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I 270 Early Morning Loop


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i like 270 in the dead of morning between 2-4am

minimal cops, and no traffic.....when i had the mustang, i was well into triple digits on 270, almost every morning on my way to work...just a fun time to fuck around and not have to worry about traffic or some jackass merging over in front of you without looking ....also had some fun races on 270 lol

i never minded highway riding, i always found a way to entertain myself....just did 80-85 passing cars until i found one that might wanna race :D

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some of you sound like old ladies, blah blah blah, those roads aren't good enough for me and my bike and such... I don't ride for any "type" of road, I ride because it make me happy, end of story. I'd make that 270 loop with you some morning if you organize something.

It's not like there aren't some regular roads in Franklin County that are halfway interesting (at least by comparison to 270) and have a restaurant or two that don't involve McNuggets. Why on earth restrict yourself to featurless, multi-lane expressway around the city?

It's like going to a bad strip club and sticking your dollar bills in the doorman's jeans instead of the skanks. If you wanna argue it's better than nothing, first make the case that it's your only option (because it ain't).

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I try to avoid 270 if at all possible. I have about been hit so many times in my cage on that road, I don't even want to think about riding it unless I absolutely have to. Some nice deserted 2 lane country highway is much better scenery at 5am as well. Not to mention 270 has become bumpy as hell in many places, especially with all of the road work on the west outerbelt.

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The time you spent bitching about his ride you could have been out riding.Hey if the guy wants to ride 270 more power to him.It's not about the destination it's it's about the ride,but only a person who rides a motorcycle would know that!!My first ride of every riding season was riding around 270.That was 30 years ago and 400,000 miles later i still like riding 270...Shutup and ride..

You know you could be out riding instead of replying! :rolleyes: 24/7 riding for life!

See how stupid your comment is. You don't know wtf we all have done today or any other day. I don't even have destinations when I ride because I just fucking ride as you put it. Fuck a destination, I ride for fun.

Also, nobody insulted Pfloyd. Some just disagreed with the type of riding for their taste.

30 years and 400k miles. Get over yourself dick. :nono:

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