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This is kind of a long story. I have 2007 CBR 1000rr and a couple weeks ago I was riding down the road and the gauges went blank. The first red light I stopped at it ran a bit rough, the second red light it died and I had to trailer it home. I tested the battery and it seemed to have an internal short. Sometimes it showed no voltage at all and other times it did. Anyway, I replaced the battery and all was fine for over a week.

I went out to look at a house for sale and as I started the bike to leave, there was a loud pop sound and me and the bike were engulfed in white smoke. I trailered it home again and ran some tests. I figured out it wasn't charging now and the stator was bad. I replaced the stator, tested everything and all was good. I went for a ride and realized I had a massive oil leak. I came home, pulled the stator cover again, re-sealed it all, let it run on the stand for while, everything seemed good till I went for a ride again and it started leaking like crazy... again. I washed all the oil off and put some baby powder around that side of the engine, went for a ride and now with the powder on there, I could see the oil was coming from higher up. After doing some research and talking to a Honda mechanic, it seems that when the stator went bad, it arced and caused an explosion of the gases inside the engine (all the white smoke) and that explosion blew out the head cover gasket plugs ( there are 4 plugs made onto the valve cover gasket) These plugs are designed for this exact scenario. I never heard of it before but apparently it happens fairly often. Anyway I just wanted to give folks a heads up that if they have battery trouble, check the charging system for a while afterwards and if you see trouble, get that stator replaced before it causes you bigger problems. That head cover gasket is much harder to replace than a stator.

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Wow, thats quite an episode due to just a bad battery. Never had this happen on any of the bikes I've had, but you were lucky to not dump it while riding with oil pouring from the camplugs. Albeit a pain in the ass scenario, glad you got it sorted without bigger issues

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I think its under control. I'm paying to have the gasket replaced. I should get it back middle of next week. I hope I dont have any more problems. I've put 23,000 on that bike and thats the first problem I've had. I wish the stator had given me more of a warning before it arced..... would have made things a lot easier.... lol

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