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Canada Vacation


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I decided I want to go fishing in Canada, some of my relatives go every year. They have some room in the cabins so I'm going to take them up on the offer to join them for a week. I've never been to Canada. I already have my Passport, so no issues there. I will be headin to Rideau Mac Resort. Its almost an 11 hour drive from here.

So here is what I have been told so far:

Have a passport.

When stopped at the border declare everything (Duh)

No fruits and vegetables should cross the border

Buy beer here, really expensive in Canada.

The speed limit in Canada is 55, also heard there really is no speed limit.

Don't take your pistol (another duh)

If you have a DUI/OMVI it's $200 to enter for 15 days and one time only (I don't have to worry about this)

As for the fishing part...

I have 18lbs braid with 20lbs mono leader

I have a few 30lbs steel leaders, incase I decide to go after pike.

I have some spinners, spoons, jig heads and a few other various lures.

I have a hat, rain gear, sweatshirt and pants for the early morning trips

I also have sunscreen and bug spray.

So anyone have any other words of advice, or items I should have with me?

Thanks all!

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No mace or pepper spray, no pron, check on knife length restrictions if taking any kind of blade. There maybe limits on the amount of alcohol you can take. Be prepared to pay duties if you buy stuff up there to bring back. Also there is a fee to re-enter our country, $15 I think. Oh and they have a speed limit, but I don't recall what it was. Been to Ontario and Quebec. Quebec sucks, but Ontario was cool. Wife and I are planning to go to Niagara Falls next year as a baby moon.

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- no radar detectors in Ontario, the O.P.P. (Ontario Provincial Police) will nail you. OPP is sorta like the Ohio State Highway Patrol, if Ohio was huge and in Canada. The OPP does run radar up there, no biggie for a few over, but don't push it. Also, you probably should stop at stop signs, no "California Roll".

- take lots of bug spray. If there are bugs, there's good fishing. Bugs = fishing, no bugs = no fishing.

- you will be buying your beer at The Beer Store. Save your bottles, because you paid a deposit on them when you bought them and you'll get it back when/if you return them. Sleeman is good beer. Don't buy Labbatt's, the clerks will laugh at you. Only Americans drink Labbatt's, apparently. Oh, and you'll be buying by the case.

- at the border going into Canada: "do you have any guns?" "alcohol?" "tobacco?" "guns?" "drugs?" "guns?"

- you will either waltz right through Customs (going into Canada) in 1 minute, or all your sh*t will be opened and inspected piece by piece, and it'll take at least an hour. At least they're friendly.

- You can bring whatever you'd like back into the U.S. You won't be searched as long as what you declare seems reasonable. If they can see 10 cases of Molson in the boat and you wrote down "1", all bets are off. About the only thing they'll usually say is "welcome home".

- depending upon how much cash you'll need, go downtown to the Huntington or J.P. Morgan to their International Desk and get that here. You won't get raped with fees like you will in Canada. If you run out of cash, just use your debit/credit card.

- no one dollar bill in Canada, it's a coin, a "loonie" (there's a picture of a loon on it). Their two dollar coin is a "twonie" (two-knee).

- be polite, you're a visitor. Everyone already thinks Americans are assholes, no need to reinforce the perception.

- enjoy the Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights) should you be able to see them. Pretty darn spectacular, even if sober/straight.

- try the local cuisine. It might suck, but you can get McDonald's here. Oh, and the kids at McDonald's in Canada don't think it's clever if you ask for "Canadian bacon" on your egg-uh-muffin.

- you drive on the right side of the road, just like here.

- gas will look really cheap until you realize it's in liters, not gallons. A hair under 4 liters (~3.8 iirc) = 1 gallon, so multiply the price you see by 4, take off a quarter, and that's your cost for a gallon. Approximately. Fill up in New York State before you cross over, it'll be cheaper, I guarantee it.

There's probably other stuff I'll think of. Been going with the fellas for 20 or so years, always a good time.

* edit: In Ontario, they speak English. they say "eh" (sounds like "a") at the end of most sentences. Canadian equivalent of "you know?".

Edited by jblosser
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Ok, so I don't drink a lot, I was planning on just pinking up 2 cases of Bud light and taking it with me. 2 cases for a week for just me should be plenty. I know there is a tax or whatever for taking it across, but I have heard even with the tax its cheaper than buying beer there. As for drugs, what's the deal with prescription meds? I have a scrip I am getting this week. It's medication for cramping, non narcotic, not a pain reliever. Also I am planning on taking Zyrtec and some advil. Any issues there?

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Fuck eh. The places we went truckstops and service plazas accepted American currency, but gave Canadian change. We gave what we had left under $10 to my young brother inlaw he thought it was cool. One thing I noticed up there was the public restrooms were very clean and not graffitied. Very friendly people in Ontario eh?

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Ok, so I don't drink a lot, I was planning on just pinking up 2 cases of Bud light and taking it with me. 2 cases for a week for just me should be plenty. I know there is a tax or whatever for taking it across, but I have heard even with the tax its cheaper than buying beer there. As for drugs, what's the deal with prescription meds? I have a scrip I am getting this week. It's medication for cramping, non narcotic, not a pain reliever. Also I am planning on taking Zyrtec and some advil. Any issues there?

Shouldn't be any issues. You get to bring "x" amount of alcohol with you without tax I believe. I didn't take any alcohol as I was in a semi.

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Ok, so I don't drink a lot, I was planning on just pinking up 2 cases of Bud light and taking it with me. 2 cases for a week for just me should be plenty. I know there is a tax or whatever for taking it across, but I have heard even with the tax its cheaper than buying beer there. As for drugs, what's the deal with prescription meds? I have a scrip I am getting this week. It's medication for cramping, non narcotic, not a pain reliever. Also I am planning on taking Zyrtec and some advil. Any issues there?

should be able to take 2 cases across w/o any tax. really, though, buy something good. I know, I know, you like Bud Light. Try some Molson Light, or Sleeman Light (or Sleeman Steam...), or something else that you can't get here. If you really hate it, someone at the resort will drink it and you can revert to Bud Light.

I'd take your script for any prescription meds you're bringing. OTC stuff shouldn't be an issue. Just keep it the orange bottle you got it in at the pharmacy, put it all in your ditty bag or wherever, and declare it.

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I amy try some "Canadian Beer" while I am there, I had Dos Equis in Mexico, several years before those stupid commercials started. They gave it to use free on the tour bus on the way to Chichen Itza.

Thanks for the info fellas. I'm not leaving for a few more weeks, so if you think of anything else I should know about please let me know.

Thanks again!

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Crb I have never heard of a $15 fee to get back in the country. I have been to Canada at least 4 times and been out of the states another 3 and never been charged to get back in.

Jblosser hit the big points. Beer is expensive as fuck and border patrol is either going to be really awesome or really shitty.

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Crb I have never heard of a $15 fee to get back in the country. I have been to Canada at least 4 times and been out of the states another 3 and never been charged to get back in.

I know we got charged coming back across in Detroit, I don't think we were charged crossing at buffalo. I was in s semi too though. It may only be a fee/toll to cross at Detroit since the ambassador bridge is privately owned. Buffalo is a much easier crossing, the ambassador bridge (Detroit) gets very busy.

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Crb I have never heard of a $15 fee to get back in the country. I have been to Canada at least 4 times and been out of the states another 3 and never been charged to get back in.

Jblosser hit the big points. Beer is expensive as fuck and border patrol is either going to be really awesome or really shitty.

Border Patrol thought CRB looked pretty gullible. So they told him it was 15 bucks to get back in. They probably have his picture hanging in the booths which reads... "If you see this guy coming back into the country, congrats you win $15, collect it from the man pictured above."

I have been to Mexico, but was never charged to get back into the US, but I was on flights, not crossing the border in a car, so I wasn't actually sure....

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Border Patrol thought CRB looked pretty gullible. So they told him it was 15 bucks to get back in. They probably have his picture hanging in the booths which reads... "If you see this guy coming back into the country, congrats you win $15, collect it from the man pictured above."

I have been to Mexico, but was never charged to get back into the US, but I was on flights, not crossing the border in a car, so I wasn't actually sure....

The more I think about it, I think its a toll for the ambassador bridge. I did pisss one of tge border patrol off crossing. I wasn't thinking and took my license out of my wallet and held it with my teeth while pulling up so I didn't lose it. Border patrol flipped out, surprisingly I didn't get searched. Live and learn. :)

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