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Texas father beats child's abuser to death


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Textbook case of "Necessity", "Self Defense" and maybe even "Automatism".

Most all mammals are genetically programmed to defend their own life and their child's life - this is the instinct that keeps a species going. To find someone attacking your child in such a hideous way... Well I can't imagine me doing anything else than raining down hell and fury in his head until the police drag me, still fighting, off the puddle of jello that used to be his face.

He may be arrested and charged if the investigation shows a significant period of time or distance elapsed between finding the assault and the blows that killed him... If I breaks up the assauolt, then goes and tracks him down and kills him 5 minutes later, etc. Even then, I'd demands a jury trial and sleep well knowing that Jury Nullification is an VERY likely outcome.

If he killed the man as a result of stopping the assault (And I'd give him quite a bit of leeway to account for adrenaline and automatism) then he should be given a medal.

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If that guy has to go to trial I am sending him $100 to help with legal expenses.

I'm in...I'lll send a hundred too if he needs to hire a lawyer.

How could you NOT beat someone to death that is molesting your daughter?For that matter,anyone's daughter.

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My call the 911 wouldn't have been to tell them he was beaten and on the ground. I would be calling the morgue and telling them there was a dead body to be picked up.

I see nothing wrong and would do the same for any of my family members, friends, or really any 5 year old I saw something like that happening to. A life in prison or death would be fully accepted by me if it went that route, but I would make sure that would never, ever happen by that person again.

Think Jerry Sandusky... How many kids did he really do that to, and how many times could someone have done something about it to stop it from ever happening again. I would have.

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