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Putnum Aug 11


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Who's heading out in a week? Or where are you going? Debating where to go for my first trackday. That is if I can get the bike around in time.

Putnam is a good track for a first time out as it has a nice mix of fast and slow sections and you can pick up the lines pretty quick. Biased, as it was my first track.

The the org. you run with for your first time is more important. Sportbiketracktime (STT) has a good Novice program that can ease you into the sport and help make for an enjoyable first experience. Others will have to provide input on Motoseries Novice program.

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I was just reading thru the Novice track day on MotoSports Site. It says

No formal instruction is offered for this event, however you may ask for coaching advice. Coaches will only be available on a first come first serve basis. If this is your first track day, we highly recommend you take our Instructional school first. A complete novice to track riding will often spend their first few track days in the instructional group. After a degree of competence, safety, and minimum speed is achieved, the individual will be free to move to the Intermediate track days.

Do you think I will be alright or should I start with the Instructional Group? I don't really wanna wait any longer to do a track day.

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Do the novice day at Putnam with MS. They will have ample amounts of instructors to assist. Trust me, they do a great job at helping, but understand one important thing here - YOU NEED TO ASK FOR HELP WITH ANY ORGANIZATION. If you sit around and think help will come to you, you may never see help as instructors will watch and if you are in need of assistance by the way you are riding, they will dive in to help, but if you tend to blend in and ride fine, you may never see help as they are looking to help those that really need it or ask.

I guess what I am saying is that instruction is awesome. However, unless you ask for some one on one time or help, it can pass you by because they are working with others. Never feel like you are bothering an instructor or anyone at the track.

We should be there Saturday so, any help you need, don't even think twice and come over to talk. I will help as much as I can. KTM RC8R #10 expert. White lifted van with black/silver trailer.

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Do the novice day at Putnam with MS. They will have ample amounts of instructors to assist. Trust me, they do a great job at helping, but understand one important thing here - YOU NEED TO ASK FOR HELP WITH ANY ORGANIZATION. If you sit around and think help will come to you, you may never see help as instructors will watch and if you are in need of assistance by the way you are riding, they will dive in to help, but if you tend to blend in and ride fine, you may never see help as they are looking to help those that really need it or ask.

I guess what I am saying is that instruction is awesome. However, unless you ask for some one on one time or help, it can pass you by because they are working with others. Never feel like you are bothering an instructor or anyone at the track.

We should be there Saturday so, any help you need, don't even think twice and come over to talk. I will help as much as I can. KTM RC8R #10 expert. White lifted van with black/silver trailer.

Awesome, got a little worried when their site suggested the Instructional group.

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Thinking about checking out Nelson Ledges,not sure though watched a few track day vids on YouTube and the course looks like it has some rough spots (filled in tarmac).

Hey, Nelson ain't Mid-Ohio, but at the end of the day, you'll have a blast. The MS group is a group of guys and gals that are VERY good at helping and welcoming new riders and racers.

It has some VERY competitive racers and classes as seen by the fact that the lap times are better if not at worse, equal to the fast WERA guys that run there. As for track days? You won't be going sub 1:10 at a track day starting out so, you'll be perfectly fine.

Sure, doing a track walk can make your head get filled with bad thoughts, but trust me, it is not as bad as even I have stated...;)

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Cool, I'm really more worried about where rider meeting is, getting the bike checked, and all that stuff.

Follow the crowds or just ask the guys you park next too. Most people there are really cool and helpful. Just let them know it is your first time.

Putnam is really small and you can't miss it. Speaker system sucks so take a watch. Track usually opens at 7am. Novice classes are generally held up on the second floor of the tower. Excellent place to get a good visual of the facility.

You can roll in and get your stuff setup. Ignore the "NASA TECH" entry in the image below. Generally, you roll down the "PRE-GRID" area towards the tower. Tech is done there. Rider's meeting may be in the same area or sometimes it is held by vendor/picnic tables next to the "NASA CENTRAL" entry. Registration can be in the tower or in the same "tech/meeting" area. It all depends on how the group wants to run the event.

Don't worry, you can't get lost.


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Awesome. Getting stuff around tonight for the day. Painting up wheels and mounting new rubber tomorrow. Thanks for all the help. If you see a lost guy on a black SV1000S with a OR sticker on the windscreen, point me in the right direction.

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Well, hope this won't tech me out. Came out to the bike yesterday and found a drip of oil under it, thought it was from lubing the chain, rode it. When I got it home I placed a piece of cardboard under it. Got a drip about the size of a penny after sitting all night. Looks like the notorious clutch pushrod seal is starting to leak. I order parts today, but who knows if they will make it in time. What you guys think?

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Is it dropping the level noticeably while your riding it? (Time you left to return home check) If its only that small of a drip while sitting its not a major problem. However if its leaking out under pressure while riding, that's something I'm not sure I would want to take out and risk myself or others too.

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Push rod won't be an issue. If it is the counter shaft seal, you will want to replace. But, as with anything with oil behind it, insurance is better than not. You will have a belly pan for the track I assume. If not, I would do as SJC stated...

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