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Friend hits deer


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I haven't heard if there was audio, just saw the video (don't have access to audio right now), but wow. Got right up and kept going. Impressive.

Why'd he just get up and leave?

He was riding in a timed rally.

First time I saw it, I had no idea, and thought he was a jackass for riding the way he was, and for quickly hopping up and taking off without giving at least a brief look over of his bike first. Being a timed event, it makes sense(a little), but I can see someone watching just that 30 second clip and thinking he's an idiot.

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Props to Bradon for the right gear, being a good rider and finding one of those soft boneless WV deer. :lol: Some other video from the rally...


Oh yeah he finished 2nd overall and first in 450 class.

Edited by buildit
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Glad he's okay. THATS funny. Didn't seem to phase him. Bang! Down! Hop up and keep going. Very cool. So nonchalant.

No shit, didn't even let out any four letter words!

Picked up his shit and kept going :bow:

...and finding one of those soft boneless WV deer.


Edited by SWing'R
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Yup! ended up winning more than I lost, the more you watch it the quicker he reacts and eventually ends up swerving around the dear ;)

I see the hospital drugs are working nicely.:rolleyes:

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