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Oil (barrel) price vs. pump price


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Just saw my friends FB page 3.19 in VA/NC, or whereever she lives now.... 3.39 by me, yes I will be filling up my car and mowing/generator tanks and 5gal jug for racing this weekend.

Then I will proceed to drive my guzzling F250 all over and burn some more fossil fuels.

There was no point to my post. Oh but yeah, supply demand plays a role, along with the fact that we have to use it to survive. Oh and they are greedy, and we aren't communists. Been there and experienced that lifestyle, it sucks.

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LULZ...tighter and more numerous regulations are the reason the prices go UP, not down

>> I agree, and thats the point I was trying to make.

well that is your choice and something you have to live with then

>>Uhm, yep. It is. And I will. Regardless of what I drive, besides the bicycle or a Volt, I'll need gas.

Lets see. Do I finance a new 37 mpg subcompact for six years, or put gas in my paid-off '03 Avalanche? Easy choice. Both need fuel. And no, I don't drive the Av for work. I drive my four-banger Camry.

Bunch of self-righteous turds. You LIKE paying as much as we are for gas? You wouldn't rather pay $1.89 or $2.25 which is about what we paid the last time that a barrel of oil was this "cheap"?

We choose what we drive based on our personal preferences.

I didn't start out complaining about the fuel prices, though I did say that my fuel bill makes me nauseous. I drive what I drive because they suit my needs. I pay for the vehicle, insurance, etc. I believe wholeheartedly in capitalism.

I'd still rather pay $1.89/ gal.

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self righteous? Umm no I'm just realistic plus I know how gas prices ACTUALLY work. I'm in the oil and gas industry, I might have a small idea ;)

Hell no, I don't like paying the current prices for gas. Should not cost me the same to fill my bike as it used to cost me to fill my car a couple years ago. But it is what it is and I learn to deal with it

I must have missed the sarcasm in what I was replying as I thought you meant you actually wanted stricter and more numerous regulations. In the last 3 years natural gas production costs have gone up 4-5x what they should be simply due to increased number and strictness of regulations. Luckily due to the amount in well reserves prices have no been affected. They will however be greatly effected in 3-4 years if changes aren't made in the Federal, as well as PA and OH government make up

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Last I checked they average 7cents per gallon profit.. while ohio gets around 80cents per gallon as tax. some may go towards the roads, but you'd be surprised how much tax can end up in the general fund for hookers and blow.

Edited by DrewsBrews
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Plus there's the fact that not all oil is the same, the heavy crude they're getting from the tar sands in the Dakotas and Canada doesn't make as much gasoline per barrel as the light sweet crude from a well in Saudi.

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This gets my vote.;)

Yes, yes. It is really just a matter of demand and supply.

If you want to do something about it, go for one of these:Tesla-S-Sedan.jpg

If only I had some free cash right now. Natural Gas is an alternative but non-fossil fuel represents the future. The Tesla S and Model X are legitimate electric vehicles for more than just everyday driving. The technology will be used for a Rav4 with Toyota and a Smart with Benz. Hopefully others so the price point will come down.

Still issues with electricity generation but solar, wind and others can offset coal based production.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ran down to Memphis on Tues, back up on Wed. Gas in TN at $3.09, paid $3.11. One place I saw in TN was $3.29, but was off of an exit out in the boonies with no competition. Get back into NKY and Ohio, and its magically in the $3.40's and $3.50's. Pulled up a national gasoline tax map, and TN is a little bit lower than OH, but not THAT much.


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Ran down to Memphis on Tues, back up on Wed. Gas in TN at $3.09, paid $3.11. One place I saw in TN was $3.29, but was off of an exit out in the boonies with no competition. Get back into NKY and Ohio, and its magically in the $3.40's and $3.50's. Pulled up a national gasoline tax map, and TN is a little bit lower than OH, but not THAT much.


I don't think I understand the ridiculousness about it. The change is due to 2 things, Supply/Demand logic and State Taxes. If you think its bad now, just wait to see if Kasich gets his way and screws the Oil and Gas trade. Prices WILL go up further and wouldn't be shocked if Ohio ends up being in the top 7 states of highest gas prices

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I don't think I understand the ridiculousness about it. The change is due to 2 things, Supply/Demand logic and State Taxes. If you think its bad now, just wait to see if Kasich gets his way and screws the Oil and Gas trade. Prices WILL go up further and wouldn't be shocked if Ohio ends up being in the top 7 states of highest gas prices

Yup. Oil companies don't pay taxes. We do. Raise it on them, we pay more.

You have to be a special kind of retarded to believe otherwise.

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just wait to see if Kasich gets his way and screws the Oil and Gas trade.

Hadn't heard about it, so read up on it. Yup, summarily doesn't sound good for us.

As far as the state taxes, they're not different enough to justify the price difference (about 6.6 cents/ gallon).

I'm blaming Speedway for being the barometer of "what prices should be".

Still ridickulus.

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I'm blaming Speedway for being the barometer of "what prices should be".

Still ridickulus.

Funny...I have a good friend that used to be a DM for Speedway. We'd give him shit constantly for "raising the prices" at stores.

We all stopped calling them Speedways a few years agao. We now call them all Kikeways.

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Funny...I have a good friend that used to be a DM for Speedway. We'd give him shit constantly for "raising the prices" at stores.

We all stopped calling them Speedways a few years agao. We now call them all Kikeways.

just wanted to preserve this for shame and posterity.

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