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Employers using Myspace, FaceBook, etc...


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Ive heard of employer's pulling credit reports but that's somewhat substantiated considering it can actually show just how responsable you are/can be if they intend to hire you.

This just seem's like a violation of personal rights. What happens when an employer looks at a page and discover's the person is homosexual or like's beastiality ... you know something common like that and decides to not hire the person, not based on their performance and merit alone but about something in there personal lives that wouldnt/shouldnt effect their professional lives.

its all crap.

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What happens when an employer looks at a page and discover's the person is homosexual or like's beastiality ... you know something common like

So... someone who is homosexual and or into beatiality... common, eh? You speaking of personal experience? You digging those male horses?

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Not much into horse's (shit have you seen that video?) im more of a sheep fucker than anything... nice and soft. when your done you can use her as a pillow. Do you have any pets? dont lie man, it aint considered cheatin' if you rub peanutbutter on your balls and have your dog lick it off.

"you motorboatin sonofabitch you"

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