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Man w/ 30 kids wants state help w/ child support


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:lol: yea...been there just 4 years and already make 14/hr, with no pay cap, just keeps going up..started at 8...3wks vacation, dental - vision - health, discounts everywhere... its ok though, UPS can afford it...we do 60k pieces per shift usually in just my small hub....you figure maybe $12-15 per box average (some are less, but some are way more)....they make a killing

Yeah, your wages are the reason that it costs so much to ship something.

(I'm not complaining that YOU make that much, I'm sure you work hard for your pay, I've heard about working for UPS. I'm just not exactly a supporter of unions!)

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Yeah, your wages are the reason that it costs so much to ship something.

(I'm not complaining that YOU make that much, I'm sure you work hard for your pay, I've heard about working for UPS. I'm just not exactly a supporter of unions!)

Their wages have nothing to do with shipping costs, I work for Pepsi, we basically give that away and our pay starts at 15.30 and goes up each year. However we ARE treated like shit lol It's a job :-) Under this contract our insurance is free, except our insurance is shit and we pay 20%, you only get 22 visits a year, which is fine when you're not getting sick, but my oldest has blown those away this year. Braces are expensive as well, 5800, between the husband and mine we got 2000 paid for (which each insurance company hasn't caught that yet, typically orthodontal doesn't do duel coverages). I may have to look into that at a second job though, I'm already used to lifting ;-)

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:dunno: What is your point with those links? I know how CSEA works. The fact hat you think it is ridiculous for someone to take financial responsibility is what I'm talking about. :nono:

I have the right to form an opinion, I think it is crazy that some people get 800+ month in child support off one kid and won't allow their ex to see the kid. Wtf costs that much for a kid? Hell he can have his ownplace and a brand new car with that kind of money...

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I have the right to form an opinion, I think it is crazy that some people get 800+ month in child support off one kid and won't allow their ex to see the kid. Wtf costs that much for a kid? Hell he can have his ownplace and a brand new car with that kind of money...

I agree that is a lot for one child, as I said earlier my husband pays a ridiculous amount and she gets all kinds of assistance... It's all about how much money you make and if the other parent isn't working or chooses to work at horrible wages, that's how it is. They know how to work the system. Happens all the time. However if they aren't letting them see their kid, get a lawyer and file contempt, the one in contempt has to go by court order and chances are the judge will order them to pay all court costs and pay back the money used to take them to court.

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At least he is working to pay the support he pays already.

(Min wage) / (30kids) = get more money fishing out of a mall fountain

But in all seriousness, how do we, in a democratic society, respond to stuff like this? Do we keep on handing out handouts to chumps like this and perpetuate the problem or get all China "ONE BABY FOR YOU!" on their ass?

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I pay a small mint a month for 2 kids I don't even know where they live. And the courts can't do shit about it. So I do my part and make sure my payments are made every month, but she don't have to hold up to her end? our whole system is fucked up. I've been playing this game since 2006.

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I pay a small mint a month for 2 kids I don't even know where they live. And the courts can't do shit about it. So I do my part and make sure my payments are made every month, but she don't have to hold up to her end? our whole system is fucked up. I've been playing this game since 2006.

Jporter says you need to pay more...

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I pay close to $1200 a month

:dunno: What is your point with those links? I know how CSEA works. The fact hat you think it is ridiculous for someone to take financial responsibility is what I'm talking about. :nono:

That's your financial responsibility...

I think it's redicilous, but what would I know :dunno:

Hell I could support a semi decent life for a family of 4 at $1200 a month if I had to... But jporter thinks that is a very fair price, even if you can't see your kids...

Your situation is exactly what I am talking about and it is a very, very common situation, but I'm a tard for thinking it's not right :dunno: honestly I think you shouldn't have to pay 1 cent if she doesn't want you to see/know where your kids are. People like that need to take 100% responsibility for themselves.

I could never be a judge, they bend you over and ass rape you... I think it is criminal to let shit like this happen. I know my opinion on this forum doesn't matter, especially cuz whatever it is the opposite opinion must be correct... Child support needs to have a cap of like $200 max if you have visitation rights, unless the kid has special needs then that can very, but the person who has the child should pay 80% of the Childs bills.

If there is no visitation rights(except in some cases i.e. abuse, prison, etc.) then no child support should be required. Now if one parent wants nothing to do with the kid, that is their choice, but they should have to still pay the above cap.

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current bills for me...

3 bedroom apt w/ a yard in a good neighborhood with good school systems. $465 a month(includes all utilities and maintenance and private security) I just had to pay a $2k deposit and buy all my appliances.

My phone $100/mo

Wifes phone $55 a month

Cable/internet $120 a month

Insurance(I left this out on accident) $66 a mo... So add $66 to the bills and subtract $66 from the extra money...

$740 so far... I could switch to cricket for both of us, thats $70 a month after taxes(talk/text/Web) so now were at $640... I could also cut down my cable/internet to just basic cable and basic internt, so thats minus another $60 a month... Now were at $580 a month That leaves $620 a month for food/entertainment/other necessities/savings...

Both my our cars( 05 pt, 07ion) and my bike is paid off, so no car payments.

How are you going to question making $1,200 a month can't provide a decent life :confused: paying that amount in child support is just insane.. That's like 160hours(full time) making min wage... GTFO,, that's just robbery right there.

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So if I don't wanna see my "kids" I can go out and get any girl pregnant. Don't need to take responsibilty for MY actions of bringing a life into the world after I knock her up...right exarch?

I'm not condoning it, nor do I approve of it, but there are alot of deadbeat parents out there that do it :dunno: but to give an insane amount of money for it? Get out of here, kids arn't that expensive.

It takes 2 people to have a kid, not 1... If you meet a random slut and get her pregnant, well sorry bout her luck, she shouldn't of banged you or she should of used protection. People are dumb, neither party wants the kid, the mom obviously has no choice(don't even say abortion...) Sure the dad should have to pay, but not some crazy amount. $200 a month is more then plenty to take care of a kid + she is a single mom so she would obviously get government assistance aswell for medical, wic, foodstamps, babysitter, ect...

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Lets see 150 diapers $40 bucks= $40 a month. Formula $15 a can 10 cans a month thats $150 so were at $190 a month for infants. Oh and these prices are high(name brand diapers/wipes(pampers) + simlac advanced) oh wipes $12 a month so thats $202. Btw u get formula on wic, so minus that cost $52 a month.... Ok... Thats $52 a month till your baby is 1... Now the other $148 for other stuff... That's roughly $1,800 rounded for the year in extra $$... I know both my kids can't eat $200 combined together in real food per month if you cook at home. Hell my grocery bill is only like $400 a month for all of us per month(4 of us)

Sure I spend more then that in food, but we eat out ALOT, but we've gone a month without eating out or buying crap at the store and still managed to stay around $400 to feed us all.

You tell me how $1,200 is justified? I don't see the numbers adding up.

Hell, I could live an entire year just off my tax money if I wanted to stretch it and I only get around $10k back in taxes per year.

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Cap of $200/month max child support? And what are the taxpayers to make up the rest?

So food, diapers, wipes, and formula are the only expenses? :wtf:

How about clothes, bedding, water, electricity, transportation, %of rent/mortage, school supplies, etc, etc, etc.

Oh not commenting on your situation grapesmugler as I don't know the details such as incomes. I don't need or want to know either.

People should be 100% financialy responsible for their dependants. Having 30 kids you can't afford is almost as retarded as exarch.

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Cap of $200/month max child support? And what are the taxpayers to make up the rest?

Well, if you can't afford to raise a kid then don't have one or 30... Simple as that... hell if your ex died then what? oh, wait, they wouldn't be able to support your ass would they? Hmm, I'm sure the other parent would do just fine.

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Exarch why do you give $10k a year to the government for their use for free (no intetest). Why not change your witholding, and deposit $750 a month in savings? If you like the lump sum have your wife randomly mail you a check between Jan and Apr.

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I think we should have to take an IQ test at puberty (male and female) if its too low you get snipped or tied. It would save us from people like exarch.

Has anyone seen the movie Idiocracy? That's where our worlds heading.

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Well, if you can't afford to raise a kid then don't have one or 30... Simple as that... hell if your ex died then what? oh, wait, they wouldn't be able to support your ass would they? Hmm, I'm sure the other parent would do just fine.

HUH? I don't have an ex! Why would they be supporting me? So if you and your wife divorce she is on her own?

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and what happens when you defund planned parenthood...

Do we have to pay for one or the other? Can't they pay for their children or their abortions? or can't planned parenthood find their own funding?

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