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How should he be stopped?


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really? so you want the rider to be killed? they get caught eventually, they always do.

Do they? I don't know how true that is. "Don't kill the rider", but if it was your kid, friend, parent, or wife a dumb ass like that caused to die for playing a stupid game I bet you'd all be pissing hail and wishing to burn him on a cross with the bike shoved up his ass. Not talking about how cool his actions were and how he could outrun the law.

It is an interesting double standard many of you have about this.:wtf: I honestly don't understand it. It's fun to go fast, I get that, so go where you are only risking your ass. It's easier to be hurt in an accident on a bike, I have personal experience. But if the police have to become involved because of your actions, you stop! Face up, you were breaking the law and got caught. I've gotten a speeding ticket on a bike (72 in a 55). Big deal, not the end of the world and I decided it wasn't worth my life or someone else's life to have that sort of fun. ;)

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But if the police have to become involved because of your actions, you stop!

I am definitely an advocate of stopping if you are being pulled over...

However, I'm also a pretty firm believer that motorcycles, even when ridden at high speeds rarely cause anyone else serious injury or death. I think the figures and the physics support that.

in the video mentioned the police and another motorist crashed, how is that the MC operator's fault if they can't drive? He didn't cause the crash, he didn't even force anyone to chase him, he just happened to be riding at a high rate of speed.

Now I know there are exceptions, and the rare case where a motorcycle hit a car "just right" to cause injury to those in the car, but those cases are so rare, that hummers and semis pose a MUCH larger threat to motorists.

Edited by magley64
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chasing a speeding bike in a cage is sooooooo dumb! Over a speeding ticket!??! Ghostrider is a hero. I bet he does mass track days these days. The root of ALL these problems is speed traps and stupid ticketing that the police do. 90% of time the cop car goes FASTER than the car he is pulling over for speeding. Also once they do have someone pulled over it causes chaos to the flow of trafic and IMO is not worth the risk.

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uh oh, I actually agree with something brandon has posted.... (other than the "hero" bit)

He seems talented, but if he's such a good rider, why do shit like this? I have way more respect for Brandon actually going out and testing his skills, competing against other riders in a controlled environment.

Edited by magley64
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chasing a speeding bike in a cage is sooooooo dumb! Over a speeding ticket!??! Ghostrider is a hero. I bet he does mass track days these days. The root of ALL these problems is speed traps and stupid ticketing that the police do. 90% of time the cop car goes FASTER than the car he is pulling over for speeding. Also once they do have someone pulled over it causes chaos to the flow of trafic and IMO is not worth the risk.

I don't know if the guy is a hero, but pretty much agree with the rest of this. They could put an end to all his stupid videos by simply....letting him go and not giving chase. Something I figured out when I was like 5. If I didn't let my older brother get under my skin, eventually he'd get bored and quit picking on me.

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chasing a speeding bike in a cage is sooooooo dumb! Over a speeding ticket!??! Ghostrider is a hero. I bet he does mass track days these days. The root of ALL these problems is speed traps and stupid ticketing that the police do. 90% of time the cop car goes FASTER than the car he is pulling over for speeding. Also once they do have someone pulled over it causes chaos to the flow of trafic and IMO is not worth the risk.

Speeding tickets are a joke, but meh, what can ya do about it :dunno:

I am definitely an advocate of stopping if you are being pulled over...

However, I'm also a pretty firm believer that motorcycles, even when ridden at high speeds rarely cause anyone else serious injury or death. I think the figures and the physics support that.

in the video mentioned the police and another motorist crashed, how is that the MC operator's fault if they can't drive? He didn't cause the crash, he didn't even force anyone to chase him, he just happened to be riding at a high rate of speed.

Now I know there are exceptions, and the rare case where a motorcycle hit a car "just right" to cause injury to those in the car, but those cases are so rare, that hummers and semis pose a MUCH larger threat to motorists.

I'd rather get hit by a motorcycle doing twice the speed limit instead of a semi doing the speed limit :dunno:

I don't know if the guy is a hero, but pretty much agree with the rest of this. They could put an end to all his stupid videos by simply....letting him go and not giving chase. Something I figured out when I was like 5. If I didn't let my older brother get under my skin, eventually he'd get bored and quit picking on me.

He doesn't outrun cops in all or even most of his vids, this guy is pretty epic, unlike your average dumbass criminal.

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I don't know if the guy is a hero, but pretty much agree with the rest of this. They could put an end to all his stupid videos by simply....letting him go and not giving chase.

Agreed as for giving chase but following doesn't mean you have to speed and attempt to keep up. The officer in the video I posted was seriously goated into chasing him. But there is another video where the officer remained calm, didn't speed or even try to follow despite him turning around in his bike seat and flipping the bird with both hands. But this was on an almost empty road not a busy city highway.

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Agreed as for giving chase but following doesn't mean you have to speed and attempt to keep up. The officer in the video I posted was seriously goated into chasing him. But there is another video where the officer remained calm, didn't speed or even try to follow despite him turning around in his bike seat and flipping the bird with both hands. But this was on an almost empty road not a busy city highway.

Ghost rider(I think he is retired now :dunno: ) loved the attention from the cops, but even if they didn't chase him he would still speed/weave in an out of traffic like nothing. The cops I think are just an added bonus for his amusement and the viewing pleasure of others.

Now for people who think they have the skills of this guy and try to copy him... Ya, they are just dumb, most people can't do what this guy can do safely. I'm not saying it's safe for ghost rider to do this stuff, but he does seem to be spot on with his reflexes and judgment.

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