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Adidas cancels release of "shackle" sneaker


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Seriously? Who thought this was a good idea? SMH.

Featuring a bright orange chain and ankle strap, Adidas’ controversial new sneaker is gone before it even arrived.

In the face of fierce criticism that its upcoming JS Roundhouse Mid is inappropriate and offensive, with detractors likening its details to slave chains and prison shackles, Adidas apologized Monday night and announced that it was canceling plans to sell the sneaker.



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I swear I feel like the majority of Americans do not know the meaning of an honest earned dollar anymore. Those that I'm speaking of, all they want to do is scream of injustice and sue for their next dollar. Looking for any excuse they can to do so. :nono:

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I wanted to wear them skydiving. I watched an instructor lose a shoe over ft 33 lol

yeah, right. Shoe is shackled, shoe comes off, shoe beats you black and blue and bleeding from the toes you have left. Good idea. I want to see this. Videos please...

edit: I thought you meant jumping from Flight level 33 (33,000 ft)

gosh... big brass ones...

Edited by ReconRat
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I notice the orange color of the shackle and chain.

Is that meant to mean it's not real, it's a toy?

Seems to me most inmate roadcrews wear bright orange when out and about.

Hell, my Dad got roughed up by OSHP for wearing an orange navy flight suit, driving home, geez.

USN Lieutenant Commander and they didn't even apologize.

You'all can keep the bright orange goodies, not me...

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I remember the head football athletic trainer at WVU used to come in the locker room after practice and chide the black guys on the team for having tattoos, something along the lines of "...isn't that how massa used to brand your great-great-grandfathers?"

It was a while ago, but it was something like that. Most of the fellas laughed it off, but a few weren't real happy.

Slavery = repugnant. Even if these shoes weren't just about the dumbest idea ever, they'd still be fugly.

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yeah, right. Shoe is shackled, shoe comes off, shoe beats you black and blue and bleeding from the toes you have left. Good idea. I want to see this. Videos please...

edit: I thought you meant jumping from Flight level 33 (33,000 ft)

gosh... big brass ones...

:lol: it was on the chute deployment when he lost it. On the free fall it must have came untied and loose.

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