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bad storm heading towards cbus 7/18


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I just got woke up to heavy heavy rain and wind on I70 storm is moving towards CBus. If you are on the bike beware. Sounded like hail hitting the truck too. Be safe. It didn't last long,, but it was a mess.

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We desperately need rain down Circleville way. No substantial rain since mid May. I haven't had to mow since May 21. My neighbor says he has lost his crops this year. Its terrible. I heard the NBC weatherman saying it would take 15" of rain to catch up.

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I rode through it...I would say the new mesh Joe Rocket jacket worked well, but it wasn't really tested...just sprinkles...of course, there was a wreck on 270e and I couldn't get on it, so I tried to take 161 e...no traffic lights...power outage...took me about 20 mins to make it from delaware to columbus and another hour to get home.

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my water bill for the past 2 months has exceeded $150/mo due to the sprinklers having to work overtime. i still don't care. i hope it stays nice with just spots of rain like it's been. sorry, no offense meant to those with crops, large gardens, etc... but this is prime fine riding weather.

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my water bill for the past 2 months has exceeded $150/mo due to the sprinklers having to work overtime. i still don't care. i hope it stays nice with just spots of rain like it's been. sorry, no offense meant to those with crops, large gardens, etc... but this is prime fine riding weather.

Too damn hot......bring on Fall!!!!!

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Just sprinkles heading from c-bus to Pickerington yesterday. Looked pretty sweet 33 floors up watching the storm roll in from one side only to go around the building. Rather disappointing, like everyone else a good rain minus power outage, flooding, etc... is needed. I see it is scattered all day today. but as the day goes on the change of rain is at high percentage, so we may be in luck.

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my water bill for the past 2 months has exceeded $150/mo due to the sprinklers having to work overtime. i still don't care. i hope it stays nice with just spots of rain like it's been. sorry, no offense meant to those with crops, large gardens, etc... but this is prime fine riding weather.

And we'll all be paying for this through the nose. This year was being projected as a record breaking harvest year but as it is turning out we are all looking at a huge increase in our food costs. Lately the produce section in our local Krogers has been sparsely stocked with lots of empty bins and lots of what produce there is being very poor in quality. In addition our water table is suffering and I figure the cost of water is also going to spiral upward on a steep slope. Bet your wages don't go up at the same rate.

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you're absolutely right, i totally didn't think about the devastating impact to my finances due to one year of increased food and water prices. you're the only one who knows about short term effect of limited rain fall to crops and water supply, not every other adult who has lived for more than 20 years. oh, what will I do? save me, tom cruise!

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you're absolutely right, i totally didn't think about the devastating impact to my finances due to one year of increased food and water prices. you're the only one who knows about short term effect of limited rain fall to crops and water supply, not every other adult who has lived for more than 20 years. oh, what will I do? save me, tom cruise!

This drought is as bad as the dust bowl years of the Great Depression, and our economy isn't exactly thriving.

I wouldn't make light of high food prices or the possibility of even a global food shortage, when the worlds breadbasket is too dry to produce food. Crazier things have happened...

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you're absolutely right, i totally didn't think about the devastating impact to my finances due to one year of increased food and water prices. you're the only one who knows about short term effect of limited rain fall to crops and water supply, not every other adult who has lived for more than 20 years. oh, what will I do? save me, tom cruise!

Sorry to upset your ride. Nothings more important nor is there anything anyone can say that you don't already know.

Why do I keep trying to be a part of this....? :wtf:

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This drought is as bad as the dust bowl years of the Great Depression, and our economy isn't exactly thriving.

I wouldn't make light of high food prices or the possibility of even a global food shortage, when the worlds breadbasket is too dry to produce food. Crazier things have happened...

maybe in terms of actual rain fall. i sort of doubt it.

in terms of real, practical impact... as in, our ways to react and cope with the shortage due to technology and globalization... not even remotely similar.

Sorry to upset your ride. Nothings more important nor is there anything anyone can say that you don't already know.

Why do I keep trying to be a part of this....? :wtf:

hey, you're the one who started preaching about the food and water in response to a fairly obviously tongue in cheek comment about how great this weather has been for riding (if you recall, i even made a lame attempt at an apology to those i might upset regarding the impact on crops/gardens).

if you get your jimmies rustled, you're gonna have a bad time.

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