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Man w/ 30 kids wants state help w/ child support


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So true! But Men as well! :mad: Sorry about your situation.. that is some bullshit, CSEA can tell you where they live, if you want to pursuit it, I know a few good lawyers that worked for me, I am sure they can do just as well for you.

My bestfriend's husband had a 1 nighter, he signed over all his rights, still ordered to pay support though....unless she lets her husband adopt the kid.

I'm still lost on the $200 a month to raise a baby! Babysitters must be free these days... I paid 150 wk for 2, then when the 3rd one came along she still only charged 150 wk (cheapest sitter ever!) WIC? ya, you have to make NO money to get that, same for foodstamps, housing, etc... Not all mothers are welfare trash with those benefits! Seems like your 200 a month plan is encouraging mothers to stay at home jobless and milk the system.

$10,000 tax return? Must be some EIC in there, basically you need to be making under 42,000 a year and popping out the max of 3 kids if you want that.

Ohio CSEA must be different then California CSEA every time I asked for a mailing address I was told they can't give me any information due to the patriots act. We were married 5 years, she's a military tag chaser and is now married to another poor military man.

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oh... okay I thought the mother was in Ohio. That would take about $10,000 for a lawyer... HEY! Hit up that guy at tax time! LOL

With the social networking these days, you may be able to locate her yourself. I found my half brother on FB and he lives in Thailand! Or start saving up your money for a lawyer and a PI, I am sure that your kids will eventually start looking for you sooner or later. Good luck with that situation.

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oh... okay I thought the mother was in Ohio. That would take about $10,000 for a lawyer... HEY! Hit up that guy at tax time! LOL

With the social networking these days, you may be able to locate her yourself. I found my half brother on FB and he lives in Thailand! Or start saving up your money for a lawyer and a PI, I am sure that your kids will eventually start looking for you sooner or later. Good luck with that situation.

That's how I knew she remarried, but all that comes back is oceanside California.

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I have always got a few hundred back ever since ive had to file as a teenager. It's only been since i had a child that i got more back than 1000. Then to get drilled for a couple G's extra after paying them all year is kinda a surprise.

Yes sir it is, my gf didn't even get near (edit 10,000) that back either, she made barely anything, and claimed our little one, school credit and all that too....

Next year is gonna suck when we are married (in the tax sense only :) )


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I can't type right now lol. What I meant above ^^^ is that she got nowhere near 10k back. And if the only way to get that much back is by giving it to them to "hold" for me, no thanks my bank will do that, and I get a little interest off of it too. I'll take every bit I can get!


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Not even gonna click the link. I know it's a Jewish guy right? That's sooooo them.


I always get these right.

Black guy :dunno:

So true! But Men as well! :mad: Sorry about your situation.. that is some bullshit, CSEA can tell you where they live, if you want to pursuit it, I know a few good lawyers that worked for me, I am sure they can do just as well for you.

My bestfriend's husband had a 1 nighter, he signed over all his rights, still ordered to pay support though....unless she lets her husband adopt the kid.

I'm still lost on the $200 a month to raise a baby! Babysitters must be free these days... I paid 150 wk for 2, then when the 3rd one came along she still only charged 150 wk (cheapest sitter ever!) WIC? ya, you have to make NO money to get that, same for foodstamps, housing, etc... Not all mothers are welfare trash with those benefits! Seems like your 200 a month plan is encouraging mothers to stay at home jobless and milk the system.

$10,000 tax return? Must be some EIC in there, basically you need to be making under 42,000 a year and popping out the max of 3 kids if you want that.

$200 per kid is a decent amount and yes moms do use the system(not all) which is part of the factor. My mom got child support from my dad(lived with her for a year) she was married and had 2 other kids. She got a free babysitter, but no other assistance. I'm not sure what the child support was(I was only 11), but her husband made good money.

Even with me working 2 jobs and my wife working 1 we don't need a babysitter, we just work around eachothers schedule. Sure it's tough, but it saves money. Once they get old enough to go to school it will be easier for her to get a day job(she works third, I work first and second)

$200, $300, $400, doesn't matter, just make the cap reasonable. $800, $1,200+ is a little redicilous though. I'm not a single parent, but I figured $200 would be a good starting point for someone who is remarried :dunno: it was just a starting suggestion.

We do get EIC, if we filed separate I would get $2,600 back(claiming 1 kid) and she would get $600 back( claiming 1 kid). I know that because the guy at H&R Block showed me how filing married was alot better for us. We made under $42k this year(she only worked a month) but 3 years ago b4 we had kids we got $8.5k and made around $50k.

I'm not a tax expert, I just know what I get back, so tax time always puts a :D on my face :dunno:

I have always got a few hundred back ever since ive had to file as a teenager. It's only been since i had a child that i got more back than 1000. Then to get drilled for a couple G's extra after paying them all year is kinda a surprise.

Really? I got $600 back 1 year, every other check my entire life has been $2k+, even when I was single without kids.

How did you end up paying $2k? does your work not do taxes properly?

I owed a couple years ago. All of them....Fed, State, city and School. Talk about a kick in the balls.

City tax has to do with where you live and work mostly, I pay 2.5% in city taxes and only owe 1.5% in city taxes. I don't get that extra 1% back, but atleast it isn't reversed. Usually city taxes are pretty cheap, even if your work doesn't take them out, mayble $300ish for the year.

You can opt to pay more $$ out of every check and claim a little less to help avoid having to pay taxes. If you overpay(like me) you just get a larger sum back.

No joke! I ended up owing the last two years somehow....


Are you having too little taxes withheld?

How the heck do you get $10k in tax returns???

I go to H&R Block, turn in my crap, fork over damn near $400, 2 Weeks later a deposit comes in for 9grand and 400 show up :dunno:

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Yes sir it is, my gf didn't even get near (edit 10,000) that back either, she made barely anything, and claimed our little one, school credit and all that too....

Next year is gonna suck when we are married (in the tax sense only :) )


Oh no, you get more $$ back from being married ;) we get almost $7k extra back because we are married ;) EIC =D although some get back more from filing separate :dunno: atleast that is what some guy at my work tells me. I don't see how, but meh.

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Wow! $400 to H&R Block? We pay about $100 to an individual who does it out of her home office (she is definitely certified and trained to prepare taxes) and get our returns back in about a week!

For our situation, married filing separate worked out better the past 2 years. It all has to do with the tax laws, and what changes have been made, etc...

I'm sure that Exarch already knew that... :rolleyes:

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Black guy :dunno:

Really? I got $600 back 1 year, every other check my entire life has been $2k+, even when I was single without kids.

How did you end up paying $2k? does your work not do taxes properly?

City tax has to do with where you live and work mostly, I pay 2.5% in city taxes and only owe 1.5% in city taxes. I don't get that extra 1% back, but atleast it isn't reversed. Usually city taxes are pretty cheap, even if your work doesn't take them out, mayble $300ish for the year.

You can opt to pay more $$ out of every check and claim a little less to help avoid having to pay taxes. If you overpay(like me) you just get a larger sum back.

Are you having too little taxes withheld?


Mainly i dont overpay them all year long. I claim "M1" but the tax year i got the surprise the wife took a part time job for a while. Mainly a get out of the house job after being a stay at home mom after we had or child. They werent taking out taxes properly and she and i didnt notice till i seen one of her pay check laying around.

As far as taxes go i get hammered pretty good. The City of Troy gets just me for about $1200 a year and another grand for School. Not to mention property tax. I try to contribute the max to my private HSA to try and lower my effective tax rate.

This tax year should be better as i will have a few more thing i can deduct. Hopefully they come up with another Energy credit or something of the like since i have more work to do to the house and have taken full advantage of the previous one.

Sure i would like a huge return but im not a fan of letting uncle sam hold onto anymore than he needs to. You should look into taking some of that extra money your letting them hold onto and find a way for it to work for you.

*Thread Jack over*

**Not that it stayed right on topic**

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Oh no, you get more $$ back from being married ;) we get almost $7k extra back because we are married ;) EIC =D although some get back more from filing separate :dunno: atleast that is what some guy at my work tells me. I don't see how, but meh.

We would get more back if we got divorced how is that right?

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ll good as long as uncle Sam gives it back ;) my wife can't ask for money we don't have :lol:

I don't know, I'm not a tax agent :dunno: taxes are complicated, which is why I fork over nearly $400 for H&R Block to do it for me ;)

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You guys could probably be saving tons by learning to file AND work your finances to manage taxes. If you learn how to fill out your own taxes (save a few hundred) and how you're taxed, you'll be set to learn how to anticipate and minimize your tax burdens. There's a reason all these rich guys pay so little effective tax rates. Tax day shouldn't be a surprise. ;)

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ll good as long as uncle Sam gives it back ;) my wife can't ask for money we don't have :lol:

I don't know, I'm not a tax agent :dunno: taxes are complicated, which is why I fork over nearly $400 for H&R Block to do it for me ;)

$400 to H&R block? DAMN! Hell I don't do my taxes, but I will subcontract out yours for $250. Hell I will pocket the other $150. We pay just a touch over $100 to have ours done and ours is itemized and more complicated. I think you are a moron. The $400 you give to H&R could buy you some gear!

Hell why not throw $400 down the toilet and flush? And loan the government $10k a year LOL! You are dumber than a box of rocks!!!

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$400 to H&R block? DAMN! Hell I don't do my taxes, but I will subcontract out yours for $250. Hell I will pocket the other $150. We pay just a touch over $100 to have ours done and ours is itemized and more complicated. I think you are a moron. The $400 you give to H&R could buy you some gear!

Hell why not throw $400 down the toilet and flush? And loan the government $10k a year LOL! You are dumber than a box of rocks!!!

^---- Take it from this guy. His taxes are complicated, they require some addition and subtraction.

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You know what's good about doing taxes?
Turbo tax, I think it was like $80 to do mine

Turbo tax is just as good as H&R, lol! We used turbo tax once or twice, but it screws per diem up.

Having a sister who's an accountant and does them for free :D Just sayin

Yea that would be nice. I/we have done our own, but the easier to pay the lady that does ours. We pay to have our taxes prepared out of convenience, but I wouldn't pay $400!

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