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My brain just exploded!

Big Chief201

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(October 2011 story). Arizona Rancher, Roger Barnett, had been stuck in a vicious legal battle from 2004 to 2011. Many illegal immigrants were trespassing his property and he held a group of 26 of them at gun point.

According to the Mexican American Legal Defense Fund, the illegal immigrants' rights were being infringed upon. Their case: Barnett did not feel threatened by the illegal immigrants and therefore he could not have been acting in self-defense. A nearby rancher was murdered by illegal immigrants in 2009.

First of all, if you have a gun you wouldn't feel threatened. Secondly, it is his property. You give up your rights once you trespass someone's property without permission -- let alone coming crossing the border.

He was ordered to pay $80,000 because three of the illegal immigrants had Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Ummm?


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Should have just shot them. Claim it as drug wars on his property.

Seems one rancher out there was doing that, then burying them in large holes. Iirc, he got caught and convicted on some sort of bs charges. He had proof of damage and vandalism done to his home/ranch when he was on runs to town for supplies. At night they were constantly a threat to him and his family there. Seems he lived a couple of hours from town. When he returned the house was broken into, goods were stolen and the house and surrounding grounds were trashed, but he still went to jail.

I've got friends who live in Arizona and they all say its far worse out there, trying to deal with illegals, than the media lets on.

Back a few years ago, Mayor Coleman was all up in arms over the proposed Arizona immigration laws, and of course the paper here broadcast all his blatherings. Someone now living along the border in Az (they previously lived and grew up in Columbus; he had read what Coleman said because he still took the Dispatch) wrote into the paper and sent a copy of a letter he wrote to Coleman inviting Coleman to come stay at his place for 2 weeks to see what it was really like because he said Coleman was way out of touch with the reality of the situation there.

This issue is a major player in so much of our economic woes here in the US and needs to be dealt with with more than lip service, imho.

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It's just getting worse and worse....

A veteran Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent is facing suspension after he refused to release an illegal immigrant who was not considered a priority target under the Obama Administration’s new immigration enforcement policies, according to documents provided exclusively to Fox News.


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Stopped reading when I saw "foxnews". Seriously guys, if you want to plead your case don't use a known fabricator of "news" as your source for evidence.

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when you find the fabrication in the report let me know.
exclusively to Fox News

found it^^

Now exclusively from Magz news; Aliens have landed in a small field in Jefferson, ohio. Before quickly departing, they declared that CBR1100XX was the motorcycle that single handedly saved their planet, and that anyone riding one of these should be revered as gods...

When you find the fabrication of this report, please let me know

/lesson on "burden of proof"

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Try this one:


All of these are about Chris Crane. President of the national ICE council. He's been representing ICE officers.

One of my friends from near the Texas - Mexico border moved up here twenty years ago, mostly because he was tired of the hassle. He had a ranch out in the boonies. Warning shots fired at one to two miles were typical. I can't imagine what it's like now.

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it's illegal to detain someone no matter where they're from. learn the laws. I get tired of seeing and hearing about all these vigilante rednecks that think because they own a gun they're judge, juror, and executioner. he got what he deserved.

Edited by serpentracer
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it's illegal to detain someone no matter where they're from. learn the laws. I get tired of seeing and hearing about all these vigilante rednecks that think because they own a gun they're judge, juror, and executioner. he got what he deserved.

so if someone is on your property illegally it is illegal for you to detain them (citizens arrest) while waiting for authorities to arrive?

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so if someone is on your property illegally it is illegal for you to detain them (citizens arrest) while waiting for authorities to arrive?

pretty sure it is. probably a lot of gray area in there. but you know how sue happy people are. I'm sure a lawyer chased these guys down and told them they could sue.

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In this article it is mentioned that he kicked one of the women while they were lying on the ground. Kicking an unarmed woman while you're toting a gun really says a lot huh?

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Last time I looked it up, it is not illegal to detain a criminal till law enforcement arrives.

That would be for Columbus. Reasonable force, of course.

edit: Last time I looked it up, citizen's arrest only applies to capital crimes of murder and kidnapping. Not sure though.

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it's illegal to detain someone no matter where they're from. learn the laws. I get tired of seeing and hearing about all these vigilante rednecks that think because they own a gun they're judge, juror, and executioner. he got what he deserved.

Yeah! Shame on him for being pissed that his property is being overrun and he's not allowed to defend it!

ST: You would allow strangers into your house to take whatever they want?

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found it^^

When you find the fabrication of this report, please let me know

/lesson on "burden of proof"

Lame. But typical. "No YOU prove that its not fabricated". Like Dan Rather fabricating stories about GW's military service? "Its not the factuality of the story, its the nature of the charges", i.e. throw it at the wall and see if it sticks. If they find out its a lie, make them prove it VS us proving that its true.

Liberal tactics: deflect, deflect, and deflect.

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Lame. But typical. "No YOU prove that its not fabricated". Like Dan Rather fabricating stories about GW's military service? "Its not the factuality of the story, its the nature of the charges", i.e. throw it at the wall and see if it sticks. If they find out its a lie, make them prove it VS us proving that its true.

Liberal tactics: deflect, deflect, and deflect.

if you want to see proof fox news makes shit up watch the daily show once in a while. they always play clips of them spinning a story. it's not hard to prove. and it's been publicly brought up and they never deny any of it. because they can't. it's what they do. there's even public records of inside company documents the prove it. when guests on the show start poking holes in their shit they cut their mics and go to commercials all the time.



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Found this for Ohio code:

2935.04 When any person may arrest.

When a felony has been committed, or there is reasonable ground to believe that a felony has been committed, any person without a warrant may arrest another whom he has reasonable cause to believe is guilty of the offense, and detain him until a warrant can be obtained.

Effective Date: 10-01-1953

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This from the Tucson Citizen makes for an interesting local viewpoint:

The Truth about Roger Barnett…another side of the story

It's a long read, but what it appears to be is a fight over a well known drug smuggling route into the United States. Also a route for illegal immigrants as well. And although it's turning into a national left vs right fight, the basic truth is still there. This is about getting people (local citizens) off the drug smuggling route that are in the way.

This is deeply into drug cartels, paid off politicians, lots of politics, lawyers, activists, heavily armed smugglers, money and drugs.

It is also about letting crime run rampant in America.

Again, I say careful what you wish for...

edit: one of the government agents estimated 1400 to 1500 people traveling North in this general area every night.

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I would imagine if he has 'No Trespassing" signs posted he should be covered if someone comes on his property...illegal or otherwise. Why everyone believes that just because you cross the border illegally and walk into America you should get the same rights as an American citizen is beyond me as well. If someone is here without proper documents, they should be deported...immediately. If someone sneaks across the border and has a baby...guess what, they should be shipped back as well along with their little anchor child. If immigrants want to come here to work, that's fine just get temporary visas like everyone else is expected to do. It isn't that difficult of a concept.

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don't they understand??

"State courts to decide if illegal immigrants can become lawyers"

"Can someone who is in the U.S. illegally be counted upon to uphold its laws? That’s the question at the center of a case in the California Supreme Court, in which Sergio Garcia, a 35-year-old illegal immigrant who has passed the bar exam, seeks to be allowed to practice law in the U.S.....

The results in Garcia’s case could sway another decision pending in Florida, in which the Florida Board of Bar Examiners asked the Florida Supreme Court for guidance on whether illegal immigrants can become full-fledged lawyers in the state bar association."

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don't they understand??

"State courts to decide if illegal immigrants can become lawyers"

"Can someone who is in the U.S. illegally be counted upon to uphold its laws? That’s the question at the center of a case in the California Supreme Court, in which Sergio Garcia, a 35-year-old illegal immigrant who has passed the bar exam, seeks to be allowed to practice law in the U.S.....

The results in Garcia’s case could sway another decision pending in Florida, in which the Florida Board of Bar Examiners asked the Florida Supreme Court for guidance on whether illegal immigrants can become full-fledged lawyers in the state bar association."

Let me answer that for them.

NO. He should be deported and can practice law in his home land.

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Good god, let the man sit out there with a Ma Duece and defend our borders for Pete's sake! Illegal is illegal, why is it such a hard concept to grasp? Our whole country needs to drop this "everyone gets a trophy" mentality. Well...it might be the beers talking :)

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