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Daytona Supercross article and lots of pics


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chad reed is awesome

There are fans of Chad, for sure, but take into account a few things visible from a fan or outside industry person - One, he gets a LOT of BOOs. Two, he RARELY does interviews. Three? He only has time for fans when he wins...

From an inside the industry perspective, not many people like Chad. He is a rider constantly complaining. SPEED used to not televise his 3rd place finishing speeches due to the constant complaining. It was bad PR for the race series.

As far as companies go, he's the 3rd best rider (Now 2nd best) in the world. He's a person who can be used to validate a brand as he does with Thor, but most industry people understand that PU buys the sport and isn't supporting riders to validate as much as promote their products with whatever money it takes. RC and Stewie are locked and RV's contract will be up after his 1st year in the big class...

Also, not many riders respect Chad. If you could hear what Tedesco, RC and Stewart stated candidly to us while we all hung out at Atlanta, you'd get a better picture.

He's a good rider. He's definately not the best, but he's good enough and just doesn't seem to understand he can be so much more. Put it this way, if he retires and quits, he won't be remembered as long as what McGrath has been or how long RC will be. He'll fade in memories of fans pretty quickly...

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I was there and pictures jsut cant do it justice. Ive never seen so many bike struggle to make it up the face of a jump. I personally belive reed ran out of fuel. Either way Im still not a chad reed fan and just like Lizard said not to many of the other SX riders respsct him. Hes a complainer and will never win a championship without stewart being injured or Rc gone

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