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This is a prank?


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This is nothing like the hazings we got/did back in highschool. Freshman would get cornered in a locker room and repeatedly smacked in the face with the football teams jockstraps AFTER practice. Or held by a couple upperclassmen while a line of guys would take turns whacking the kid in the ass with rulers. We never kidnapped little kids, was always low-totem teens in our initiations. These boys should be sentenced to clean public bathrooms for a year over dumbshit like this

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Crazy really, back in the day we did things for "hazing" but never anything like this. I mean I went through it on both ends and it was always minor, not even bruising or anything like that.

I just don't understand what is going on with the world today.

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This is nothing like the hazings we got/did back in highschool. Freshman would get cornered in a locker room and repeatedly smacked in the face with the football teams jockstraps AFTER practice. Or held by a couple upperclassmen while a line of guys would take turns whacking the kid in the ass with rulers. We never kidnapped little kids, was always low-totem teens in our initiations. These boys should be sentenced to clean public bathrooms for a year over dumbshit like this
That is funny but the little kid wasn't a part of any team with the twice his age teenagers. I hope it was stupidity on their part and nothing sinister was planned.
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This is nothing like the hazings we got/did back in highschool. Freshman would get cornered in a locker room and repeatedly smacked in the face with the football teams jockstraps AFTER practice. Or held by a couple upperclassmen while a line of guys would take turns whacking the kid in the ass with rulers. We never kidnapped little kids, was always low-totem teens in our initiations. These boys should be sentenced to clean public bathrooms for a year over dumbshit like this

Whoever smacked me with a jock woul've gotten an ass beating.

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This is nothing like the hazings we got/did back in highschool. Freshman would get cornered in a locker room and repeatedly smacked in the face with the football teams jockstraps AFTER practice. Or held by a couple upperclassmen while a line of guys would take turns whacking the kid in the ass with rulers. We never kidnapped little kids, was always low-totem teens in our initiations. These boys should be sentenced to clean public bathrooms for a year over dumbshit like this
Whoever smacked me with a jock woul've gotten an ass beating.

:lol: No doubt. If I couldn't whoop their ass I would beat those with a ball bat in the legs who put their jock strap on my face. :lol: No kidding either...even if you can beat my ass I will get my revenge for shit like that. I see your jock strap and raise you a broken femur and no more football. :evil: You guys just didn't get the right freshman or the story would be way different.

Edited by NinjaNick
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I went thru a bit of it, but nothing like other freshmen. Hard to beat some ass when you're held down by several big linemen, best to simply suck it up and tolerate the bullshit until its over or risk worse treatment. I stood up to a few Seniors when I was at the end of my freshman year, got a basketball kicked into my back by one of 'em. I waited until they walked away then speared the guy and steamrolled him into the mats on the wall of the gym. It just knocked the wind out of him but he didnt do shit the rest of the year and nobody else touched me after that incident. Then again, I went to Covington where the entire highschool only had about 350 students 9th-12th. Easier to maintain a reputation in a school that small :D

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HS kids are assholes. :lol: Yes, I was one at times too. I had my guilty moments. Also been on the other end of it as well. Never anything that gross though. I would have to catch a few later for a piece of revenge though; some how. :D

I know the feeling, had to exact my revenge a few times but it was mild and mainly verbal bashings more than anything physical. I was a "B" crowd guy that had friends in all cliques. Probably why the hazings I did get were weaker than a lot of other guys:D

Most of the time I didnt get phucked with because of my size and mean looks, but little did they know I'm just a teddy bear at heart :lol:

I am one big softy until ya poke the bear one too many times :D

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*poke poke* ol covtuckey eh? I went to the end zone bar last weekend in covtuckey, and let me tell you what.. it didn't get the name covtuckey for nothing!

No doubt! I left there for that very reason, along with others that tend to be trends in small towns. Buncha drunken Nascar lovin' hicks at The End Zone SB&G!:crazy::farmer:

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