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As if we didn't give the welfare leaches enough.


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Come on government! People who bust their asses and contribute get nothing, the elderly who worked most of their life get half. We need to wake up.


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I get it, it makes sense. Why not fill the pockets of folks who make bad choices with more opportunity to make bad choices? Then, next month when they're all still poor and still hating The Man for holding them down, we can give them free Iphones or cheese.

I'll feel better going to work tomorrow, knowing that I helped a little.

Afterall, they had to sit around in the heat. I mean, I did too, but they had to sit around and be poor. So, government to the rescue.

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Come on government! People who bust their asses and contribute get nothing, the elderly who worked most of their life get half. We need to wake up.


What happened to personal responsibility? Pulling yourself up by your bootstraps? Taking responsibility for your own life and preparedness, and not relying on the government? Not taking or needing handouts from the government, which should just keep to themselves?

If you're going to be principled, you need to stand on them even when things aren't going your way. Don't misunderstand me (even though I can hear the furious keyboarding already), I'm not commenting on the handouts themselves as I'm sure there are people and families that need it, I'm commenting on the massive amounts of hypocrisy you're demonstrating by complaining that they aren't getting enough, when you (and most of the others that have commented thus far) have decried and condemned government assistance of any time innumerable times before.

Oh yeah, the elderly get half because they are one person, vs. a family with children who are many people. A single 21-year-old with demonstrable damages would get half as well.

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