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My girlfriend keeps getting shitty emails from who we assume is a friends wife or ex or somthing along thoes lines. With just the email address is it possible to find an IP address? And then track it? Or figure out who the account belongs to?

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probably not without the help of law enforcement, unless the sender is sending from their 'regular' account, e.g. "jane.doe@hotmail.com".

easy enough to find from what mail server it's coming, but identifying it past that will require the help of an admin for that server, and they aren't gonna tell you anything without a subpoena.

if it happens to be coming from one of mine, I'd tell you, but other than that, sorry.

could attempt to engage the sender in conversation in hopes of drawing out some identifiable info, but likely better to ignore them completely and wait for them to get tired of the lack of response and quit.

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senor blosser's right on this one. You'd have much better luck finding out what the asshole wants by talking to him then being able to pin down his identity and location via email forensics. Or you can just banish that address to the spam folder and the problem also magically goes away.

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