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My brain just exploded!

Big Chief201

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No news source/media is free of wrong information and or tampering with the story "Zimmerman case ring a bell"?;) And as I have said before, this country is fucked up and it is just gonna get worse. Good hard working law abiding American born and raised citizens are becoming victims and scapegoats for many of the shitheads coming into this country. This is now the Divided States of America, we are losing the country to foreigners and scum of the earth lawyers. How many defense lawyers do you honestly think give a shit about principles and honor.......they just wanna get paid!!! Close the damn borders down, we need no more people coming into this country and staying, if they are not productive and respectful to this country. Hell.....do we honestly need anymore people coming into this country PERIOD? Do away with minorities, what the hell is a minority now anyways? "In the United States, the term majority refers to a group that is larger in population size and controls economic, political, and social resources. Given the shift of people of color growing in size that trends indicate will make them a majority, some argue that Caucasian-Americans should no longer be considered the majority".

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No news source/media is free of wrong information and or tampering with the story "Zimmerman case ring a bell"?;) And as I have said before, this country is fucked up and it is just gonna get worse. Good hard working law abiding American born and raised citizens are becoming victims and scapegoats for many of the shitheads coming into this country. This is now the Divided States of America, we are losing the country to foreigners and scum of the earth lawyers. How many defense lawyers do you honestly think give a shit about principles and honor.......they just wanna get paid!!! Close the damn borders down, we need no more people coming into this country and staying, if they are not productive and respectful to this country. Hell.....do we honestly need anymore people coming into this country PERIOD? Do away with minorities, what the hell is a minority now anyways? "In the United States, the term majority refers to a group that is larger in population size and controls economic, political, and social resources. Given the shift of people of color growing in size that trends indicate will make them a majority, some argue that Caucasian-Americans should no longer be considered the majority".

I'm Big Chief201 and I support this message.

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yeah, it's so bad for us...:rolleyes:

Its a lot worse than it used to be and its the politically correct pussies that feel the need to kiss the ass of every non-american citizen or free loading welfare rat that got us to this point. Somethings gotta give soon or the dam is gonna break.

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Its a lot worse than it used to be and its the politically correct pussies that feel the need to kiss the ass of every non-american citizen or free loading welfare rat that got us to this point. Somethings gotta give soon or the dam is gonna break.



yes, there are some people who are "gaming the system" and getting all their income for free... but what kind of life do they have? Now those systems that are being gamed, how many people really need that help? I'm willing to bet there is a lot less abuse of the system than you think...

As for illegal immigrants, the latest numbers show we are actually neutral at the moment, meaning there isn't an influx of illegal immigrants, just as many who are arriving are leaving...

Not that it really matters to me anyway, these aren't my problems to solve... but I can tell you this much, IF i were in their shoes, and i had a chance to give my children a better life, I'd risk mine to give that to them.

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yes, there are some people who are "gaming the system" and getting all their income for free... but what kind of life do they have? Now those systems that are being gamed, how many people really need that help? I'm willing to bet there is a lot less abuse of the system than you think...

As for illegal immigrants, the latest numbers show we are actually neutral at the moment, meaning there isn't an influx of illegal immigrants, just as many who are arriving are leaving...

Not that it really matters to me anyway, these aren't my problems to solve... but I can tell you this much, IF i were in their shoes, and i had a chance to give my children a better life, I'd risk mine to give that to them.

Wow.....you truly are a disturbed individual, and I mean that in the nicest way possible.:wtf: If you actually worked in the healthcare profession, you would get to see first hand all those playing the system and whom seem to be doing just fine. No matter how poor and down on their luck some claim to be, they always have money for cigarettes, drugs, alcohol, lottery tickets, cable tv or satellite, x-boxes, and money to enjoy the State Fair. Just where the hell "do you stand" when it comes to anything political, laws, rights, stances, privleges? I am under the impression that you think pretty much anything goes, and that it is everybody's right to come and go and do as they please? Care to explain just who you are and what you believe in, are you so anti-government, and are you out for the people no matter what the people think is right? Do you travel the country much, do you actually leave your safe little piece of Heaven in NE Ohio much, do you have a job where you actually deal with people day in and day out from all walks of life, and are you so much obsessed with freedom of everything, to see that everything is NOT OK? Are you even of the Earth, are you actuality an ancient alien? If you cannot see the blatant pussification of this country, and where we are currently and are heading, you might just need a few visits to a shrink. Or you just might be the forum troll, which is what I am hoping is the case.

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I'm looking out for me, but at least I'm honest about it... i'd love to see the government virtually dismantled, and a Ron Paulesque minimalistic government in it's place. HOWEVER, the odds of that are the same as everyone abandoning their guns and their religion...

Taxes aren't killing me. Sure, they kinda suck, but I don't pretend that the people on welfare are as well of as I am. Maybe they could get a minimum wage job at mcdonalds... maybe not... doesn't effect me all that much.

The fact is we live in a socialist hybrid system, and the democrats historically have done a better job managing that system for general prosperity. Republicans have ushered in recession after recession.

I don't care about illegal immigrants, there is plenty of work that they do that I really have no interest in doing.

I'm not so draconian to think that just because someone has broken a law that they should necessarily be punished for it. Their reason for breaking the law should be considered, and whether their "crime" has any victims.

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I'm not so draconian to think that just because someone has broken a law that they should necessarily be punished for it. Their reason for breaking the law should be considered, and whether their "crime" has any victims.

Are you serious.......well that is a trick question I guess. So what laws should folks not necessarily be punished for, and what examples of breaking the law are OK and should be considered? Now I am talking about misdemeanor to felony laws, not jaywalking and speeding. And I have news for you, CRIME always has victims, and the victims are typically pulling the shortest straw. What typically makes people trespass, steal, break and enter, commit violent crimes....etc? Odds are that they are drug addicts, gang members, ex-cons, and miserable lazy scum that don't work but take from those that do. We are all accountable for what we do, and there are many that make some very bad choices. My home and property, my family, and my possessions are all that really matters and is truly important. We should all have the "right" to protect our livelyhood and family, in more situations than not. Like this fellow who is the subject of this thread, he got royally bent-over for something that he had every right to protect......and he didnt hurt anybody while doing it. Where are his rights, why did he become the victim? Foreigners and the so called less fortunate are getting the upperhand, this country needs to get back to doing the right things, not the cowardly and politically correct ways. These were not American citizens, they are not playing by the rules. You claim that you wouldn't do this and wouldn't do that in certain situations, that you don't care about your possessions, but I call 100% bogus on that.;) I am looking out for me too, and I am being honest about that. And as for the less fortunate in this country, and countless others that live in a country that is horrible to its people.......that isn't my problem.

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I'm not so draconian to think that just because someone has broken a law that they should necessarily be punished for it. Their reason for breaking the law should be considered, and whether their "crime" has any victims.

I quote this as proof his brain is fried. So victimless crimes are okay? So bank robbers are alright, I mean they never really steal from each person, it's just bank money?:wtf: You are a real piece of work, useless as piss on a California forest fire.:nono:

I crown you as king TROLL!

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Seems one rancher out there was doing that, then burying them in large holes. Iirc, he got caught and convicted on some sort of bs charges. He had proof of damage and vandalism done to his home/ranch when he was on runs to town for supplies. At night they were constantly a threat to him and his family there. Seems he lived a couple of hours from town. When he returned the house was broken into, goods were stolen and the house and surrounding grounds were trashed, but he still went to jail.

Is that it? A few people, probably illegal mexicans but who knows, ransacked his place and he starts Nazi style mass graves on every brown person he sees? And you take his side? You disgusting fuck.

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I quote this as proof his brain is fried. So victimless crimes are okay? So bank robbers are alright, I mean they never really steal from each person, it's just bank money?:wtf: You are a real piece of work, useless as piss on a California forest fire.:nono:

I crown you as king TROLL!

I agree wholeheartedly.

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Is that it? A few people, probably illegal mexicans but who knows, ransacked his place and he starts Nazi style mass graves on And you take his side? You disgusting fuck.

If our own govt turns its back on a problem like that then the person who continually is getting his home and property destroyed has every right to take care of the problem himself. And where did you get him killing

every brown person he sees?
? Can't read you stupid fuck?

Ok, so now I will come back up out of the shithole you inhabit......and say that anyone who thinks these illegals who are invading our country have the right to do what they want when they get here, illegally, then you should go down to the problem area and see for yourself what the truth of the matter is.

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Are you serious.......well that is a trick question I guess. So what laws should folks not necessarily be punished for, and what examples of breaking the law are OK and should be considered? Now I am talking about misdemeanor to felony laws, not jaywalking and speeding.

2 examples... since you took away speeding :rolleyes:

Drug possession for one... if frank wants to smoke a joint, or snort a line, or shoot up on his couch in his living room, he should have every right to do that... who's the victim?

Homeless Joe shmo crosses the border with his family from mexico to california, and gets a job picking oranges... Who did he hurt? Not the orange farmer...

He just improved his situation, gave his children a better life than they had. His new income of $2 a bushel allows him to feed his family...and allows farmer frank to get his oranges to market efficiently. Makes oranges more abundant, and now everyone can afford oranges.

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2 examples... since you took away speeding :rolleyes:

Drug possession for one... if frank wants to smoke a joint, or snort a line, or shoot up on his couch in his living room, he should have every right to do that... who's the victim?

Homeless Joe shmo crosses the border with his family from mexico to california, and gets a job picking oranges... Who did he hurt? Not the orange farmer...

He just improved his situation, gave his children a better life than they had. His new income of $2 a bushel allows him to feed his family...and allows farmer frank to get his oranges to market efficiently. Makes oranges more abundant, and now everyone can afford oranges.

Then Frank OD's and we have to foot the bill, or he is out of money goes and robs some one to get his next fix.

Joe child becomes school age we pay for that. Joes family gets hurt we pay for that. Joe can't get a legal drivers license so he cant take the test, cant get insurance. Wrecks and kills some one, or hits someones property. We pay for that by paying higher insurance.

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Then Frank OD's and we have to foot the bill, or he is out of money goes and robs some one to get his next fix.

Joe child becomes school age we pay for that. Joes family gets hurt we pay for that. Joe can't get a legal drivers license so he cant take the test, cant get insurance. Wrecks and kills some one, or hits someones property. We pay for that by paying higher insurance.

who says Frank ODs? there are lots and lots of casual drug users...never OD...

Who says Joe is driving? he lives right next to the imaginary orange farm...and he cant afford a car or gas on imaginary $2 a bushel...

Now what about you? should we assume the worst?

For that matter, do you deserve special treatment because you happened to be born here?

Are you automatically better than someone who was born across an arbitrary border?

What would you do in their shoes? you got no money, no job, your family is starving, and your whole country is overrun with crime and poverty... next door (across a fence, or a small desert) there is an opportunity for you to get a job, and provide for your family, as well as be relatively safe, what would YOU do?

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Drug possession for one... if frank wants to smoke a joint, or snort a line, or shoot up on his couch in his living room, he should have every right to do that... who's the victim?

Oh, sure. Drugs don't hurt anyone. Just like blood diamonds. :wtf:

Homeless Joe shmo crosses the border with his family from mexico to california, and gets a job picking oranges... Who did he hurt? Not the orange farmer...

He just improved his situation, gave his children a better life than they had. His new income of $2 a bushel allows him to feed his family...and allows farmer frank to get his oranges to market efficiently. Makes oranges more abundant, and now everyone can afford oranges.

Homeless Joe from Mexico resulted in increased police because he carried his paycheck in cash and every criminal knew it. He was rolled and went to the hospital but with no money and no insurance we paid for it. All the public services that Joe enjoys but pays nothing towards get passed down the road to us. Homeless Joe used a coyote to get into the US who also runs a human trafficing service and has Joe bring a package of Crack Cocaine across the border with him.

Your analysis would have people believe that the mob is a great organization supporting community identity, protection services, worker rights and free trade. What a great group the Mob is! :rolleyes:

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Your over looking the main problem. Joe isnt a american citizen..... Have you ever seen the figures of how much money these people send back to mexico? Money thats should be goin back into our economy...... Heres one.... The farms out west can hire these "joes" were the goverment pays 1/2 of what they earn for the first so many months to where the farm owner is supposed to take up and pay the full amount themselves. Except they own several different farms and ship the "joes" from one to the other to where said goverment will pay 1/2 their pay again,,,,,, the illigals in this country are only one of many major ways this country is just pissnmoney away.

I also hate to say its gonna take a act of the military to get whats happening at the mexican border under control. The cartell activity is so out of control...... And yes, some of the horror stories ive heard about whats happene down that way i would defend my property to the fullest. Just in case you wee wondering i have several family members who live in west and southern texas so im not just goin off the news

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Homeless Joe from Mexico resulted in increased police because he carried his paycheck in cash and every criminal knew it. He was rolled and went to the hospital but with no money and no insurance we paid for it.

alright, if you guys get to write the story, I'll finish it...

While the doctors are working on homeless joe, they run his blood work and they discover an unusual mutation in his mitochondria... this mutation leads to a cure for cancer, aids, and destroys the tendency to murder...

the whole world is better off, and everyone is happy...

thank sky fairy for imaginary homeless Joe...

now back to the point, illegal immigration is neutral right now... meaning just as many people are jumping ship as are coming onboard.

I don't blame them for it, I don't believe myself to be better than them, just fortunate enough to have been conceived inside an American.

not to mention, there are more border guards now than at any time in our history, ever... so what do you think this government should do? waste ALL of our money building fences and killing civilians of mexico?

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Your over looking the main problem. Joe isnt a american citizen.....

again, so what? are you better than him because you are?

Have you ever seen the figures of how much money these people send back to mexico?

is it more money than American companies are sending? because I doubt it

Money thats should be goin back into our economy...... Heres one.... The farms out west can hire these "joes" were the goverment pays 1/2 of what they earn for the first so many months to where the farm owner is supposed to take up and pay the full amount themselves.

So kill government farm subsidies... problem solved.

Except they own several different farms and ship the "joes" from one to the other to where said goverment will pay 1/2 their pay again,,,,,, the illigals in this country are only one of many major ways this country is just pissnmoney away.

again, end those farm subsidies...

I also hate to say its gonna take a act of the military to get whats happening at the mexican border under control. The cartell activity is so out of control...... And yes, some of the horror stories ive heard about whats happene down that way i would defend my property to the fullest. Just in case you wee wondering i have several family members who live in west and southern texas so im not just goin off the news

So... what? machine guns every 10 feet from the gulf to the ocean? summarily kill anyone who comes into range, women, children, whoever?

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So... what? machine guns every 10 feet from the gulf to the ocean? summarily kill anyone who comes into range, women, children, whoever?

Dam, I like your thinking. See you're starting to get it. I bet we could get rednecks to pay to have a chance to man the guns for the opportunity to waste a border crosser. :p

What would happen to you if you illegally entered Canada? You'd be arrested and deported with fines and a jail sentence waiting for you back here. Why should Mexicans and Cubans expect any less?

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