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Wow- just dodged a bad storm


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Left work a little early because I saw a big storm was approaching. Of course 75N was frickin' parking lot out of downtown. I sat in it a bit, in full gear, sweating my ass off. I finally said fuck it and rode the shoulder between Ezzard Charles and Hopple street. A few people beeped at me but fuck 'em I was HOT and i knew the storm was coming.

By the time I reached North Bend Rd on I74 the wind was so bad I could barely maintain my lane and debris was blowing everywhere. I WISH I had my GoPro going at the time. It looked very dicey and probably would have made for some interesting video. I made it home about 10 mins before the lightening and deluge. Phew!

It's hitting a good portion of OH so watch out!

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Good call and I'm glad you made it home just in the nick of time - F the cagers.

I see some dark clouds rolling into my area and the radar is showing it covering all of the state with the nasty cells just south of me.

And I sure hope we don't get any hail since all three of my trucks are parked outside including my new F-150.

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The wind was horrible... I had the bright idea of getting a quick ride in before the storm hit (storm was about 20 miles to the north at the time) but apparently i got caught in the "gust front" part of the storm about 2 minutes into the ride. Definitely learned a lesson and about got knocked on my ass! :lol:

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The winds caught up to me just as I was getting on 74 from 75. Thankfully I was in my work van, but it was still an interesting drive. Got off at harrison ave, and there was a state trooper giving a harley rider a field sobriety test on the side of the road. I hope it wasn't failure to maintain a straight line that was his reasoning......

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The winds caught up to me just as I was getting on 74 from 75. Thankfully I was in my work van, but it was still an interesting drive. Got off at harrison ave, and there was a state trooper giving a harley rider a field sobriety test on the side of the road. I hope it wasn't failure to maintain a straight line that was his reasoning......

We may have crossed paths then...you might have seen me riding the shoulder from before 74 :D I live off the Harrison/Rybolt exit.

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