I may only post in 2 or 3 threads a day or create my own thread, but there you are every single time. You sir are a grade A stalker, you read every little word I type and make a comment on most of it.

You obviously don't know me, I don't want you to know me, mainly because I think your a little bitch. Your what I would to refer to as an E-tough know it all, your act isn't going to fool me or anyone else. I bet you were picked on as a kid amiright?

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You sir are a grade A stalker, you read every little word I type and make a comment on most of it.

You obviously don't know me, I don't want you to know me, mainly because I think your a little bitch. Your what I would to refer to as an E-tough know it all, your act isn't going to fool me or anyone else. I bet you were picked on as a kid amiright?

So far from reality on every point.

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Obviously you don't know what a joke is and your a fanboy who reads every little word I type, so u obviously know my mom and her ENTIRE side of the family is Catholic.

If your Catholic you can expect a little boy joke from me, no exceptions. It's not my fault it keeps happening...

Nah, I don't post in every thread, infact I may only post in 2 or 3 threads a day or create my own thread, but there you are every single time. You sir are a grade A stalker, you read every little word I type and make a comment on most of it.

You obviously don't know me, I don't want you to know me, mainly because I think your a little bitch. Your what I would to refer to as an E-tough know it all, your act isn't going to fool me or anyone else. I bet you were picked on as a kid amiright?

Yeah you only get over a thousand posts in such a short period of time by posting in 2 or 3 threads a day....

I'll let the few hundred people that have know me personally on here speak for who I am in person. Consensus I'm sure is gonna be I'm the same online as off. And as for me in school, again, you can't be anymore wrong I'm sure some of the guys that graduated with me on here could speak for me. I have been around long enough and proved myself to be a stand up guy.

If I was so e-tough as you would say I probably wouldn't have taken away such great friends from this place. When I say great I mean great as like Groomsmen in my wedding and friends so good I hang out with on pretty much a weekly basis. So let me ask you what do you have to compare in your time here? All you have done is show up and completely prove yourself to be a complete tool. Every thread you start and post you make prove it more.

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Obviously you don't know what a joke is and your a fanboy who reads every little word I type, so u obviously know my mom and her ENTIRE side of the family is Catholic.

If your Catholic you can expect a little boy joke from me, no exceptions. It's not my fault it keeps happening...

Nah, I don't post in every thread, infact I may only post in 2 or 3 threads a day or create my own thread, but there you are every single time. You sir are a grade A stalker, you read every little word I type and make a comment on most of it.

You obviously don't know me, I don't want you to know me, mainly because I think your a little bitch. Your what I would to refer to as an E-tough know it all, your act isn't going to fool me or anyone else. I bet you were picked on as a kid amiright?

Lol for reals? Who do you know personally on this forum? You have no room to talk about being a know it all. You are the biggest attention whore I've ever seen. 2 or 3 threads? Let's get fucking serious. In fact I'm not entirely convinced that you're even a male because I've never seen a dude troll for attention so much in my life. Do everyone a favor and go the way of Ringo, that dude and QuikZx9R and gtfo.

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Obviously you don't know what a joke is and your a fanboy who reads every little word I type, so u obviously know my mom and her ENTIRE side of the family is Catholic.

If your Catholic you can expect a little boy joke from me, no exceptions. It's not my fault it keeps happening...

Nah, I don't post in every thread, infact I may only post in 2 or 3 threads a day or create my own thread, but there you are every single time. You sir are a grade A stalker, you read every little word I type and make a comment on most of it.

You obviously don't know me, I don't want you to know me, mainly because I think your a little bitch. Your what I would to refer to as an E-tough know it all, your act isn't going to fool me or anyone else. I bet you were picked on as a kid amiright?

Your post count says differently 23.61 posts per day average

1,111 posts since 03-28-2012. That's less than two months!

You also have the post whore award.

I try not to read to much into your trolling, because its annoying. So be it, it's not going to bother me. It is however bothering our members. I'm sorry not everyone here throws down the red carpet when you login. :bow:

Brian is the same person now as he has always been. I've known him since middle school. To call him an E-Tough is laughable. You'll never meet a more down to earth, and laid back individual. I've also never seen him get quite annoyed with anyone in my life. That includes all 6000+ members here.

You sir, have a particular way of being annoying. He's just calling it as he see's it. As are most of the other members of this forum. As long as you post, expect to be flamed by the collective. My suggestion would be to stop trying to be Captain Awesome and open your mouth about everything.

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