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Deer everywhere


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Yesterday evening me and the youngest boy went for a little hour long ride just before sunset. It was a trip of about 35 minutes of back roads and about 25 two lane highway and we must've seen between 15-18 deer, three came up to the road and stopped or turned around, one played chicken and the others stayed between 50 and 100 yards back.

I couldn't believe how many we seen with it still being fairly warm out, heads up out there. I was on that road a week ago and seen nothing.

On another note, the boy is really liking his new ride, we picked him up a 2007 GS 500F about weeks ago. The main thing is I can retire the KZ to the corner and ride my Bandit when I want without having to have his permission, lol.

Here is his new ride, I put new rear brake pads on it and it will need a rear tire sometime in the near future, over all it's in nice shape and only has like 6K miles.


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I hate deer. They have just lost all fear of humans, and they're grossly over-populated in Ohio.

I have literally almost run into them ON FOOT while jogging in the park. When I walked my dogs last week, a doe and her fawns walked right across the path no more than 20 yards in front of us, and they never ran when we got within 20 feet to pass them.

On that particular walk, we encountered 6 deer, and 1 ran. They need to literally thin the herd.

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I hate deer. They have just lost all fear of humans, and they're grossly over-populated in Ohio.

I have literally almost run into them ON FOOT while jogging in the park. When I walked my dogs last week, a doe and her fawns walked right across the path no more than 20 yards in front of us, and they never ran when we got within 20 feet to pass them.

On that particular walk, we encountered 6 deer, and 1 ran. They need to literally thin the herd.

They are plenty skiddish during hunting season :(

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I'm not really seeing an increase in numbers,but I am seeing them at odd times,like in the middle of the afternoon.

I am seeing a lot of snakes though.On the bike I'd lot rather deal with snakes than deer...in the fields or woods,just the opposite!

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They are plenty skiddish during hunting season :(

Which is why they should be hunted in much greater numbers. Close the park for a week and allow bow hunting. No noise, and it would free up space for all the "urban" deer to move back into wooded areas.

At least in the park I expect them, but my parents have fawns in their back yard on a daily basis, and I have deer eating all the new growth on the silver maple in my front yard.

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Deer cause me anxiety. They are unpredictable and they can appear with no warning whatsoever. Nothing brings on icy terror like spotting one of those animals at the roadside at the last second.

There just isn't a lot you can do if a deer leaps out at the wrong time. There's no defense other than hoping you won't hit one. So, I ride a lot less at night than I would because of deer. I go slower, night or day, in areas where I've seen deer before. It's a drag.

It's not only deer, though. A fat raccoon could bring the bike down, as could, perhaps, even a opossum. These are pretty much night time animals, though, so, again, less night riding and slower speeds.

These tactics are out where I live. One advantage of the city proper-- Cleveland, say-- is less worry about these animals.

A real danger. No question.

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Tear down a few hundred blocks of ghetto houses and return it to nature and they won't be forced to eat in populous areas and quit sub-dividing large acre farms for allotments and shopping centers.

But yes they cause me anxiety also

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As an addition to this story the very next night at about 2:30 am I got pulled over by the state patrol for no tail light. When he let me go he told me to watch very close for deer because he hadn't seen them running as thick as he had the last couple days.

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they are all over the place because people think its cool to tear down the woods to put in some crappy condos and a walmart... just what we need... good call guy! wal mart is SO MUCH BETTER than woods :rolleyes:

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they are all over the place because people think its cool to tear down the woods to put in some crappy condos and a walmart... just what we need... good call guy! wal mart is SO MUCH BETTER than woods :rolleyes:

I've never had a walmart run out in front of me, just sayin.

And, you can buy bullets there to kill more deer, so it's an awesome place.

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