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Ban on large drinks and free refills in NY?


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Where dafuq do guys like Bloomberg get the notion that this is something the government should modulate? I've had people wonder how how I could possibly think the government would dictate what I can and can't consume if health care went to public funding and they want to find ways to reduce costs. Here's my answer.

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Fat people are proof that Americans have no self-restraint when it comes to food.

That being said, as long as you have private health insurance or proof of independent wealth to cover all the ailments that are symptoms of being unfit and/or obese -- then drink away. But if you receive Medicare/Medicaid or are uninsured and myself and/or other taxpayers are footing the bill -- then this mandate could be fair game. Problem is, if you're fat before you hit Medicare age then it still becomes the taxpayers' problem regardless of if you were privately insured during your younger, more resilient years.

If you can afford to be fat, you can afford to cough up another $0.50 for each refill you buy.

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