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Well, DUHHHHH!!!!


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I wear a helmet everywhere. But I honestly want the ability to make an adult decision and if I decide to not wear it to go to the store and back, that's my choice.

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More motorcycles on the road= more motorcycle accidents=more motorcycle deaths.

There is no proof this has anything to do with helmets.

Am I to understand that you think helmets make no difference in the survival rate of of those involved in motorcycle accidents?

If that is what you are saying then you are very poorly informed.

If that is not what you mean then please explain what you do mean because it seems like you are countering your own point.

I personally could give a shit less if someone rides with or without a helmet. I have my preferance and don't push it on others.

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I push my preference on those that I care about, that doesn't mean I want to legislate it...

I'll try my best to convince friends that a helmet is the way to go, especially if you're going to be on roads you're unfamiliar with, or in heavy traffic, or traveling at higher speeds...

but i refuse to vote to take away other people's liberties.

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