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So I think I might be done for the season...


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wait you have $200 for track days but not a radiator? just skip one day. this isn't the end of sept or something jesus debbie downer.

Tires, travel, fuel, etc. Not trying to be debbie downer, but priorities are also big with wedding and honeymoon etc. I don't just do track days fyi, racing is also included in every weekend I go to anymore, so thats 2 days, not 1 etc. Granted this weekend I am skipping Sat. to just race Sunday, so who knows.

Im just stoked he got his GSXR fixed up already, hopefully mine goes the same.

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Yeah ordered a new one 225 shipped and going to take the old one to a shop to try to recoup some of the $$ by fixing it. Who knows, going to make a few calls and pick up some bar shifts I think, 120 a night cash is always nice for bussing glasses and plates lol.

Kevin, thanks for PMing me back so fast man, the radiator should be here mid week and Im pulling the old one tonight from the bike.

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Yea, a new neck would be a must and if they can flush the shit out might help. The water is boiling at way too low of a temp and pumpout of the overflow once we fixed the cap sealing problem. The cap may be shot but I doubt it as we tested it with Cox's and they appeared the same. The tstat is opening and water is flowing but it just doesn't appear to be getting enough pressure so the cap may not be sealing on the inside of the radiator either.

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Huh,I sent madscat a link to a rad for 100 bucks.

Guess I won't waste my time anymore !

No you're good bro, I already had messaged him Saturday, he sold it a while ago he said. I'm a member there too, never go there, but sitll a member LOL.

I appreciate your help trust me.

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No you're good bro, I already had messaged him Saturday, he sold it a while ago he said. I'm a member there too, never go there, but sitll a member LOL.

I appreciate your help trust me.

Alright man,sorry I couldn't have been more help!

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Huh,I sent madscat a link to a rad for 100 bucks.

Guess I won't waste my time anymore !

No you're good bro, I already had messaged him Saturday, he sold it a while ago he said. I'm a member there too, never go there, but sitll a member LOL.

I appreciate your help trust me.

Alright man,sorry I couldn't have been more help!

now, hug it out, you two.

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