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Fun in the snow


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So luckly I didn't have to go to work today. I did plow out the car this morning around 8:30. I can't tell now, the snow is back up over the bumpers.

I did play with the dog today. And the bikes are in the shed, they are sad being locked up.

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it stopped snowing here around four, with a grand total of 16 inches! im sure that husky is having fun.

i heard on the news taht people are losing their pets in the snow today, so i made our cat play in the snow! :)

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no shit i lost my dog yesterday..... well it wasnt my dog it was my gf's. let it out to piss and never came back. i guess the mailman saw it and took it to my neighbors. its a maltese chiauawa (sp?). stupid dog is like 4 in tall and worthless. i have a pit bull boxer mix and she is the best dog in the world.

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Yea my dog had a blast. I didnt even need toys. I just kept making snow balls and throwing them. She thought it was a new ball everytime. haha. She didnt want to come back inside. I wish I had a video camera. She was hoping around like a damn rabbit.

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I had to shovel snow to the back yard so my dogs wiener wouldnt have frozen pee snow on it. He couldnt even get onto the deck to get to the back yard.

We got the 20 inches up here in Apple Valley that Cbus got and I put the 4x4 in the ditch within one mile of the house on Saturday. Guess I found its limit.

I pulled a few other cars out and went the f>>>k home to thaw MY nards.

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Vector you live in Apple Valley. what street you live on?

Apple Valley... the Apple Valley with the beaches and indoor and outdoor swimming pools and the like? My parents used to own a lot down there (they still might). That was always a fun place to go as a kid.

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